NaslovnaPritužbeWinscore Casino - Nalog igrača ostaje otvoren uprkos zahtevu za zatvaranje.
Winscore Casino - Nalog igrača ostaje otvoren uprkos zahtevu za zatvaranje.
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4.500 €
Winscore Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Germany has been attempting to close their account for over six months due to gambling addiction but faces consistent neglect from the casino, including ignored emails and offers of bonuses instead of account closure. They have lost significant funds during this period and are seeking a permanent closure of their account.
Igrač iz Nemačke pokušava da zatvori svoj nalog više od šest meseci zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, ali se suočava sa stalnim zanemarivanjem kazina, uključujući ignorisane mejlove i ponude bonusa umesto zatvaranja naloga. Oni su tokom ovog perioda izgubili značajna sredstva i traže trajno zatvaranje svog računa.
Više puta sam kontaktirao kazino više od pola godine. Koristio sam interni ćaskanje i napisao im 100 mailova. Ili su me ignorisali, ili su mi ponudili bonus da me zadrže na njihovoj platformi, ili su mi rekli da kontaktiram drugu adresu e-pošte, što sam i uradio, ali su ipak nastavili da ignorišu moj zahtev. Kada su odgovorili, to je bilo zato što su hteli da znaju razlog mog zahteva. Ovo je bio samo još jedan jeftin način da me ignorišete, jer sam uvek spominjao u svojim imejlovima da patim od zavisnosti od kockanja i da mi je potrebno da ovaj nalog bude zatvoren i da nikada više ne mogu da se otvorim. Svaki drugi onlajn kazino do sada je odmah trajno zatvorio moj nalog i blokirao mi otvaranje novih naloga. Samo je ovaj kazino to do danas odbijao. Izgubio sam toliko novca od dana kada sam ih prvi put zamolio da mi trajno zatvore račun... Možda sam mogao da uštedim nešto novca, da nisu maltretirali svoju dužnost da obezbede odgovorno igranje. Nisam mogao da otpremim dokumente zbog ograničenja od 5 MB. Rado ću dostaviti dokumente putem e-pošte. Imam 100 dostupnih e-poruka, gde sam kontaktirao opštu podršku kazina, korisničku podršku i jedinice za brigu o korisnicima. 4500€ je samo možda 10% iznosa koji sam izgubio u poslednjih 6 meseci od kada sam prvi put tražio od kazina da trajno zatvori moj nalog zbog moje zavisnosti od kockanja.
I have been contacting the casino several times since over half a year. I used the internal chat as well as wrote them 100s of mails. They either ignored me, or offered a bonus to keep me on their platform, or told me to contact another email address, which I did, but still then they continued to ignore my request. When they answered, it was because they wanted to know the reason for my request. This was just another cheap way of ignoring me, as I always mentioned in my emails that I suffer from gambling addiction and I need this account to be closed and never be able to reopen again. Every other online casino has so far immediately closed my account permanently and blocked me from creating new accounts. Only this casino has been refusing it until today. I have lost so much money since the day I asked them for the first time to close my account permanently... Maybe, I could have saved some money, if they did not mistreat their duty to ensure responsible gaming. I could not upload the documents because of the 5mb limit. I would be happy to provide the documents via email. I have 100s of emails available, where I contacted the casino's general support, customerassist, and customercare units. The 4500€ are just maybe 10% of the amount that I lost in the last 6 months since asking the casino first time to close my account permanently due to my gambling addiction.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Vinscore kazinom.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Da li je nalog vašeg igrača već zatvoren?
Da li ste već zatražili povraćaj vaših depozita zbog neuspelog samoisključenja?
Kada ste poslednji put položili depozit u kazinu?
Imajte na umu da je slanje 100 e-poruka preterano. Umesto toga, pošaljite mi ključne poruke e-pošte koje podržavaju vaše tvrdnje, uključujući odgovore kazina na moju e-poštu na
Ako postoje snimci ekrana, slobodno ih postavite ovde.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear goku23,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with Winscore Casino.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Is your player's account already closed?
Have you requested a refund of your deposits already due to failed self-exclusion?
When was the last time you deposited in the casino?
Please note sending 100 emails is excessive. Instead, send me the key emails supporting your claims including the responses of the casino to my email at
If there are any screenshots, feel free to post them here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Da li je vaš nalog igrača već zatvoren? - Zatvoren je od ponedeljka, 4. novembra, nakon što sam i ja pretio da ću to prijaviti nadležnima.
Da li ste već zatražili povraćaj vaših depozita zbog neuspelog samoisključenja? - Jesam, nekoliko puta, ali nije jednom adresirano i nisam dobio odgovor.
Kada ste poslednji put položili novac u kazinu? - Prošlog petka.
Još uvek imam nekoliko mejlova, ali mislim da bi trebalo da bude dovoljno da ih pošaljem samo od avgusta do danas. Kazino se ponaša beskrupulozno i iskorišćava zavisnost igrača. Prvo oni ponude bonus, a onda prihvatite ponudu i nastavite da igrate. Ali onda, ako ni vi ne prihvatite bonus ponudu, posle 1 ili 2 nedelje me pitaju zašto želim da zatvorim. I to uprkos činjenici da sam nekoliko puta u mejlovima pomenuo da je to zbog zavisnosti od kockanja. Nekoliko nedelja kasnije dobijam još jedan odgovor koji mi kaže da moram da pišem na drugu adresu e-pošte jer je ovo odeljenje odgovorno za to. Već sam to uradio nekoliko puta u poslednjih 6 meseci, ali nisam dobio nikakav odgovor. Takođe je veoma sumnjivo da se tako važni zahtevi ne prosleđuju interno. Igraču je gotovo nemoguće da trajno zatvori nalog. Nakon nekog vremena oni nude samoisključivanje na 30 dana, ali ovo možete odmah poništiti u roku od 2 minuta u ćaskanju. Nadam se da ću dobiti samo delić onoga što sam tamo izgubio. 4500 evra nije ni 10% mojih gubitaka od kada sam obavestio kazino da patim od zavisnosti od kockanja.
Hi Tomas,
Email with screenshots has been sent.
Is your player account already closed? - It has been closed since Monday, November 4th, after I also threatened to report it to the authorities.
Have you already requested a refund of your deposits due to a failed self-exclusion? - I have, several times, but it has not been addressed once and I have not received a response.
When was the last time you deposited money at the casino? - Last Friday.
I still have several emails, but I think it should be enough if I only send them from August to today. The casino acts unscrupulously and exploits the players' addiction. First they offer a bonus, then you accept the offer and carry on playing. But then, if you don't accept the bonus offer either, after 1 or 2 weeks they ask me why I want to close. And that's despite the fact that I mentioned several times in the emails that it's because of gambling addiction. A few weeks later I get another reply telling me that I have to write to a different email address because this department is responsible for it. I've already done this several times over the past 6 months, but I haven't received any response. It's also very dubious that such important requests aren't forwarded internally. It's made almost impossible for the player to close the account permanently. After a while they offer a self-exclusion for 30 days, but you can immediately reverse this within 2 minutes in the chat. I hope that I will only get back a fraction of what I lost there. The €4500 is not even 10% of my losses since I informed the casino that I suffer from a gambling addiction.
Hi Tomas,
E-Mail mit Screenshots ist raus.
Ist Ihr Spielerkonto bereits geschlossen? - Seit Montag, den 04. November ist es nun geschlossen, nachdem ich auch damit gedroht habe, dass ich den Behörden melden werde.
Haben Sie aufgrund eines fehlgeschlagenen Selbstausschlusses bereits eine Rückerstattung Ihrer Einzahlungen beantragt? - Habe ich, mehrmals, jedoch wurde nicht einmal darauf eingegangen und ich habe keine Antwort erhalten.
Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal im Casino eingezahlt? - Letzte Woche Freitag erst.
Ich habe deutlich mehrere E-Mails noch, aber, ich denke, es sollte auch reichen, wenn ich nur von August bis heute schicke. Das Casino agiert skrupellos und nutzt die Sucht der Spieler aus. Zunächst bieten sie einen Bonus, dann nimmt man das Angebot an und spielt weiter. Dann aber, wenn man auch das Bonusangebot nicht annimmt, wird nach 1 Woche oder 2 Wochen gefragt, warum ich schließen will. Und das, obwohl ich mehrmals auch in den E-Mails erwähnt habe, dass es wegen Spielsucht ist. Einige Wochen später kommt dann wieder eine Antwort, wo man mich darauf hinweist, dass ich eine andere E-Mail-Adresse anschreiben muss, da diese Abteilung dafür verantwortlich ist. Dies habe ich bereits seit über 6 Monaten mehrmals getan, jedoch kommt dann gar keine Antwort mehr. Ausserdem ist es auch sehr dubios, dass solche wichtige Anfragen nicht intern weitergeleitet werden. Es wird dem Spieler fast unmöglich gemacht, das Konto dauerhaft zu schließen. Nach einer Weile bieten sie eine Self-Exclusion an für 30 Tage, die man aber sofort innerhalb von 2 Minuten im Chat wieder rückgängig machen kann. Ich hoffe, dass ich nur einen Bruchteil von dem, was ich dort verloren habe, wieder zurückbekomme. Die 4500€ sind nicht einmal 10% meiner Verluste seitdem ich das Casino darauf hingewiesen habe, dass ich unter Spielsucht leide.
Hvala vam puno, goku23, što ste dali potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Kubou ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, goku23, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Kubo ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ja sam Kubo i od sada ću se pobrinuti za tvoju žalbu. Ako je bilo novih ažuriranja u vezi sa ovim slučajem od poslednje date informacije, obavestite me.
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnike Vinscore kazina da se pridruže ovoj diskusiji i pruže sve dostupne informacije koje će pomoći u rešavanju ovog problema.
Dragi Vinscore Casino ,
Možete li nam dati detaljno objašnjenje ovog slučaja, uključujući razloge za značajno kašnjenje u obradi zahteva igrača za samoisključivanje? Pored toga, kako kazino planira da reši situaciju sa igračem u svetlu ovog kašnjenja? Da li će biti ponuđen bilo kakav oblik kompenzacije i koji koraci se preduzimaju da se slična kašnjenja ne bi dešavala u budućnosti?
Hvala unapred na odgovoru!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear goku23,
I'm Kubo, and I will be taking care of your complaint from now on. If there have been any new updates regarding this case since the last information provided, please let me know.
I would like to invite the Winscore Casino's representatives to join this discussion and provide any available information to help resolve this issue.
Dear Winscore Casino,
Could you kindly provide a detailed explanation of this case, including the reasons for the significant delay in processing the player's self-exclusion request? Additionally, how does the casino plan to resolve the situation with the player in light of this delay? Will any form of compensation be offered, and what steps are being taken to prevent similar delays from occurring in the future?
Dragi Kubo, napisao sam im pre dve nedelje i mom VIP menadžeru Emi i tražio od njih nadoknadu. Nažalost, nisu ni reagovali. Imajte na umu da sam vam upravo poslao mejlove od septembra. Takođe imam preko 50 mailova koji se odnose na april i maj. Međutim, pošto bi kockarska kompanija trebalo da barem trajno zatvori račun u roku od 1 nedelje, mislio sam, bilo bi dovoljno da pokažu da nisu ispunili svoju dužnost da se ponašaju kao odgovorni kazino, kada i ja šaljem te mailove samo od septembra. .. Takođe imajte na umu da sam zamolio 3 druga kazina da zatvore moj račun zbog moje zavisnosti od kockanja i sva 3 su mi zatvorila račune u roku od nekoliko sati...
Dear Kubo, I wrote them two weeks ago and also my VIP manager Emma and asked them for compensation. Unfortunately, they didnt evrn react. Note, that I just sent you mails from September. I do also have over 50 mails going back to April and May. However, since a gambling company should at least close the account permanently within 1 week, I thought, it would be enough to show that they did not fulfil their duty to act as a responsible casino, when I also only send those mails from September... Also note that I have asked 3 other casinos to close my acxount due to my gambling addiction and all 3 have closed my accounts within a couple of hours...
Imajte na umu da je igračev zahtev za samoisključivanje bio 01.11.2024. Naš namenski tim je to pregledao i njegov nalog je isključen 05.11.2024, što je u skladu sa našim Uslovima i odredbama. Vredi napomenuti da je potrebno tehničko vreme da bi se njegov zahtev obradio. Igrač je takođe već dobio potvrdu.
srdačan pozdrav,
Vinscore Casino
Dear Kubo,
Please be advised that the player's self-exclusion request was on 01/11/2024. Our dedicated team reviewed it and his account was excluded on 05/11/2024 which is in accordance with out Terms & Conditions. It is worth mentioning that a technical time is required in order for his request to be processed. The player already received a confirmation as well.
Nisam iznenađen ovim groznim odgovorom kazina... Poslao sam vašim kolegama sve mailove i odgovore Vinscore-a počev od sredine avgusta 2024., a oni i dalje tvrde da nisu postupili pogrešno, osim toga, pretvaraju se da jesam nikada ranije nisam slao e-poruke... Otpremio sam neke od mejlova iz avgusta... Pisao sam na 3 različite adrese, korisničku podršku, podršku i pomoć korisnicima. Takođe sam već bio potvrđen i verifikovan kupac, koji je ranije dao kopiju pasoša, verifikaciju adrese, obaveštenje banke. Ljubazno vas molim da uklonite ovaj kazino iz vašeg odeljka za promociju i prestanete da ga oglašavate. Oni očigledno zanemaruju svoje obaveze da obezbede odgovorno kockanje. Takođe, izgleda da nisu voljni da ponude bilo kakvu odštetu, a kamoli izgovor...
Dear Kubo,
I am not surprised about this atrocious answer of the casino... I sent your colleagues all the mails and answers of Winscore starting from mid August 2024 and yet they are still claiming they didnt act wrongly, in addition, they are pretending that I have never sent emails before... I uploaded some of the emails from August... I wrote to 3 different addresses, customercare, support, and customerassist. Also I was already a confirmed and verified customer, who had provided copy of passport, address verification, bank announcement before. I kindly request that you take out this casino from your promotion section and stop advertising them. They are clearly neglecting their duties of ensuring responsible gambling. Also, it looks like they are not willing to offer any compensation, let alone an excuse...
Igrač je dao više snimaka ekrana svog poštanskog sandučeta, koji pokazuju mejlove poslate još u avgustu 2024. sa zahtevom da se njihov nalog zatvori zbog problema sa kockanjem. Međutim, naveli ste da je zahtev podnet u novembru.
Možete li da razjasnite i objasnite ovu neslaganje?
Dear Winscore Casino,
The player has provided multiple screenshots of his mailbox, which show emails sent as early as August 2024 requesting the closure of their account due to gambling issues. However, you have stated that the request was submitted in November.
Could you please clarify and explain this discrepancy?
Imajte na umu da je, kao što je prikazano na prvom snimku ekrana koji je dao sam igrač, zatražio samoisključivanje zbog problema sa kockanjem na naznačenu adresu e-pošte 22.8.2024. Naše resorno odeljenje mu je odgovorilo 26.08.2024. zahtevajući neke osnovne dokumente kako bi nastavili sa njegovim zahtevom, međutim igrač je odbio da ih dostavi, sprečavajući nas da nastavimo dalje i da se pozabavimo zahtevom u skladu sa tim.
Pored toga, kao što je prikazano na trećem snimku ekrana koji je dao igrač, u mejlu poslatom 30.08.2024., on pominje da je već verifikovani kupac, što je u ovom slučaju netačno, jer je do tada igrač bio nije verifikovano. Kao što znate, standardna je praksa da se verifikuje igrač po takvim zahtevima, jer moramo da budemo sigurni da pojedinac podnosi zahtev, zbog čega nam je potrebna dokumentacija.
Iz ovoga je jasno da smo hteli da pomognemo i pružimo potrebnu pomoć igraču, ali je zbog nesaradnje ceo proces namerno odugovlačio.
srdačan pozdrav,
Vinscore Casino
Dear Kubo,
Please note that, as shown on the first screenshot provided by the player himself, he requested a Self-Exclusion due to gambling issues to the designated email address on 22/08/2024. Our relevant department responded to him on 26/08/2024 requesting some basic documents in order to proceed with his request, however the player refused to provide them, preventing us from moving forward and dealing with the request accordingly.
Additionally, as shown on the third screenshot provided by the player, in the email sent on 30/08/2024, he is mentioning that he is already a verified customer, which in this case is incorrect, as until that time, the player was not verified. As you are aware, it is standard practice to verify a player upon such requests since we need to be certain of the individual submitting the request, which is why we need documentation.
Having said this, it is clear that we wanted to help and provide the needed assistance to the player, but due to the lack of cooperation, the whole process was delayed intentionally by him.
Već sam otpremio svoje dokumente na veb lokaciju ubrzo nakon otvaranja naloga i verifikovao sam se. Ipak, pitam se zašto od mene kazino traži takve privatne dokumente da bi zatvorio svoj račun... Međutim, kao što vidite na snimcima ekrana, na kraju sam poslao potvrdu kartice iz moje banke 4 puta na različite adrese e-pošte. Između ostalog, pokazao je: moju adresu, datum rođenja, ime, IBAN i kreditne kartice koje su povezane sa ovim nalogom. A ipak kazino nije reagovao.
Nekoliko puta sam spomenuo da patim od zavisnosti od kockanja. Nekoliko puta sam ignorisan ili ubeđen da ostanem sa besplatnim opkladama. Kao zavisnik od kockanja, nemate kontrolu nad svojim kockanjem. Postoje trenuci kada prihvatate besplatne opklade ili ih tražite jer imate želju da se kockate. Kod mene je to često bio slučaj. Međutim, kazino je trebalo odmah da reaguje kada sam prvi put zatražio zatvaranje naloga i opravdao to zavisnošću od kockanja. Kazino laže i ne ponaša se odgovorno. Konačno sam poslao dokument na 4 različite adrese i dalje se ništa nije dogodilo. Račun je zatvoren samo 2-3 nedelje nakon što sam ga prijavio ovde. Očekujem posledice od vas. Ostale igrače treba upozoriti na ovaj kazino i prestati da ga reklamirate. Takođe ću prijaviti ovaj kazino nadležnima za kockanje ako ne možemo da postignemo dogovor.
Dear Casino Guru Team,
I had already uploaded my documents to the website shortly after opening the account and had myself verified. Nevertheless, I wonder why the casino is asking me for such private documents in order to close my account... However, as you can see from the screenshots, I ultimately sent a card confirmation from my bank 4 times to different email addresses. Among other things, it showed: my address, date of birth, name, IBAN, and the credit cards that are linked to this account. And yet the casino did not respond.
I have mentioned several times that I suffer from gambling addiction. I was ignored several times or persuaded to stay with free bets. As a gambling addict, you have no control over your gambling. There are times when you accept free bets or ask for them because you have the urge to gamble. This was often the case with me. However, the casino should have reacted immediately when I first asked for the account to be closed and justified it with gambling addiction. The casino lies and does not act responsibly. I finally sent the document to 4 different addresses and still nothing happened. The account was only closed 2-3 weeks after I reported it here. I expect consequences from you. Other players should be warned about this casino and you should stop advertising it. I will also report this casino to the gambling authorities if we cannot reach an agreement.
Liebes Casino Guru Team,
ich hatte bereits meine Dokumente damals kurz nach der Eröffnung des Kontos auf der Webseite hochgeladen und mich verifizieren lassen. Nichtsdestotrotz, frage ich mich, warum das Casino von mir solche privaten Dokumente fordert, um mein Konto zu schließen... Dennoch, wie Sie anhand der Screenshots sehen können, habe ich letztlich auch 4mal an unterschiedliche E-Mail-Adressen eine Kartenbestätigung von meiner Bank geschickt. Dort war unter anderem ersichtlich: Meine Anschrift, Geburtsdatum, Name, IBAN, und die Kreditkarten, die auf dieses Konto laufen. Und dennoch hat das Casino dann nicht reagiert.
Ich habe mehrmals erwähnt, dass ich unter Spielsucht leide. Mehrmals wurde ich ignoriert oder aber zum Verbleiben überredet mit Freiwetten. Als Spielsüchtiger hat man das Spielen nicht unter Kontrolle. Es gibt Momente, wo man dann Freiwetten akzeptiert oder danach fragt, weil man den Drang hat zum Zocken. Dies war bei mir auch oft der Fall. Jedoch hätte das Casino sofort reagieren müssen, als ich das erste Mal um eine Schließung des Kontos gebeten hatte und das mit Spielsucht begründet habe. Das Casino lügt und handelt nicht verantwortungsvoll. Ich habe letzlich auch das Dokument dann an 4 verschiedene Adressen geschickt und dennoch hat sich nichts getan. Erst 2-3 Wochen, nachdem ich mich hier gemeldet habe, wurde das Konto geschlossen. Ich erwarte von Ihnen Konsequenzen. Andere Spieler sollten gewarnt werden vor diesem Casino und Sie sollten keine Werbung mehr hierfür machen. Ich werde auch dieses Casino bei der Glücksspielbehörde melden, wenn wir uns nicht einigen sollten.
Nakon opsežnih diskusija sa stručnjacima za odgovorno kockanje, postalo je očigledno da politike samoisključenja moraju biti poboljšane kako bi se efikasnije postavila zaštita igrača. Iako je provera identiteta igrača ključna za usklađenost sa propisima i integritet politike, primarni fokus uvek treba da ostane na zaštiti igrača od štete .
Kazina ne samo da imaju pravo već i odgovornost da deluju kada igrači pokažu znake borbe u vezi sa kockanjem. Ako igrač izrazi zabrinutost u vezi sa svojim kockarskim ponašanjem, kazina treba odmah da ograniče svoj pristup - čak i ako proces verifikacije još nije u potpunosti završen. Sama svrha samoisključenja je da zaštiti ranjive igrače i spreči dalju štetu, a odlaganje akcije podriva ovaj cilj.
Da bi se ovo postiglo, kazina treba da implementiraju jasne i efikasne procese koji daju prioritet brzoj akciji i snažnoj podršci za rizične igrače. Ovo ide dalje od proveravanja propisa - radi se o negovanju kulture odgovornosti i demonstriranju istinske posvećenosti bezbednosti igrača. Dajući prioritet zaštiti u odnosu na administrativne formalnosti, politike samoisključenja mogu ispuniti svoju svrhu: pružanje značajne podrške i stvaranje sigurnijeg okruženja za kockanje za sve.
U svetlu ovoga, ljubazno vas pozivam da preispitate svoj pristup i procenite da li igrač ispunjava uslove za povraćaj depozita uplaćenih između datuma kada je kazino potvrdio zahtev igrača da zatvori svoj nalog zbog problema sa kockanjem i datuma stvarnog zatvaranja naloga. Dozvoljavanje igraču da deponuje i gubi dodatna sredstva uz insistiranje na verifikaciji nije u skladu sa principima zaštite igrača. Kazina imaju mogućnost da ograniče igračev pristup transakcijama tokom procesa verifikacije, a preduzimanje takvih proaktivnih mera bi bolje pokazalo privrženost odgovornom kockanju.
Hvala vam na pažnji po ovom pitanju i verujem da ćete razmotriti ovaj zahtev u duhu zaštite igrača i negovanja bezbednijeg okruženja za kockanje.
Dear Winscore Casino,
After extensive discussions with experts in responsible gambling, it has become evident that self-exclusion policies must be improved to prioritize player protection more effectively. While verifying a player’s identity is crucial for regulatory compliance and policy integrity, the primary focus should always remain on safeguarding players from harm.
Casinos not only have the right but also the responsibility to act when players exhibit signs of gambling-related struggles. If a player raises concerns about their gambling behavior, casinos should promptly limit their access - even if the verification process is not yet fully completed. The very purpose of self-exclusion is to protect vulnerable players and prevent further harm, and delaying action undermines this goal.
To achieve this, casinos should implement clear and efficient processes that prioritize swift action and robust support for at-risk players. This goes beyond regulatory box-checking - it’s about fostering a culture of responsibility and demonstrating a genuine commitment to player safety. By prioritizing protection over administrative formalities, self-exclusion policies can fulfill their intended purpose: providing meaningful support and creating a safer gambling environment for all.
In light of this, I kindly urge you to reconsider your approach and assess the player’s eligibility for a refund of deposits made between the date the casino acknowledged the player’s request to close his account due to gambling issues and the date of the actual account closure. Allowing the player to deposit and lose additional funds while insisting on verification does not align with the principles of player protection. Casinos have the ability to restrict a player’s access to transactions during the verification process, and taking such proactive measures would better demonstrate a commitment to responsible gambling.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust you will consider this request in the spirit of protecting players and fostering a safer gambling environment.
Dragi Kubo, hvala ti puno na podršci. Nadam se da kazino može nadoknaditi barem malo onoga što sam izgubio. Do sada me niko nije kontaktirao. Tamo sam izgubio bogatstvo i mnogo bi mi pomoglo kada bih mogao da dobijem nadoknadu.
Dear Kubo, thank you very much for your support. I hope that the casino can compensate at least a bit of what I have lost. So far, nobody reached out to me. I have lost a fortune there and it would help me a lot cureently if I could get a compensation.
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
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