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WinSpirit Casino - Dobici igrača nisu isplaćeni nakon prekida veze.
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Alberta had experienced issues with Winspirit Casino's system, which lost connection during two significant winning bets but returned the wagered amount instead of the winnings. Contacting support yielded no bet history due to claimed system limitations. The player felt entitled to the winnings from those bets and other instances where winnings were not credited. After extensive communication, the casino confirmed that technical issues had resulted in the affected bets not being credited, but they later refunded the player for those bets. The player was still seeking clarity on his original complaints regarding the Mega Ball game and the status of his winnings. The complaint was considered resolved as the casino could only refund the initial bets due to the technical issues, and the player was informed that no winnings could be reinstated.
Igrač iz Alberte je imao problema sa sistemom Vinspirit kazina, koji je izgubio vezu tokom dve značajne dobitne opklade, ali je vratio založeni iznos umesto dobitaka. Kontaktiranje podrške nije dalo istoriju opklada zbog zahtevanih sistemskih ograničenja. Igrač se osećao da ima pravo na dobitak iz tih opklada i drugih slučajeva u kojima dobici nisu pripisani. Nakon opsežne komunikacije, kazino je potvrdio da su tehnički problemi doveli do toga da opklade na koje se to odnosi nisu bile priznate, ali su kasnije vratili igraču novac za te opklade. Igrač je i dalje tražio jasnoću u vezi sa svojim prvobitnim pritužbama u vezi sa igrom Mega Ball i statusom njegovih dobitaka. Žalba se smatrala rešenom jer je kazino mogao da refundira samo početne opklade zbog tehničkih problema, a igrač je obavešten da nijedan dobitak ne može da se vrati.
Zdravo, hvala vam puno što ste mi se javili. Izvinite što vam treba toliko vremena da odgovorim. Bavio sam se vinspirit-om o posebnom pitanju za koje se takođe nadam da mi možete pomoći jer to uključuje osvajanje mnogo novca. Kada je u pitanju traženje istorije opklada, imam mejlove koji pokazuju da su rekli da njihov sistem nije u stanju da mi dobije ovu informaciju za koju mislim da je pogrešna. Zaista mi treba za situaciju u kojoj sam plaćao mega lucki ball fire blaze. Igrao sam tu igru, kladio sam se da je BET prihvaćen i igra je počela, u tom trenutku je veza na mom telefonu bila izgubljena i kada se osvežila igra se još uvek igra i pisalo je da moram da sačekam sledeću utakmicu iako je novac je izbačen iz moje ravnoteže. igra je dobila bonus veoma veliki bonus, ali meni nije isplaćen nijedan dobitak iz te pobedničke igre. ovo se zapravo desilo dva puta kada sam se kladio da je KLADA prihvaćena kada je igra počela i onda je veza izgubljena oba puta kada je novac povučen sa mog bilansa i nijedan dobitak nije osvojen, ovo se dogodilo istog dana. Kontaktirao sam podršku za pomoć i oni nisu pokazali istoriju da se ovo dešavalo i tražio sam istoriju opklada jer bi mogli da vide da je novac povučen sa mog bilansa. Verujem da bi trebalo da budu u mogućnosti da vide svaki put kada novac uđe ili nestane na vašem računu i to bi dokazalo da je moja opklada prihvaćena. Novac se ipak vratio u moj bilans kasnije tog dana, ali to nije ono što sam želeo. igre na koje sam se kladio bile su veoma velike dobitnice jer je bonus bio pogođen tako da sam ostao bez mnogo novca na koji sam trebao imati pravo. Više puta sam tražio istoriju opklada ili istoriju povlačenja sa mog bilansa, ali mi je rečeno da to nisu u mogućnosti da urade zbog mogućnosti svog sistema. Imam mejlove i snimke ekrana svih naših razgovora, ali ništa nije rešeno. Nikada nisam dobio dobitak koji je trebalo da dobijem. I baš danas sam igrao igru u kojoj sam osvojio 50 dolara kada sam izašao iz igre dobitak se nije pokazivao. Ponovo bih otišao da pomognem podršci i pitao ih o tome i rekli su da ploča ne pokazuje tako nešto, hvala Bogu da sam napravio snimke ekrana Istorija igre jasno pokazuje da sam osvojio ovaj novac i odmah mi je rečeno da će to morati da eskaliraju Odeljenju za igre. Takođe imam istoriju razgovora i snimke ekrana. Što se tiče moje originalne objave, mogao sam da igram igre za koje su rekli da mi nije dozvoljeno da igram, a kada sam pitao za lošu istoriju, rekli su da ne mogu zbog mogućnosti njihovog sistema. Možete li mi pomoći šta mogu da uradim. Najviše sam uznemiren zbog dve utakmice u kojima je trebalo da osvojim mnogo novca i zaista se nadam da ćete mi nekako pomoći
Hello thank you so much for getting back to me. Sorry for taking so long to reply I've been dealing with winspirit on a separate issue that I'm also hoping you can help me with because it involves winning a lot of money. When it comes to asking for bet history I have emails showing that they said their system is not capable of getting me this information which I think is wrong. I really need it for a situation in where I was paying mega lucky ball fire blaze. I was playing that game I made a bet the BET was accepted and the game started, at that point connection was lost on my phone and when it refreshed the game was still playing and it said I needed to wait for next game even though the money was taken out of my balance. the game hit a bonus a very big bonus but I was not paid any of the winnings from that winning game. this actually happened two times where I made the bet the BET was accepted the game started and then the connection was lost both times money was withdrawn from my balance and no winnings were won, this happend the same day. I contacted help support and they showed no history of this happening and I asked for my bet history because they would be able to see that the money was withdrawn out of my balance. I believe they should be able to see anytime money goes in or out of your balance and this would have proven that my bet was accepted. The money did however go back into my balance later on that day but that is not what I wanted. the games that I bet on were very big winners because the bonus was hit so I was out a lot of money that I should have been entitled to. I repeatedly asked for bet history or withdrawal history from my balance but was told that they were unable to do so because of the capabilities of their system. I have emails and screenshots of all of our conversations but nothing was resolved I was never given the winnings that I should have received. And just today I was playing a game I won $50 when I exited the game the winnings weren't showing I would again went in to help support and ask them about it and they said record show no such thing thank goodness I took screenshots of the game history clearly showing I won this money and was immediately told that they'd have to escalate this to the games Department. I also have the conversation history and screenshots. In regards to my original post I was able to play the games that they said I wasn't allowed to play and when I asked for bad history they said they weren't able to because of the capabilities of their system. Can you help me on what I can do I'm most upset about the two games in which I should have won a lot of money and I'm really hoping that you can help me out somehow
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa VinSpirit kazinom.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da 2 opklade nisu zabeležene u vašoj istoriji klađenja?
Na osnovu kojih informacija tvrdite da su opklade prihvaćene u obe situacije?
Da li je iznos opklade vraćen u ova 2 navrata? Kakve su bile okolnosti i kako su evidentirani?
Da li se 2 runde mogu identifikovati brojem runde igre ili drugim identifikatorom?
Molimo vas da podelite prateće dokaze u obliku snimaka ekrana i vaše komunikacije sa kazinom ili pošaljite informacije putem e-pošte na
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru. Hvala unapred na razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Kezlor
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with WinSpirit Casino.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Do I understand correctly the 2 bets don't seem to be recorded in your bet history?
Based on what information are you asserting the bets were accepted in both situations?
Was the amount of bet returned on these 2 occasions? What were the circumstances and how were they recorded?
Are the 2 rounds identifiable by a game round number or other identifier?
Please share the supporting evidence in the form of screenshots and your communication with the casino or send the information via email at
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da 2 opklade nisu zabeležene u vašoj istoriji klađenja? Ne mogu da vidim svoju istoriju iz igre bilo je prazno. Priložio sam svoj prvi zahtev za pomoć i snimak ekrana. pomoć mi nije poslala moju punu istoriju sa igrom kada sam pitao
Na osnovu kojih informacija tvrdite da su opklade prihvaćene u obe situacije? nakon što sam se kladio na ekranu se pojavio iskačući prozor sa natpisom da su opklade prihvaćene
Da li je iznos opklade vraćen u ova 2 navrata? Kakve su bile okolnosti i kako su evidentirani? da novac je kasnije tog dana vraćen na moj bilans, verujem, ali ne 100% Tražio sam istoriju iz mog bilansa novca koji je dolazio i izlazio i rečeno mi je da to nije moguće. Priložiću sve mejlove napred i nazad. ima ih mnogo i nikada ne odgovaraju mojom e-poštom koju šaljem ili mojim odgovorom iz nekog razloga, ali ću ih kopirati i nalepiti u Vord dokument tako da su svi u redu i da možete da vidite kako imam dobijao. Imaću i prave mejlove ako ih želite.
Da li se 2 runde mogu identifikovati brojem runde igre ili drugim identifikatorom? ne, ali imam tačno vreme za jednu utakmicu i mali vremenski okvir za drugu.
Molimo vas da podelite prateće dokaze u obliku snimaka ekrana i vaše komunikacije sa kazinom ili pošaljite informacije putem e-pošte na tomas@caisno.guruPoslaću vam e-poštom sve snimke ekrana i mejlove.
imajte na umu za drugu žalbu poslaću vam snimke ekrana istorije igre, mog ćaskanja i e-poruka. Ovaj problem je vrlo lako videti da su imali grešku i da neće učiniti ništa u vezi sa tim i lažima koje pokušavaju da kažu. ovo je za igru Havaiian night i ne plaća se nešto više od 50 dolara
još jednom hvala na pomoći
Hello Tomas
thanks for your help on this
your questions are answered below
Do I understand correctly the 2 bets don't seem to be recorded in your bet history? I can't see my history from the game it was blank I have attached my first help request and a screen shot. help would not send me my full history with the game when I asked
Based on what information are you asserting the bets were accepted in both situations? after I made my bet the screen had a pop up saying bets accepted
Was the amount of bet returned on these 2 occasions? What were the circumstances and how were they recorded? yes the money was returned later that day to my balance I believe but not 100% I asked for history from my balance of money coming in and out and was told that wasn't possible. I will attach all of the emails back and forth. there is a lot of them and they never reply with my email that i send or my reply for some reason, but I will copy them and paste into a word document so they are all in order and you can see the run around that I have been getting. I will have the real emails too if you would like them.
Are the 2 rounds identifiable by a game round number or other identifier? no but I have the exact time for one game and a small time frame for the second one.
Please share the supporting evidence in the form of screenshots and your communication with the casino or send the information via email at tomas@caisno.guruI'm going to email you all the screen shots and emails.
please note for the second complaint I will send you screen shots of the game history my chat and emails this isuue is very easy to see that they had an error and will do nothing about it and the lies they are trying to tell. this is for the game Hawaiian night and a no pay of just over $50
Duboko nam je žao što čujemo za vaše iskustvo. I želeli bismo da razjasnimo neke informacije u vezi sa vašim zahtevom. Naš tim za podršku vam je pružio istoriju vaših opklada u igri, tražeći od vas da identifikujete određene runde za dalju verifikaciju.
Međutim, prestali ste da reagujete i nismo uspeli da završimo istragu. Molimo kontaktirajte naš tim za podršku za dodatna pojašnjenja. Jer bez vaše saradnje nećemo moći da vam pomognemo.
Dear Kezlor,
We are deeply sorry to hear about your experience. And we would like to clarify some information regarding your request. Our support team has provided you with a history of your bets in the game, asking you to identify specific rounds for further verification.
However, you stopped responding and we were unable to complete the investigation. Please contact our support team for further clarification. Because without your cooperation, we will not be able to help you.
Obavestite me da li će vas ova prilika približiti uspešnom rešavanju vaše žalbe. Obavestite nas kako napreduje istraga.
Thanks to both parties for the reply.
Dear Kezlor,
Please let me know if this opportunity will bring you closer to a successful resolution of your complaint. Kindly let us know how the investigation progresses.
Odgovorio sam tražeći istoriju svog stanja pošto opklade nisu bile na toj listi, ali je novac za opklade skinut sa mog bilansa i potom vraćen kasnije tog dana. Pošaljite mi moju istoriju stanja i pokazaću vam gde se to dogodilo. Tomas Imam svu istoriju e-pošte i još neke informacije koje sam pokušao da pošaljem na vašu e-poštu koju ste dali, ali mi je vraćeno navodeći da e-mail nije primljen možda zbog veličine ili netačne e-pošte. E-mail na koji sam poslao je bio . javite mi da li je to tačna e-pošta, ako ne, koja je tačna i poslaću ponovo
I did reply asking for my balance history as the bets were not on that list but the money for the bets was taken out of my balance and then returned later that day. Send me my balance history and I will show you where this happened. Tomas I have all the email history and some more information that I tried to send to your email you provided but it was sent back stating the email did not get received maybe because of size or incorrect email. The email I sent to was let me know if that's the correct email if not what is the correct email and I will send again
Hvala na saradnji. Cenimo što ste našem timu za podršku dali više informacija o svom slučaju. Trenutno smo u komunikaciji sa provajderom sa ciljem da što pre rešimo vašu zabrinutost.
Naš tim za podršku će vas obaveštavati o novim novostima o vašem slučaju. Pored toga, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku u bilo kom trenutku.
Hvala na razumevanju!
Dear Kezlor,
Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate you giving our support team more information about your case. At present, we are in communication with the provider with the aim of promptly resolving your concern.
Our support team will keep you informed about new updates on your case. Additionally, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at any time.
Hvala Tomas na informacijama o slanju veze za deljeni direktorijum. Uradiću to.
Vinspirit Ovo sam poslao vašem timu prošle nedelje.
Malo sam tražio i opklada napravljena oko 16:40 MST (22:40 UTC) je bila na 110 dolara ovu igru će biti lako pronaći od provajdera igre jer je mega bonus loptica pogođen u to vreme i oni ne pogađaju često tako da ih možete pitati koja igra je pogodila mega ball bonus karticu za to vreme, mislim da je pogodila Grand mak k700 bonus kartica. Druga opklada je bila oko 19:05 16. jula MST (1:05 17. jula UTC) i iznos opklade je bio 220 dolara, ista stvar koju će ovu igru biti lako pronaći od provajdera igre jer je mega lopta pogođena u to vreme i ne pogađaju često tako da ih možete pitati koja igra je pogodila mega ball bonus karticu za to vreme i ovog puta je pogodila MEGA bonus kartica mak Ks2500. Što se tiče mog stanja pre i posle, nemam tu informaciju. Kladio sam se na svaku kartu igrača (8 karata) i sve 3 bonus kartice za gore pomenute igre, a pokazivale su se karte svih 8 igrača i brojevi koji su bili prikazani na kartama su postali crveni kada je izvučena odgovarajuća lopta. Ne možete da vidite pogođene karte ili brojeve igrača osim ako se ne kladite na njih i vaša opklada nije prihvaćena. Ako se ne kladite na karte igrača, videćete samo bonus kartice i na njoj piše opustite se i uživajte u predstavi. Priložio sam snimke ekrana koji pokazuju na šta mislim kada se ne kladite. Tako da sam napravio opklade, opklade su prihvaćene i igra je počela i mogao sam da vidim svoje karte i moje brojeve kako su pogođeni ŠTO ZNAČI DA IGRAO IGRU PRE GREŠKA. za opkladu od 220 dolara Možete videti iz istorije igara da sam igrao svaku utakmicu uzastopno počevši od 2024-05-17 00:57:30 i završavajući u 2024-05-17 01:02:18 Ne bih samo stani, imao sam mnogo novca na računu i nastavio sam da igram. Verujem da je sledeća utakmica pogodila bonus. Za prvu opkladu verujem da je to bila sledeća utakmica posle 2024-05-16 22:44:15. Ispod su snimci ekrana igara iz istorije koje ste poslali, za koje verujem da su sledeće igre posle ovih ispod one koje su pogodile bonus od kojeg nisam dobio svoje pobede.
I ovo je bio odgovor koji sam dobio, a koji nije imao nikakve veze sa onim što sam poslao...
Zdravo Rajan,
Nadam se da si dobro!
Iskreno se izvinjavamo zbog kašnjenja u našem odgovoru. Razumemo da je to možda izazvalo neprijatnosti i žalim za sve frustracije koje je to moglo izazvati.
Javljamo vam se zbog vašeg nedavnog zahteva u vezi sa problemom sa Mega Fire Blaze Lucki Ball Live.
Budite tako ljubazni da pronađete detalje runde koje ste nam poslali na proveru.
Ako imate bilo kakvih dodatnih pitanja, nedoumica ili sugestija, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate putem e-pošte ili ćaskanja. Radimo 24/7
Thanks Tomas for the info about sending a link for a shared folder i will do that.
Winspirit This what I sent your team last week.
I have done some looking and the bet made around 4:40pm MST (10:40pm utc) was for $110 this game will be easy to find from the game provider because the mega ball bonus was hit at that time and they don't hit often so you can ask them what game had a mega ball bonus card hit during that time I think it was the Grand max x700 bonus card that was hit. The second bet was around 7:05pm july 16th MST (1:05am July 17th UTC) and the amount of the bet was $220 same thing this game will be easy to find from the game provider because the mega ball was hit at that time and they don't hit often so you can ask them what game had a mega ball bonus card hit during that time and this time the MEGA bonus card max X2500 was hit. As for what my balance was before and after I don't have that information. I bet on every player card (8 cards) and all 3 bonus cards for the games mentioned above, and All 8 players cards were showing and the numbers that were shown on the cards turned red when the corresponding ball was drawn. You do not get to see the players cards or numbers hit unless you bet on them and your bet is accepted. If you don't bet on the players cards you only get to see the bonus cards and it says relax and enjoy the show. I have attached a screen shots showing what I mean when you don't make a bet. So I made the bets , bets were accepted and the game started and I could see my cards and my numbers being hit MEANING I WAS PLAYING THE GAME BEFORE THE GLITCH. for the bet of $220 You can see from the game history I was playing every game in consecutive order starting at 2024-05-17 00:57:30 and ending at 2024-05-17 01:02:18 I wouldn't just stop, I had a lot of money in my balance and kept playing. I believe it was the next game that hit the bonus. For the first bet I believe it was the next game after 2024-05-16 22:44:15. Below are screen shots of the games from the history that you sent, that I believe the next games after the ones below are the ones that hit the bonus that I didn't get my wins from.
And this was the response that I got that had nothing to do with what I sent.....
Hi Ryan,
Hope you are doing well!
We sincerely apologize for the delay in our response. We understand that it may have caused inconvenience, and I regret any frustration it may have caused.
We are reaching out due to your recent request about the issue with Mega Fire Blaze Lucky Ball Live.
Please be so kind to find details of the round that was sent to us for checking by you.
If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us through email or chat. We are working 24/7
Hvala vam što ste dali povratne informacije. Iskreno nam je žao što je naš tim za podršku pogrešno protumačio vašu poruku. Već smo vam dodelili bonus kao izvinjenje zbog čekanja.
Štaviše, cenimo što ste nam pružili detalje o svom slučaju. Već smo ih primili na posao i u kontaktu smo sa provajderom. Čim dobijemo potrebne informacije, naš tim za podršku će vam se obratiti.
Dear Kezlor,
Thank you for providing your feedback. We genuinely regret that our support team misinterpreted your message. We have already credited you with a bonus as an apology for the wait.
Furthermore, we appreciate you providing the details of your case. We have already taken them into work and are in touch with the provider. As soon as we receive the necessary information, our support team will reach out to you.
Sačekaćemo da se istraga od provajdera igre završi. Obavestite nas o rezultatu. Razumemo da proces može potrajati. Pošto je to problem koji zavisi od rezultata treće strane, postaviću tajmer na 14 dana. Molimo vas da dostavite ažuriranje u ovom roku.
Hvala na kontinuiranoj pomoći.
Thanks both parties for your reply.
Dear WinSpirit Casino,
We'll wait for the investigation from the game provider to conclude. Please inform us about the result. We understand the process might take some time. Since it's an issue that depends on the result of a third party, I'll set the timer to 14 days. Kindly provide an update within this time.
Hvala vam na strpljenju dok smo istraživali problem koji ste prijavili. Dvaput smo proverili sesije igre kod provajdera igre prema vašem zahtevu i poslali vam rezultate plejtech sesija na vašu e-poštu. Štaviše, pregledali smo sesiju koju ste spomenuli. Sve runde su odigrane korektno, a dobici su knjiženi na vaš račun u skladu sa pravilima igre.
Međutim, napisali ste da su vam opklade vraćene i da dobici nisu isplaćeni zbog kvara. Stoga smo zatražili ponovnu verifikaciju od provajdera i u ovoj fazi je vaš slučaj ponovo u razmatranju.
Čim dobijemo novosti o vašem slučaju. Naš tim za podršku će vas obavestiti o rezultatima provere. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, slobodno se obratite.
Dear Kezlor,
Thank you for your patience while we investigated the issue you reported. We have double-checked the game sessions with the game provider as per your request, and sent you the results of playtech sessions on your email. Furthermore, we reviewed the session you mentioned. All rounds were correctly played, and the winnings were credited to your account as per the game rules.
However, you wrote that the bets were returned to you and the winnings were not paid out due to a glitch. Thus, we have requested a re-verification from the provider and at this stage your case is again under consideration.
As soon as we receive updates on your case. Our support team will notify you of the results of the check. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to reach out.
Ne, nisu proverili igre sa bonusom mega lopte koji sam tražio i nisu mi pokazali moju istoriju bilansa tokom tog vremena. Istorija ravnoteže je ono što dokazujući ono o čemu govorim, to je jedina stvar koja će dokazati ono što govorim. Igre koje sam tražio da vidim bile su igre koje su mega bonusi pogodili tokom mojih opklada, istorija opklada to pokazuje. tačno kada prestanu da prikazuju da sam igrao je kada su se desili ovi problemi i one igre na kojima se to dogodilo, a ako pogledate moj algoritam istorije klađenja, takođe biste videli da bih se kladio na te igre kojima se ne pridružujem samo igru i ne igram ili samo igram jednu rundu posebno kada imam veliki balans kao što sam imao.
No they didn't check the games with the mega ball bonus that I asked for and have not shown me my balance history durning that Time. The balance history is what with proove what I am talking its about it's the only thing that will provewhat i am saying. The games I asked to see were the games that the mega ball bonuses hit during my bets the bet history shows this. right when they stop showing i played is when these issues happened and its those games that it happened on, and if you were to look at my betting history algorithm you would also see that I would have bet on those games I don't just join a game and not play or o ly play one round especially when I have a big balance as I did.
Zdravo, dobio sam istu istoriju kao i ranije i ovo je bio moj odgovor
Zdravo Olivija
Ovo mi još uvek pokazuje šta provajder igara ima u svojoj istoriji i neće pokazati ili dokazati ono što pokušavam da objasnim. Možete li dobiti istoriju igara, a ne moju istoriju. Želim da vidim koji su rezultati igara za vreme koje sam naveo. Želim da vidim igre koje su imale mega ball bonus pogodak i onda ako možete da uporedite ovo sa istorijom bilansa vinspritova za moj nalog. Ako mogu da imam istoriju vinsptits bilansa, a ne dobavljače igara, onda možete videti da je novac uklonjen sa mog naloga i kasnije vraćen. Ovo su informacije koje su vam potrebne.
Hello I received the same history as before and this was my reply
Hello Olivia
This is still showing me what the game provider has in it's history and wont show or prove what I am trying to explain. Can you get the games history not my history. I want to see what the games outcomes for the times I have listed I want to see the games that had the mega ball bonus hit and then if you can cross reference this with winsprits balance history for my account. If I can have winsptits balance history not the game providers, then you can see money removed from my account and then later returned. This is the information that is needed please.
Poslali smo vam e-poštu sa rezultatima naše istrage sa dobavljačem. Naša istraga je takođe potvrđena priloženim snimcima ekrana. Molimo vas da pregledate svoje prijemno sanduče. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, javite nam!
Dear Tomas,
We have emailed you with the results of our investigation with the provider. Our investigation has also been confirmed by the attached screenshots. Kindly peruse your inbox. If you have any questions, please let us know!
Ovo je veoma nezadovoljavajuće jer znam šta se dogodilo i znam čemu sam bio svedok. Zašto mi ne možete poslati vinspirits istoriju stanja bilansa za moj nalog, a ne ono što ima provajder igre, jer ćete videti da se stanje smanjuje i kasnije vrati u vreme koje sam naveo. Takođe ćete videti da su mega ball bonus igre odigrane iako ste mi rekli da ne možete da delite istoriju igara provajdera tokom tog vremena zbog poverljivih razloga. Znam šta se dogodilo, ali ne mogu to da dokažem osim ako nisam snimio video kako igram, što je nažalost jedini način da dokažem kada se problemi dese. Toliko puta su mi ljudi iz vaše podrške rekli da se stvari nisu dešavale dok ne pošaljem snimak ekrana, a onda odjednom poverujete u ono što govorim. Ko ima onlajn kazino nema mogućnost da vidi sve što se dešava. Ovo je bio odgovor koji sam dobio od podrške.
Ovo je Olivija iz VinSpirit-a. Nadam se da će vas ovaj imejl dobro pronaći 🙌
Izvinjavamo se zbog kašnjenja u našoj istrazi. Nakon detaljnog pregleda u saradnji sa provajderom igre, možemo potvrditi da su runde odigrane ispravno u određenom vremenskom okviru.
I naša izjava o stanju i evidencija provajdera pokazuju da su sesije odigrane ispravno u određenim vremenskim okvirima (Da biste videli šanse za stanje, pogledajte prethodno priloženi dokument). Opklade su tačno zabeležene, bez vraćanja opklada na stanje. Naša interna istraga i analiza provajdera su potvrdili tačnost izvršenih opklada.
Što se tiče vašeg zahteva za kompletnu istoriju igre, uključujući opklade koje niste položili, provajder nije u mogućnosti da to ispuni zbog politike poverljivosti.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite.
Srdačan pozdrav,
This is very unsatisfactory as I know what happened and know what I witnessed. Why can't you send me winspirits balance history for my account and not what the game provider has as you will see the balance go down and then later returned during the times I listed. You will also see that mega ball bonus games were played even tho you have told me you can't share the providers games history durning that Time because of confidential reasons. I know what happened but can't prove it unless I took a video of me playing which is unfortunate that's the only way to prove when issues happen. So many time I have been told by your support people that things didn't happen until I send a screen shot then all of the sudden you believe what I am saying. Who does a online casino not have the capability to see everything that happens. This was the reply I got from support.
This is Olivia from WinSpirit. I hope this email finds you well 🙌
We apologize for the delay in our investigation. After a thorough review in collaboration with the game provider, we can confirm that the rounds were played correctly within specified timeframe.
Both our balance statement and the provider's records show that the sessions were played correctly within the specified timeframes (To see the the balance chances please refer to the document provided prior). The bets are accurately recorded, with no bets returning to the balance. Our internal investigation and the provider's analysis have verified the correctness of the bets made.
Regarding your request for a complete game history, including bets you did not place, the provider is unable to fulfill this due to confidentiality policies.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out.
Dokazi iz kazina ističu da opklade koje ste identifikovali kao problematične nisu bile dobitne za vas niti je izgledalo da je balans povećan zbog otkazivanja opklada.
Nažalost, u ovoj situaciji ne možemo osporiti dokaze koje je pružio dobavljač igre bez dokaza koji su u suprotnosti sa ovim zapisima.
Izvinjavam se zbog razočaravajućih rezultata vaše žalbe. Obavestite me ako postoje neke okolnosti koje nisam razmotrio, inače će žalba biti zatvorena.
Thanks for your patience.
Dear Kezlor,
the evidence from the casino points out that the bets you identified as problematic weren't winning bets for you nor did it seem balance increased due to the cancelation of bets.
Unfortunately, we can't argue against the evidence provided by the game provider in this situation without evidence that contradicts these records.
I apologize for the disappointing result of your complaint. Please let me know if there are any circumstances I might not have considered, otherwise the complaint will be closed.
Zdravo Tomas, ne mogu da ti izrazim koliko sam uznemiren i bespomoćan zbog toga što se osećam zbog toga. Sada sam ti poslao video zapise i snimke ekrana problema koji dokazuju da postoje problemi sa sistemom vetra da nema zaštite za mene kao potrošača i jedini način da se neko ko igra onlajn kazino zaštiti je da snima video zapise ovo je apsolutno apsurdno kako ne postoje protokoli i stvari kada se radi o novcu i bezbednosti ljudi, molim vas da mi kažete da ste primili sve što sam poslao ti sada. Nemate pojma kakav je osećaj biti zlatni VIP član i potrošiti novac koji sam potrošio da bih zatim pokrenuo pitanja koja su u poređenju sa sumom novca koju su dobili od mene. Imam snimke ekrana i video zapise e-pošte i nikada ne bih trebao da imam ove stvari. Uvereni ste da je igranje ovih sajtova bezbedno, ali niste zaštićeni i bićete nazvani lažovom i optuženi da lažno kažete da postoje problemi kada su apsolutno je bilo i ne možete ništa da uradite osim ako nemate konkretne video dokaze to je apsurdno. Obavestite me da ste primili stvari koje sam vam poslao, hvala
Hello Thomas I can't express to you how upset and helpless that this has made me feel I have now sent you videos and screenshots of issues that prove that there are problems with wind spirit system that there is no protection for me as a consumer and the only way for anyone playing an online casino to protect themselves is to take videos this is absolutely absurd how are there not protocols and things in place when dealing with people's money and safety please let me know that you've received everything that I have sent you now. You have no idea what it feels like to be a gold VIP member and spent the money I have spent to then bring up issues that in comparison are very small to the amount of money that they have received from me. I have email screenshots and videos and I should never have to actually have these things you are assured that playing these sites are safe but you are not protected and will be called a liar and being accused of false saying there are issues when they're absolutely was and there is nothing you can do unless you have concrete video evidence it's absurd. Please let me know that you've received the things I've sent you thank you
Takođe bih želeo da kažem svima da svi koji su ovde uključeni nemaju pojma kako je to proći kroz ovo nemati Avenije kroz koje treba proći, da nemate pristup informacijama koje su vam potrebne i da vas nazivaju lažovom. Nemate pojma koliko je teško i frustrirajuće pokušavati da snimite snimke ekrana svaki put kada se nešto desi i da ste dve sekunde prekasni zbog toga koliko brzo se stvari kreću u ovim igrama i ne možete da snimite ono što trebate da snimite jer apsolutno morate da se dokažete ako to ne učinite, samo vam je rečeno da ste pogrešili da je provajderu igre rečeno da se to nije dešavalo iznova i iznova, oni moraju da nauče kako da snimaju video snimke vaših sesija da bi mogli da shvate kako da smanje video snimke samo da bi mogli da ih pošaljete jer su fajlovi preveliki samo da bi to trebalo da uradite kako ovo nije kriminalno kako ne postoje sistemi za zaštitu potrošača i gde čovek ide kada zna šta govori vi ste apsolutno istiniti i činjenični, ali onda vam je rečeno da nije i da se to nije dogodilo. Veoma sam zahvalan za vas ljudi Guru kazina jer barem postoji neko ko najmanje gleda u to, samo je nesreća što ste hranjeni iste netačne informacije da je potrošač u dobroj formi i onda treba da donese odluku na osnovu te netačne informacije ostavljajući potrošača u istoj poziciji u kojoj je bio na početku bespomoćan i nanešen nepravdi
I would also like to say every that everyone involved here has no idea what it is like to go through this to have no Avenues to go through to have no access to the information that you need and to be called a liar. You have no idea how hard and frustrating it is trying to grab screenshots every time something happens and being two seconds too late because of how fast things move on these games and being unable to capture what you need to capture because you absolutely have to prove yourself if you don't you are just told you were wrong that the game provider is said that this didn't happen over and over and over again they have to learn how to take videos of your sessions to be able to figure out how to trim the videos just to be able to send it because the files are too large just to have to do that how is this not Criminal how are there not systems in place to protect the consumer and where does a person go when they know what they are telling you is absolutely true and factual but then are told that it is not and it didn't happen I'm very thankful for you Casino Guru people because at least there is someone that is the least looking into it's just unfortunate that you are fed the same incorrect information that the consumer is fit fed and then need to make a decision based on that incorrect information leaving the consumer in the same position he was at the beginning helpless and wronged
Zdravo Tomas. Stalno dobijam ovu grešku. Obavestite me ako ste dobili nešto poput veze do svih datoteka.
Dostava nije uspela ovim primaocima ili grupama:
( )
Vaša poruka nije isporučena. Uprkos ponovljenim pokušajima da isporuči vašu poruku, sistem e-pošte primaoca je odbio da prihvati vezu sa vašeg sistema e-pošte.
Kontaktirajte primaoca na neki drugi način (na primer, telefonom) i zamolite ga da kaže svom administratoru e-pošte da izgleda da njihov sistem e-pošte odbija veze sa vašeg servera e-pošte. Dajte im detalje o grešci prikazane u nastavku. Verovatno je administrator e-pošte primaoca jedini koji može da reši ovaj problem.
Za administratore e-pošte
Nije bilo moguće uspostaviti vezu jer je ciljni računar to aktivno odbio. Ovo obično proizilazi iz pokušaja da se povežete sa uslugom koja je neaktivna na udaljenom hostu – to jest, na onoj bez pokrenute serverske aplikacije. Za više informacija i savete za rešavanje ovog problema pogledajte ovaj članak:
Hello Tomas I keep getting this error. Please let me know if you received anything like the link to all the files.
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: (
Your message wasn't delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, the recipient's email system refused to accept a connection from your email system.
Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin that it appears that their email system is refusing connections from your email server. Give them the error details shown below. It's likely that the recipient's email admin is the only one who can fix this problem.
For Email Admins
No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the remote host - that is, one with no server application running. For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article:
Zdravo Tomas, ne postoji način da pošaljete svoju adresu e-poštom i nisam siguran zašto ću sada pokušati sa svog naloga za naočare da vidim da li to funkcioniše
Hello Tomas there is no way to email your address of and I'm not sure why I will now try from my goggle account Nd see if that works
Ok kaže da adresa e-pošte ne postoji, da li možete da mi pošaljete e-poštu i da bar vidite da li mogu da primim nešto od vas? Takođe evo linka, nadamo se da radi za vas
[uklonio Casino.Guru admin]
Ok says email address doesn't exist can you please me an email and at least see if I can receive something from you? Also here is a link hopefully it works for you
Hvala vam što ste pružili dokaze i omogućili komunikaciju između vas i kazina.
Primetio sam nekoliko nedoslednosti. na primer, zbog toga što igra netačno ne uzima u obzir vašu odluku da 'pozovite' što dovodi do 'automatskog odustajanja' u igri Hold'em Pokera ili se stanje na vašem računu prilagođava bez očiglednog razloga.
U sličnim situacijama, na serverima igre zavisi kako će se uzeti u obzir rezultat vaših unosa. Razumem da ova vrsta pitanja ne uliva poverenje, međutim, sama situacija nije dovoljna da smatramo postupke kazina nepravednim, a rezultate njihove istrage nevažećim. Ako vam se problem dešava više puta zbog toga što vaši unosi nisu uzeti u obzir, izgleda da je to zbog greške igara, a ne kazina.
Shodno tome, nemamo razloga da zanemarimo evidenciju kazina u prethodnim slučajevima koje ste opisali.
Čekaću vaš odgovor.
Thanks for supplying the evidence and for providing the communication between you and the casino.
I observed a few inconsistencies. for example due to the game inaccurately not into account your decision to 'call' resulting in 'auto-fold' in a Hold'em Poker game or the balance of your account readjusting without apparent reason.
In similar situations, it's up to the servers of the game on how the result of your inputs is taken into account. I understand that this kind of issue doesn't instill confidence, however, the situation itself is not enough for us to consider the actions of the casino as unfair and the results of their investigation as invalid. If the issue happens to you repeatedly due to your inputs not being taken into account, it appears to be due to the error of the games, and not the casino.
Consequently, we have no reason to disregard the casino records in previous instances you described it happened.
Zdravo Tomas Hvala na pregledu. Mogu li da te zamolim da možda ponovo pogledaš fajl za deljenje koji sam poslao samo zato što sam dodao sve slučajeve u kojima je moja opklada prihvaćena, igra se igra, moje ruke su dobijene i dobici se ne daju i novac je uklonjen sa mog naloga. Ovo se dogodilo više od 48 puta i u različitim igrama ne samo poker sa tri karte, već ih drži kazino i sada Bakara, postoji video, to bi bio najnoviji video koji je dodat, pokazuje potpuno istu stvar, opklade su pale i dobijaju se novac je nestao. Takođe imam video za koji verujem da je tamo gde su opklade napravljene i jednostavno nestane, nema nikakve ruke ili bilo čega, a novac se uzima sa mog računa i nikada se ne vraća iu svim slučajevima. Ući ću tamo i preimenovati one koje bih želeo da pogledate i preimenovati ih u Casino Guru, molim vas pregledajte. Malo sam zbunjen da se ista situacija desila 48 puta iu različitim igrama kako se moj slučaj ne može uzeti u obzir, jer se ista stvar dogodila i u ovom slučaju, nesreća je što jednostavno nisam imao video pa je malo uznemirujuće što ne mogu da dokažem čak iako se to dešava iznova i iznova. Znam šta se desilo i to je potpuno ista stvar koja se desila tako da bi trebalo da bude očigledno da je ovo poznati problem koji se dešava sa njihovim igrama, i zašto iz informacija koje sam dao, i da je moja istorija klađenja na način na koji igram igre pokazuju da ako uporedite moju istoriju igranja, očigledno je da bi ii igrao sledeće runde. Ako biste videli naredne runde koje su usledile nakon mog poslednjeg klađenja u dokumentu koje su dali, takođe biste videli da su ove igre u stvari bile runde bonus mega lopti, i kako bih to znao da se ne kladim i ne igram na njih? Igrao sam igrice koje su u pitanju i još uvek niko jednostavno ne veruje da govorim istinu i to me ne nervira. javite mi šta mislite. možda pogledajte sve druge slučajeve, imam sate i sate video snimaka svake od igara za koje sam postavio snimke ekrana ovog dešavanja. Samo ne znam zašto niko nije na mojoj strani u ovom slučaju. Možete li možda preporučiti advokata ili parničara iz zemlje u kojoj vinSpirit dobija licencu jer imam mnogo problema da pronađem bilo šta ili dobijem pomoć od bilo koga ili bilo kakve odgovore od onih koje sam pokušao da potražim. Nisam baš siguran kome da se obratim sa pravnog aspekta i pitam se da li biste mogli samo da mi preporučite ili predložite ili mi kažete i date neku vrstu uputstva kuda da idem jer izgleda da nema budi bilo šta što ćeš učiniti za mene u ovom trenutku. Još jedna stvar da li postoji bilo koji način da zatražite moju istoriju bilansa od vinspirit-a sa njihove platforme jer znam da imaju istoriju balansa dobavljača igara, ali se pitam da li nekako možete zatražiti istoriju bilansa od vinspirit-a tokom vremena koje sam tražio, kao što znam za činjenica da je moja ravnoteža zaista pala, a kasnije je ponovo uspostavljena i apsolutno bi trebalo da postoji evidencija o tome negde. to je zaista jedina stvar o kojoj mogu da se setim da bi pokazala da se ono što govorim zaista dogodilo jer znam šta sam video i znam kakav je moj bilans i onda sam video da se menja, ali samo na vinspirit platformi. Hvala vam na pomoći. Molimo vas da kasnije danas proverite jednu datoteku sa diska, samo mi dajte malo vremena da prođem kroz nju i da vam olakšam šta da pogledam jer ima mnogo toga unutra.
Hello Thomas Thanks for reviewing could I ask you to maybe look into the share file again that I sent just because I've added all the instances where my bet was accepted the game is played my hands are won and no winnings are given and money is removed from my account. This has happened over 48 times now and in different games not just three card poker but Casino hold them and now Baccarat, there's a video it would be the newest video that was added it's shows the exact same thing, bets are down and and is won money is disappeared. I also have a video I believe it's on there where the bets were made and it's just disappears there's no there's no hand one or anything and the money is taken from my account and never returned and all instances. I will go in there and rename the ones I'd like you to look at and rename them as Casino Guru please review. I'm a little confused that the exact same situation happened 48 times and in different games how my case can't be considered because the exact same thing happened in this case, the unfortunate thing is I just didn't have a video so it's a little upsetting that I can't prove it even tho that it happens over and over and over again. I know what happened and this is exact same thing that happened so it should be obvious that this is a known problem that happens with their games, and why from the information that I've provided, and that my betting history in the way I play games show that if you compare my playing history its obvious i i would have played the next rounds. If you were to see the next rounds that came after my last document bets that they provided you would also see that these games were in fact bonus mega ball hit rounds, and how would i know that if i didnt bet and paly them? I played the games that are in question and still no one simply believes that I'm telling the truth and it's beyond upsetting. let me know what your thoughts are. maybe have a look at all the other instances, I do have hours and hours of videos of each of the games that I posted the screenshots of this happening. I just don't know why nobody's on my side in this instance. Can maybe you recommend a lawyer or a litigator that is from the country that winSpirit gets their license from because I'm having a lot of trouble finding anything or getting help from anyone or any responses from ones I tried looking up. I'm not too sure who to reach out to in a legal aspect and I'm wondering if you could just recommend or suggest or tell me and give some sort of Direction on where to go because it doesn't seem like there's going to be anything that you're going to do for me at this point. One more thing is there any way you can request my balance history from winspirit from their platform because I know they have the game providers balance history but wondering if somehow you can request the balance history from winspirit during the times I requested, as I know for a fact that my balance did in fact go down and then later on was restored and there should absolutely be record of that somewhere. it's really the only thing that I can think of that would show what I am saying actually happened because I know what I saw and I know what my balance was and then I saw it change but only on the winspirit platform. Thanks for all your help. Please check the one drive file later today just give me some time to go through it and make it easy for what to look at as there is a lot in there.
Ažurirao sam datoteke, pogledajte. Jedna stvar za koju mislim da bi se trebala desiti je ako bismo mogli da dobijemo istoriju bilansa i od dobavljača igara i od vinspirita da vidimo šta oni imaju u evidenciji i da uporedimo sa onim što mi se desilo. Ovo će nam pokazati da li se njihova evidencija o tome dešava ili ne, a ako ne, to dokazuje da nemaju tačnu istoriju onoga što se zapravo dešava.
Hvala još jednom na pomoći
I have updated the files please have a look. One thi g that I think should happen is if we could get a balance history from both the game providers and winspirit to see what they have record of and cross reference with what i have had happen to me. This will show us if their record of this is happening or not and if they don't it proves that they don't have accurate history of what actually happens.
Pregledao sam poslednje 2 datoteke i razumem vašu frustraciju. Takođe se izvinjavam zbog zakašnjelog odgovora.
Nakon interne rasprave, nažalost, ne možemo podržati slučaj. Priznajemo da izgleda da postoje tekući problemi, ali ne možemo smatrati kazino odgovornim za sve probleme.
Imajte na umu da je kazino u ovoj grupi događaja koji se oslanja na servere dobavljača igara.
Greške na koje naiđete, uvek treba da prijavite kao što ste uradili, ali takođe preporučujemo da prestanete da igrate igru kako biste sprečili dalju frustraciju izazvanu njima.
Razumem da je ovo razočaravajuće.
Da li ste tražili od kazina da ispita nedavne runde igara u kojima se rezultat razlikuje od vaših očekivanja, a saldo vam nije odmah vraćen? Sa kakvim rezultatom?
I reviewed the latest 2 files and I understand your frustration. I also apologize for the delayed response.
After internal discussion, we unfortunately can't uphold the case. We acknowledge there seem to be ongoing issues, but we can't hold the casino accountable for the issues overall.
Please note the casino is in this group of events relying on the servers of the game provider.
The errors you encounter, you should always report like you've done but we also recommend that you stop playing the game to prevent further frustration caused by them.
I understand this is disappointing.
Have you asked the casino to investigate the recent game rounds in which the outcome differs from your expectations and the balance wasn't immediately returned to you? With what result?
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear Kezlor,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Stanje mi uopšte nije vraćeno, novac je potpuno skinut sa mog bilansa i nikada nije vraćen, kao ni moj dobitak na koji sam se kladio desio se više od 53 puta kazino mi kaže da je provajder igre istražujem i prošlo je više od mesec dana otkako sam ih prvi put obavestio o problemu. Tomas, hoćeš li mi reći da kazina nisu odgovorna za igre koje hostuju na svom sajtu. Takođe, da li možete da mi kažete nekoga koga mogu da kontaktiram da mi pomogne oko sudskog spora i da mi kaže koja su moja prava jer nemam dosta novca i želeo bih podršku u tome.
The balance wasn't returned to me at all the money was completely taken off of my balance and never returned as well as I was not paid my winnings in which I bet on it happened over 53 times the casino tells me that the game provider is investigating and it's been over a month since I first let them know about the issue. Thomas are you telling me that the casinos are not responsible for the games that they host on their site. Also are you able to tell me someone that I can contact that can help me with litigation and let me know what my rights are because I am out quite a bit of money and I would like some support in that.
Jedna napomena je da je kazino potpuno uklonio evolucione igre sa svog sajta jer je ovo stalni problem sa svim ljudima koji igraju njihove igre. Ne izgleda fer da sam uspeo da poboljšam video da se opklade mogu praviti i da se ne prepoznaju u sistemu ili u vašoj istoriji i da sam izgubio te dve bonus igre i zbog kojih sam prvi započeo ovu žalbu.
One note is that the casino has completely removed evolution games from their site because this is an ongoing issue with all people playing their games. It doesn't seem fair that I was able to video improve that bets can be made and not recognized in the system or in your history and that I am out those two bonus games and which I first started this complaint on.
Cenim tvoj odgovor, Kezlor. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
I appreciate your response, Kezlor. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hvala Kezlor što nam je pružio sve informacije. Nadam se da ćemo zajedno uspeti da rešimo ovaj problem.
Sada bih želeo da zamolim VinSpirit Casino za njihovu pomoć u rešavanju ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da znamo kako možemo da pomognemo u rešavanju ovog problema.
Hvala vam!
Hello there,
Thank you Kezlor for providing us with all the information. I hope we'll be able to resolve this issue together.
I would now like to ask WinSpirit Casino for their help in resolving this complaint. We would like to know how we can help resolve this issue.
Hvala vam na pomoći Piteru i Tomasu, ali zaista se nadam da će neko od vas moći da mi pomogne sa nekim da kontaktiram u pravnom odeljenju jer mi je bukvalno moj novac ukraden i nikada nije vraćen i neko treba da odgovara za ovaj don Ne mislite valjda da bih zaista želeo kontakt nekoga ko može da mi kaže koja su moja prava u ovoj situaciji
Thank you for your help Peter and Thomas but I'm really hoping one of you guys can please help me with someone to contact in the legal department because literally my money was stolen from me and never returned and someone should be held accountable for this don't you think so I would really like a contact of someone that can tell me what my rights are in this situation
Hvala vam što ste podelili svoja razmišljanja sa nama. U kontaktu smo sa dobavljačem tokom celog meseca i detaljno proučavamo vaš slučaj. Ipak, identifikacija i obrada 53 transakcije zahtevaju značajno vreme i za nas i za provajdera.
Marljivo radimo na rešavanju problema, ali nam je potrebno dodatno vreme da bismo obezbedili detaljnu procenu. Budite sigurni, ulažemo sve napore da ubrzamo proces i obaveštavaćemo vas o svim daljim dešavanjima.
Cenimo vaše razumevanje i strpljenje po ovom pitanju. Ne ustručavajte se da se obratite ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili nedoumica.
Dear Kezlor,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We are in touch with the provider throughout the month and are studying your case in detail. Nevertheless, the identification and processing of 53 transactions necessitates a significant amount of time for both us and the provider.
We are working diligently to resolve the matter, but we require additional time to ensure a thorough evaluation. Rest assured, we are making every effort to expedite the process and will keep you updated on any further developments.
We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Iskreno nam je žao zbog izazova sa kojima ste se suočili. Veoma cenimo vaše strpljenje dok istražujemo problem sa vašim opkladama.
Želeli smo da vas obavestimo da je provajder igre završio pregled i identifikovao sve opklade koje nisu pripisane vašem nalogu zbog tehničkih poteškoća na njihovoj strani. Kao rezultat toga, refundacija je vraćena na vaš stvarni saldo novca.
Proverite svoju e-poštu da biste pronašli datoteku sa detaljima o svim opkladama koje su pogođene. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne oklevajte da se obratite. Cenimo vaše razumevanje i tu smo da vam pomognemo na bilo koji način.
Dear Kezlor,
We're genuinely sorry for the challenges you've faced. We greatly appreciate your patience while we investigate the issue with your bets.
We wanted to let you know that the game provider has completed their review and identified all the bets that were not credited to your account due to technical difficulties on their end. As a result, a refund has been credited back to your real money balance.
Please check your email for a file with the details of all the bets that have been affected.If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your understanding and are here to assist you in any way we can.
Da, istina je da se rešavaju novi problemi koje sam ovde izneo i ali sam pitao da li će duh vetra konačno ozbiljno shvatiti moje prvobitne žalbe na Mega Ball, jer očigledno se to dešava tamo gde se kladite da je prihvaćeno i niste plaćeni ti pobeđuješ, pa kada Spirit ćeš konačno shvatiti moje pritužbe ozbiljno i dati mi isplatu mojih dobitaka za bonus runde koje sam naveo na početku ove teme?
Yes it's true the new issues I brought up here are being resolved and but I had asked if wind spirit would finally take my original complaints of Mega Ball seriously because obviously it does happen where you make a bet it is accepted and you're not paid you're winning so when Spirit are you finally going to take my complaints seriously and get me my winnings paid to me for the bonus rounds that I brought up at the beginning of this thread?
A što se tiče novih pitanja koje sam pokrenuo, tražio sam od svog VIP menadžera više informacija o obrascu koji mi je poslala i koji mi je pokazao kakvo je rešenje i za koje igre nije jasno da li su opklade koje sam napravio ako su dobici zaista isplaćene za mene ili ako sam samo plaćen originalom koji je bio bez vinnija, ako bi to moglo biti jasno, bilo bi veoma cenjeno
And regards to the new issues I brought up I have asked my VIP manager for more information on the form that she sent me showing me what I the resolution was and for what games it's not clear whether the bets I made if the winnings were actually paid out to me or if I was just paid with the original that was with no winnies if that could be made clear it would be much appreciated
Zdravo Piter, nisam siguran da li si uspeo da pogledaš video snimke koje sam podelio sa Tomasom, ali čuo sam od koga duh i izgleda da mi neće platiti ništa za pobedničke ruke koje sam uradio kladite se da je novac stavljen na sto i prihvaćen i novac uklonjen sa mog računa oni mi isplaćuju nula dobitaka za 53 ruke koje sam osvojio i na koje sam se kladio molim vas uputite me šta treba da radim sada jer ako gledate video zapise to je vrlo jasno da su opklade prihvaćene i balans je smanjen.
Hello Peter I'm not sure if you were able to look at the videos that I shared a file with Thomas but I have heard back from when spirit and it looks like they won't be paying me anything for the winning hands that I did bet on that the money was placed on the table and accepted and money removed from my account they are paying me zero winnings for the 53 hands that I won and bet on please direct me on what I should do now because if you watch the videos it's very clear the bets were made accepted and balance was reduced.
Hvala što ste se javili. Nakon istrage, dobavljač igre je otkrio da je problem nastao zbog tehničkog problema na njegovoj strani. Pošto opklade nisu prihvaćene, nije bilo ishoda — ni pobede ni poraza. Pored toga, isti tehnički problem je sprečio da se vaše opklade automatski vrate na vaš nalog.
U isto vreme, sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da su oni sve pregledali i da su opklade na koje se to odnosi vraćene na vaš nalog. Iskreno se izvinjavamo zbog neprijatnosti koje je ovo moglo prouzrokovati.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne oklevajte da nam se obratite.
Dear Kezlor,
Thank you for getting in touch. After investigating, the game provider found that the problem was due to a technical issue on its side. Since the bets were not accepted, there was no outcome—neither a win nor a loss. Additionally, the same technical issue prevented your bets from being automatically returned to your account.
At the same time, we are pleased to inform you that they have reviewed everything and the affected bets have been refunded to your account. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear Kezlor,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev Kezlora. Dobili smo sledeću poruku:
Sa žaljenjem vas obaveštavam da moja prvobitna žalba nije rešena ili prihvaćena. Nadalje, želeo bih da tražim vaše mišljenje o predloženoj rezoluciji. Zamislite da ste bili u kazinu, položili opkladu i osvojili ruku, samo da bi vam se uskratio dobitak jer kazino to ne prepoznaje kao ispravnu opkladu. Ovo se dogodilo preko 53 puta. Verujem da jednostavno vraćanje iznosa moje opklade ne predstavlja zadovoljavajuće rešenje. Imam pravo na dobitak i zaslužujem odgovarajuću nadoknadu za ponovljene greške i neprijatnosti. Molimo vas da nam date svoje uvide u ovo pitanje i tražim da se ovaj slučaj ponovo otvori jer izgleda da moji prethodni odgovori na obrazac nisu bili poslati.
Hvala vam na pažnji po ovom pitanju.
Poštovani predstavniku VinSpirit kazina , da li bi bilo moguće dati bilo kakvu izjavu od provajdera igre o problemu? Želeo bih da ga pregledam da saznam više o tome šta se desilo sa opkladama. Sve informacije možete proslediti na moju e-poštu. ( ) Hvala unapred!
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of Kezlor. We received the following message:
I regret to inform you that my initial complaint has not been resolved or acknowledged. Furthermore, I would like to seek your opinion on the proposed resolution. Imagine if you were in a casino, placed a bet, and won the hand, only to be denied your winnings because the casino does not recognize it as a valid bet. This has occurred over 53 times. I believe that simply refunding my bet amount does not constitute a satisfactory resolution. I am entitled to the winnings and deserve appropriate compensation for the repeated errors and inconveniences. Kindly provide your insights on this matter, and I request that this case be reopened as my previous responses to the form appear to have been unsent.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Dear WinSpirit Casino representative, would it be possible to provide any statement from the game provider about the issue? I'd like to review it to learn more about what happened to the bets. You can forward any information to my email. ( Thank you in advance!
Hvala vam što ste mi dali informacije predstavniku VinSpirit kazina .
Dragi Kezlor , kazino mi je dostavio izveštaj od provajdera igara gde vaše opklade nisu prihvaćene zbog tehničkog problema na strani provajdera. Iz tog razloga, kazino ne može da vrati nijedan dobitak i može samo da refundira vaše početne opklade. Pošto se to dogodilo, smatram da je ovo pitanje rešeno i zatvoriću žalbu u skladu sa tim. Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you for providing me with the information WinSpirit Casino representative.
Dear Kezlor, the casino has provided me with a report from the gaming provider where your bets have not been accepted due to a technical issue on the side of the provider. Due to that reason, the casino can't reinstate any winnings and can only refund your initial bets. As that has happened I consider this matter resolved and will close the complaint accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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