Zdravo Pasti123,
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i iako je moja koleginica Veronika istakla poziciju naše kompanije u ovakvim situacijama, proverio sam uslove i pravila kazina i našao ovo:

Kada sam pokušao da se prijavim sa IP adrese u UK, dobio sam ovu poruku:

Ne mogu reći da je funkcija blokiranja IP-a bila na snazi kada ste kreirali svoj nalog, ali u ovom trenutku se čini da ne biste trebali moći da kreirate svoj nalog sa IP adrese u UK, a čak i da jeste, vraćanje izgleda da je vaš početni depozit jedina obaveza koju kazino mora da ispuni pošto niste imali pravo na dobitak.
Kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlimo ovo.
Želeli bismo da pozovemo Vinstler Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi Vinstler Casino,
Možete li nam dati informacije kako je igrač mogao da se registruje i deponuje iz zemlje sa ograničenjem? Pošto izgleda da ste vi vratili depozit igrača, možete li mi dati dokaz o uplati na michal.k@casino.guru
Hello Pasty123,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and although our company position in situations like this has been highlighted by my colleague Veronika, I have checked the casino T&Cs and found this:

When I tried to sign up from a UK IP I have received this message:

I can't say the IP block feature was in place when you created your account, but at the moment it does seem like you shouldn't be able to create your account from a UK IP, and even if you did, the return of your initial deposit seems to be the only obligation the casino is required to fulfill as you were not entitled to the winnings.
I will contact the casino to shed more light on this.
We would like to invite Winstler Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Winstler Casino,
Can you please provide information how the player was able to register and deposit from a restricted country? As it looks like the player's deposit was refunded by you, can you please provide me the proof of the payment at michal.k@casino.guru
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