Hvala vam što ste nam se obratili!
Imajte na umu da naša točka pravila o bonusu kaže da ako ispunite zahtjev za opkladu, ali još uvijek niste položili depozit, vaš bonus će se pripisati u obliku 25 gotovina. To je bio slučaj za dva odvojena bonusa za koja je ispunjen zahtjev za klađenje.
Prvi bonus je primljen 16. maja i sastojao se od seta od 25 besplatnih okretaja. Spinovi su rezultirali pobjedom 10,15 i ukupnim iznosom oklade 253,75. Iznos bonusa u cijelosti je uplaćen i 20. svibnja 3:07 UTC iznos od 270,48 je poništen, a iznos od 25 prebačen je u gotovinski saldo, u skladu s gore navedenim pravilom, uzimajući stanje na računu od 497,71 do 227.23.
Drugi bonus je primljen 19. maja, a sastojao se od niza od 25 besplatnih okretaja. Omoti su rezultirali pobjedom 3,51 i ukupnim iznosom oklada 87,75. Iznos bonusa izvršen je u cijelosti i 20. maja 5:31 UTC poništen je iznos od 64,88, a iznos od 25 prebačen je u saldo gotovine, uzimajući saldo od 114,88 do 50. U ovom trenutku ukupni saldo na računu je bilo 50, a sastojalo se od dva novčana iznosa od 25 pripisanih nakon oba bonusa.
Ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije ili pomoć, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas, na raspolaganju smo 24/7.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Winward Casino
Thank you for reaching out to us!
Please note that our Bonus Rules item states that if you complete the wager requirement, but have yet to make a deposit, your bonus will be credited in the form of 25 cash. This was the case for two separate bonuses for which the wager requirement was completed.
The first bonus was received on the 16th of May and it consisted of a set of 25 free spins. The spins resulted in a win of 10.15 and a total wager amount of 253.75. The bonus amount was wagered in full and on the 20th of May 3:07 UTC the amount of 270.48 was voided, and the amount of 25 was transferred to the cash balance, as per the rule stated above, taking the account balance from 497.71 to 227.23.
The second bonus was received on the 19th of May and it consisted of a set of 25 free spins as well. The spins resulted in a win of 3.51 and a total wager amount of 87.75. The bonus amount was wagered in full and on the 20th of May 5:31 UTC the amount of 64.88 was voided, and the amount of 25 was transferred to the cash balance, taking the balance from 114.88 to 50. At this point the total balance on the account was of 50, consisting of the two cash amounts of 25 credited after both bonuses had been wagered.
Should you require any additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are available 24/7.
Kind regards,
Winward Casino
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