The player from Texas had signed up for Yabby Casino's advertised bonus but received a misleading playthrough requirement of $19,000 instead. When she contacted customer service, she was informed that she could not get her deposit back due to having played the game, which led her to feel scammed. The complaint was reviewed; however, as the player did not respond to requests for further information, it was rejected.
Igrač iz Teksasa se prijavio za reklamirani bonus Iabbi Casino-a, ali je umesto toga dobio obmanjujući uslov za igru od 19.000 dolara. Kada je kontaktirala korisničku podršku, obaveštena je da ne može da vrati svoj depozit jer je igrala igru, zbog čega se osećala prevarenom. Žalba je razmotrena; međutim, pošto igrač nije odgovorio na zahteve za dalje informacije, to je odbijeno.
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