Dragi holoik83,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za problem koji imate sa kazinom.
Da biste bolje razumeli i pomogli u vašem slučaju, možete li pojasniti sledeće tačke:
- Možete li potvrditi tačan naziv bonusa koji ste očekivali da dobijete sa svojim drugim depozitom?
- Da li ste primili bilo kakvu komunikaciju (e-mail, ćaskanje, itd.) od kazina u vezi sa uslovima ili kvalifikovanošću za bonus pre vašeg drugog depozita?
- Da li je kazino pružio neko konkretno objašnjenje ili upućivanje na druge odredbe i uslove kada je odbijao bonus? Ako jeste, možete li podeliti te detalje?
- Da li ste pokušali da kontaktirate tim za podršku kazina da biste rešili ovaj problem? Ako jeste, možete li podeliti prepisku?
Pored toga, ako imate snimke ekrana ili drugu dokumentaciju u vezi sa uslovima na koje ste se oslonili, depozitima ili bilo kakvim razgovorima sa kazinom, molimo vas da ih prosledite na petronela.k@casino.guru tako da možemo temeljno da razmotrimo situaciju.
Vaša saradnja je neophodna za nas da nastavimo sa slučajem i radimo na rešavanju problema. Bez vašeg doprinosa i neophodnih detalja, nećemo moći efikasno da posredujemo u vaše ime.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće.
Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Zbog izuzetno velikog obima pritužbi, molimo za strpljenje. Iako nastojimo da objavimo žalbe u roku od 48 sati, naknadni odgovori mogu da potraju i do 7 dana. Dodeljivanje vaše žalbe rešavaču takođe može da potraje duže, jer trenutno upravljamo sa blizu 1000 žalbi.
Hvala vam na razumevanju. Želimo vam divnu Novu 2025!
Dear holoik83,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing with the casino.
To better understand and assist with your case, could you please clarify the following points:
- Can you confirm the exact name of the bonus you were expecting to receive with your second deposit?
- Did you receive any communication (email, chat, etc.) from the casino regarding the terms or eligibility for the bonus prior to your second deposit?
- Did the casino provide any specific explanation or reference to other terms and conditions when refusing the bonus? If yes, could you share those details?
- Have you attempted to reach out to the casino’s support team to address this issue? If so, could you share the correspondence?
Additionally, if you have screenshots or other documentation related to the terms you relied on, the deposits, or any conversations with the casino, please forward them to petronela.k@casino.guru so we can thoroughly review the situation.
Your cooperation is essential for us to proceed with the case and work toward resolving the issue. Without your input and the necessary details, we will not be able to effectively mediate on your behalf.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to an exceptionally high volume of complaints, we kindly ask for your patience. While we strive to publish complaints within 48 hours, follow-up responses may take up to 7 days. Assigning your complaint to a resolver might also take longer, as we’re currently managing close to 1,000 complaints.
Thank you for your understanding. Wishing you a wonderful New Year 2025!
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