NaslovnaPritužbeZetCasino - Zahtev igrača za zatvaranje naloga je ignorisan.
ZetCasino - Zahtev igrača za zatvaranje naloga je ignorisan.
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1.232 €
Index sigurnosti:Veoma visok
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 02/07/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Neopravdana žalba
Rezime slučaja
pre 7 meseci
The player confessed their gambling addiction to the casino and took steps to close the account after losses exceeding 12,000€, but did not receive any response from the casino for almost a month, leading them to lose an additional 1232€. The player demanded a refund for the losses incurred after the confession. Notably, the player's confession email was sent from a different address than the one registered with the casino. It was confirmed that the player's account closure was delayed, but the evidence reviewed showed that the last deposit to ZetCasino was on April 22, not April 24 as claimed by the player. Further deposits were made to a sister site, not ZetCasino. Therefore, no refunds were issued.
Igrač je priznao svoju zavisnost od kockanja u kazinu i preduzeo korake da zatvori račun nakon gubitaka od preko 12.000€, ali nije dobio nikakav odgovor od kazina skoro mesec dana, što ih je dovelo do gubitka dodatnih 1232€. Igrač je tražio refundaciju za gubitke nastale nakon priznanja. Primetno je da je e-poruka za priznanje igrača poslata sa druge adrese od one registrovane u kazinu. Potvrđeno je da je zatvaranje računa igrača odgođeno, ali su razmotreni dokazi pokazali da je posljednji depozit na ZetCasino bio 22. aprila, a ne 24. aprila kako je igrač tvrdio. Daljnji depoziti su uplaćeni na sestrinsku lokaciju, a ne na ZetCasino. Zbog toga nisu izdati povraćaji.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Proverio sam odgovorno kockanje i našao sam ovo:
Zahtev za samoisključivanje: možete kontaktirati tim za podršku putem e-pošte:, a mi ćemo zatvoriti vaš nalog u naredna 24 sata. Odgovornost igrača je da obavesti našu veb stranicu o svim drugim računima koje igrač može imati i obećati da neće otvarati druge naloge. Naša veb stranica će uložiti razumne napore da pokuša da spreči otvaranje novih naloga, ali je isključiva odgovornost igrača da se pobrine da se ne otvaraju drugi nalozi. Naša veb lokacija ne može se smatrati odgovornom za potencijalne gubitke na drugim računima;
Možete li proslediti svu relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na ? Uglavnom me zanima zahtev za samoisključivanje. Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde.
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Synaro,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I checked the Responsible Gambling and I found this:
Self-exclusion request: you can contact Support Service Team via e-mail:, and we will close your account within next 24 hours. It's the player's responsibility to notify our Website of any other accounts the player might have and promise not to open any other accounts. Our Website will make reasonable efforts to try to prevent the opening of new accounts but it's the player's sole responsibility to make sure no other accounts are created. Our Website cannot be held accountable for potential losses on other accounts;
Could you please forward all the relevant communication between you and the casino to I am mainly interested in the self-exclusion request. Alternatively, you can post it here.
Dobio sam samo jedan odgovor, da treba da kontaktiram arakio. Tražio sam kontakt podatke u četu, ali mi nisu dali, jer mogu da ih nađem na Guglu. Ali ne znam tačno šta je to. Još uvek čekam odgovor.
I only received one answer, that I should contact araxio. I asked for contact details in the chat, but they didn't give me any, because I can find them on Google. But I don't know exactly what it is. I'm still waiting for a response.
Ich habe nur eine einzige Antwort erhalten,ich soll mich an araxio wenden. Im Chat fragte ich nach den Kontaktdaten,aber wurde mir nicht gegeben,da ich im google finden kann. Aber welche es genau ist,weiss ich nicht. Ich warte immer noch auf eine Rückmeldung.
Hvala vam na odgovoru, Sinaro. Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste poslali početni zahtev za samoisključivanje sa druge adrese e-pošte od one na kojoj ste registrovali svoj nalog?
Thank you for your reply, Synaro. Do I understand correctly that you sent the initial self-exclusion request from a different email address than the one you registered your account with?
Da, tačno, pošto imam nekoliko adresa e-pošte za privatne svrhe, slučajno sam napisao sa pogrešnom imejl adresom. Ali onda sam napisao još jednu e-poštu sa tačnom adresom e-pošte, koja je takođe registrovana na zetcasino, i takođe napisao da sam prvo slučajno napisao pogrešnu adresu e-pošte. Od tada nema odgovora i još uvek imam pristup svom računu za igre i depoziti su i dalje mogući. Snimak ekrana moje e-pošte je u prilogu.
Yes, exactly, since I have several email addresses for private purposes, I accidentally wrote with the wrong email address. But then I wrote another email with the correct email address, which is also registered with zetcasino, and also wrote that I accidentally wrote with the wrong email address first. Since then, no response and I still have access to my gaming account and deposits are still possible. A screenshot of my email is attached.
Ja genau,da ich mehrere Emailadressen habe für private Zwecke,habe ich versehentlich mit der falschen Emailadresse geschrieben. Habe dann aber erneut eine Email mit der richtigen Emailadresse geschrieben,die auch bei zetcasino registriert ist und habe auch geschrieben,dass ich ausversehen zuerst mit einer falschen Emailadresse geschrieben habe.Seitdem keine Rückmeldung und ich habe immer noch zugriff auf meinem Spielkonto und einzahlungen wären immer noch möglich. Ein Screenshot von meiner Email ist beigefügt
Da li ste izvršili bilo kakve depozite nakon što ste kontaktirali kazino koristeći registrovanu adresu e-pošte? Koliko dana je bilo potrebno da se vaš nalog zatvori nakon ove poruke?
Pored toga, molimo vas da mi prosledite najnoviju komunikaciju između vas i kazina.
Did you make any deposits after you contacted the casino using the registered email address? How many days did it take for your account to be closed after this message?
Additionally, please forward me the most recent communication between you and the casino.
Da, izvršio sam depozit čak i nakon što sam primio imejl sa registrovanom imejl adresom 24. aprila 2024. Na sajtu ovog kazina, kao što ste već pomenuli, piše sledeće:
Zahtev za samoisključivanje: Možete kontaktirati tim za podršku putem e-pošte: , a mi ćemo zatvoriti vaš nalog u naredna 24 sata.
Ali to nije bio slučaj za mene. Moj nalog je blokiran mnogo kasnije, pre 6 dana.
Kazino nije poštovao pravila/ugovor, pa je moje pravo da vratim gubitke najmanje posle 24. aprila 2024.
3. maja 2024. primio sam e-poštu koja nije bila istinita. Rečeno je da kazino nije primio nijednu e-poštu sa moje registrovane adrese e-pošte. Međutim, to sam mogao lako da dokažem koristeći e-poštu, pošto sam 24. aprila 2024. napisao e-poštu koristeći ispravnu adresu e-pošte. Nisam primio nijednu e-poštu od 3. maja 2024.
U prilogu možete videti poslednji mejl iz kazina i poslednji mejl od mene, gde sam uspeo da dokažem da sam pisao sa tačnom imejl adresom 24. aprila 2024. godine.
Sve se vidi u prilogu.
Yes, I made deposits even after receiving the email with the registered email address on April 24, 2024. On the website of this casino, as you already mentioned, it says the following:
Request for self-exclusion: You can contact the support service team by email: , and we will close your account within the next 24 hours.
But that wasn't the case for me. My account was blocked much later, 6 days ago.
The casino did not follow the rules/contract, and therefore it is my right to get my losses back at least after April 24, 2024.
On May 3rd, 2024 I received an email that was not true. It said that the casino had not received any emails from my registered email address. However, I was able to easily prove this using the emails, as I wrote the email on April 24th, 2024 using the correct email address. I have not received any emails since May 3rd, 2024.
In the attachment you can see the last email from the casino and the last email from me, where I was able to prove that I wrote with the correct email address on April 24, 2024.
Everything can be seen in the appendix.
Ja,auch nach der Email mit der registrierten Emailadresse am 24.4.24,habe ich Einzahlungen getätigt. Auf der Seite von dieser Casino steht,wie sie bereits erwähnten folgendes:
Antrag auf Selbstausschluss: Sie können das Support-Service-Team per E-Mail kontaktieren: , und wir werden Ihr Konto innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden schließen.
Das war aber bei mir nicht der Fall. Mein Konto wurde viel später gesperrt,vor 6 Tagen.
Das Casino hat sich nicht an die Regeln/Vertrag gehalten,und somit ist es mein Recht,die Verluste zumindest nach dem 24.4.24 wieder zubekommen.
Am 3.5.24 bekam ich eine Email,die aber nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Es stand drin, dass das Casino von meiner registrierten Emailadresse,keine Email erhalten haben. Dies konnte ich aber anhand der Emails problemlos beweisen,dass ich am 24.4.24 mit der richtigen Emailadresse die Email geschrieben habe.Seit dem 3.5.24 kam keine Email mehr.
Im Anhang können sie die letzte Email vom Casino und die letzte Email von mir sehen,wo ich nachweisen konnte,dass ich mit der richtigen Emailadresse am 24.4.24 geschrieben habe.
Da to je tačno. Nije bio blokiran u naredna 24 sata, tako da sam mogao da izvršim dodatne depozite. Upravo sam poslao nit e-pošte.
Yes, that's right. It wasn't blocked within the next 24 hours, so I was able to make further deposits. I've just sent the email thread.
Ja genau,dass ist richtig. Es wurde nicht innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden gesperrt,so konnte ich weitere Einzahlungen machen. Den Emailtread habe ich soeben gesendet.
Hvala puno, Sinaro, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mihalu ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Synaro, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Želeo bih ponovo da napomenem da Zetcasino nije poštovao 24-časovnu zabranu. Zabrana je došla prekasno i zbog toga sam pretrpeo finansijsku štetu. Dakle, kazino je u obavezi da mi refundira gubitke od 24. aprila 2024. godine, a to su opet bili veliki iznosi. Nadam se da će problem biti brzo rešen.
I would like to mention again that Zetcasino did not comply with the 24-hour ban. The ban came far too late and I suffered financial damage as a result. Therefore, the casino is obliged to refund me the losses from April 24, 2024, and these were again large amounts. I hope that the problem will be resolved quickly.
Gerne erwähne ich nochmal,dass Zetcasino sich nicht an die innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden sperre gehalten hat. Die Sperre kam viel zu spät und ich erlitt dadurch finanzielle Schaden. Daher ist das Casino verpflichtet,mir die Verluste ab dem 24.4.24 zurückzuerstatten,und das waren wieder hohe Beträge. Ich hoffe,dass das Problem schnell gelöst wird.
Obaveštavamo vas da klijent nije izvršio nijedan depozit nakon njegovog zahteva za zatvaranje 24.04.2024. Dakle, nakon ovog datuma na njegovom računu nije bilo gubitaka.
Poslali smo vam mejl sa dokazima. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Iskreno Vaš,
Korisnički servis
Dear Michal,
We would like to inform you that the customer did not make any deposits after his closure request on 24.04.2024. Therefore there was no losses occurred in his account after this date.
We sent you an email with the evidence. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Ali zašto se u ovoj e-poruci kaže da je dodat novi odgovor iz Povbet kazina? Nemam nikakve veze sa Povbet kazinom. Radi se o Zetcasinu. A ako Povbet kaže da nisam ništa deponovao posle 24.4.24, onda je tačno. Jer nisam tamo igrao. Radi se o Zetcasinu, a nakon 24.4.24, napravio sam dodatne depozite.
But why does this email say that a new reply has been added, from Powbet Casino? I have nothing to do with Powbet Casino. This is about Zetcasino. And if Powbet says I haven't deposited anything after 4/24/24, then it's correct. Because I haven't played there. This is about Zetcasino, and after 4/24/24, I made further deposits.
Aber warum steht bei dieser Email,dass eine neue Antwort hinzugefügt wurde,und zwar vom Powbet Casino. Ich habe mit Powbet Casino nichts zutun. Es geht hier um Zetcasino. Und wenn Powbet schreibt,ich habe nach dem 24.4.24 nichts eingezahlt,dann ist es richtig. Weil ich dort nicht gespielt habe. Es geht um Zetcasino,und nach dem 24.4.24,habe ich weitere Einzahlungen getätigt.
Zbog dokaza koje sam mogao da pregledam, čini se da ste poslednji depozit uplatili 23.4. Da li biste mogli da nam dostavite bilo kakve bankovne izvode koji bi dokazali da ste izvršili dodatne depozite nakon 24.4?
Dear Synaro,
Due to the evidence I was able to review, it seems like you made your last deposit on 23.4. Would you be able to provide us with any bank statements that would prove that you made further deposits after 24.4?
Molim vas da mi pošaljete dokaze tako da mogu da ga uporedim sa bankovnim izvodima. Takođe sam zatražio GDPR izjavu kako bih mogao 100% dokazati da su uplate izvršene.
Could you please send me the evidence so that I can compare it with the bank statements. I also requested a GDPR statement so that I can prove 100% that payments were made.
Könnte sie mir bitte die nachweise an senden,damit ich es mit den kontoauszügen vergleichen kann. Ich habe ausserdem vorhin eine DSGVO Auskungt gefordert,damit ich auch 100% nachweisen kann,dass zahlungen getätigt wurden.
Deponovao sam tačno 1300 € počevši od 24. aprila 2024. Nije bilo odgovora na blokadu naloga u naredna 24 sata i kazino je sada u obavezi da mi refundira ovaj gubitak.
Na slici su isplate od 23.4.24 (DPA thebeastskins)
Da biste bili sigurni da su to zapravo uplate u Zetcasino, možete uporediti iznose (160€ i 22€) sa dokazom iz kazina.
It was exactly €1300 that I deposited starting on April 24, 2024. There was no response to the account being blocked within the next 24 hours and the casino is now obliged to refund me this loss.
The picture shows the payments from 23.4.24 (DPA thebeastskins)
To be sure that these are actually payments to Zetcasino, you can compare the amounts (160€ and 22€) with the proof from the casino.
Best regards
Emre Ezer
Lieber Michal
Die Beweise habe ich ihnen an ihre Emailadresse ( ) gesendet.
Es waren genau 1300€ die ich ab dem 24.4.24 eingezahlt habe. Auf die Kontosperrung innerhalb der nächsten 24 Stunden wurde nicht reagiert und das Casino ist jetzt verpflichtet mir diesen Verlust zurück zu erstatten.
Auf dem Bild sind die Zahlungen von 23.4.24 zu sehen (DPA thebeastskins)
Damit sie sich auch sicher sind,dass es sich tatsächlich um Zahlungen an Zetcasino handelt,können sie gerne die Beträge (160€ und 22€) mit dem Beweis vom Casino vergleichen.
Poslali smo vam depozite koje je izvršio kupac. Pored toga, poslali smo istoriju transakcija direktno klijentu.
Želimo da vas obavestimo da klijent nije izvršio nijedan depozit u našem kazinu posle 23.04.2024. Transakcija koju je izvršio kupac ne pripada depozitu našem kazinu.
Hvala na razumevanju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Korisnički servis
Dear Michal,
We sent you the deposits made by the customer. Additionally, we sent the transaction history to the customer directly.
We would like to inform you that the customer did not make any deposits to our casino after 23/04/2024. The transaction provided by the customer does not belong to the deposit to our casino.
Zbog dokaza koje sam mogao da pregledam, izgleda da je situacija sledeća:
Posljednju uplatu ZetCasinu u iznosu od 22 eura izvršili ste 22.4., nakon te uplate više nije bilo uplata u kazino.
Moram da kažem da je vremenski okvir procesa samoisključenja bio duži nego što je trebalo da bude, ali u ovom slučaju nema povraćaja sredstava.
Čini se da su ostali depoziti napravljeni na sestrinskom sajtu ZetCasina, stoga nisu relevantni u ovom slučaju.
Da to potvrdite/demantujete, da li biste mogli da mi pošaljete detalje o uplati koju ste izvršili 22. aprila, kao i bilo koju drugu uplatu koja je navodno izvršena nakon ove kako bismo mogli da uporedimo detalje plaćanja (brojeve računa, itd.)? Ili ih postavite ovde u niti ili mi ih pošaljite e-poštom.
Radovaću se vašem odgovoru.
Dear Synaro,
Due to the evidence I was able to review, the situation seems to be as follows:
You made the last payment to ZetCasino in the amount of 22 euros on 22.4., after that payment, there were no more payments made to the casino.
I have to say that the timeframe of the self-exclusion process was longer than it should have been, but there are no refunds to be made in this case.
The rest of the deposits seem to have been made into a sister site of the ZetCasino, therefore they are not relevant in this case.
To confirm/disprove this, would you be able to send me the details of the payment that you made on the 22nd of April, and also any other payment that was supposedly made after this one so we could compare the payment details (account numbers, etc.)? Either post them here in the thread or email them to me.
Pošto su sve uplate od 22. marta 2024. izvršene kreditnom karticom, ne vidi se broj računa primaoca, već samo ime DPA *thebeastskins. I sestrinski kazino sajt bi takođe morao da ima drugačije ime.
Since all payments from March 22, 2024 were made by credit card, the recipient's account number is not visible, only the name DPA *thebeastskins. And a sister casino site would also have to have a different name.
Da alle Zahlungen ab dem 22.3.24 mit Kreditkarte bezahlt wurde,ist der Kontonummer vom Empfänger nicht zu sehen nur der name überall DPA *thebeastskins. Und auch eine Schwester Casino-Seite müsste einen anderen Namen haben.
Ako se zapravo radi o sestrinskom kazinu, što nije slučaj, nemoguće je da se ovaj drugi kazino kao primalac takođe zove DPA thebeastskins. I želeo bih da znam naziv kazina i listu transakcija ako je dostupna. Tako možemo sve da uporedimo. I ja imam pravo da vidim dokaze. Ovde sam sve dokazao.
Hello michal,
If it is actually a sister casino, which is not the case, it is impossible that this other casino as the recipient is also called DPA thebeastskins. And I would like to know the name of the casino and a transaction list if available. That way we can compare everything. I also have the right to see the evidence. I have proven everything here.
Hallo michal,
Wenn es tatsächlich eine Schwestercasino ist,was aber nicht der Fall ist,ist es unmöglich dass dieser andere Casino als Empfänger auch DPA thebeastskins heisst. Und den Namen des casinos möchte ich gerne wissen und eine Transaktionsliste falls vorhanden. So kann man alles vergleichen. Ich hab auch das Recht,die Beweise zu sehen. Ich habe hier alles bewiesen.
Zbog dokaza koje sam mogao da pregledam, mogu da potvrdim svoju prethodnu izjavu:
„ Posljednju uplatu ZetCasinu u iznosu od 22 eura izvršili ste 22.4., nakon te uplate više nije bilo uplata u kazino.
Moram da kažem da je vremenski okvir procesa samoisključenja bio duži nego što je trebalo da bude, ali u ovom slučaju nema povraćaja sredstava.
Čini se da su ostali depoziti napravljeni na sestrinskom sajtu ZetCasina, stoga nisu relevantni u ovom slučaju ."
Dobio sam dokaze koji potvrđuju da ste vlasnik računa u pitanju, kako ZetCasina, tako i sestrinskog projekta ZetCasina, na koji ste uplatili ostatak depozita nakon posljednje uplate od 22 eura 22. aprila.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Michal V, Casino.Guru
Dear Synaro,
Due to the evidence I was able to review, I can confirm my previous statement:
"You made the last payment to ZetCasino in the amount of 22 euros on 22.4., after that payment, there were no more payments made to the casino.
I have to say that the timeframe of the self-exclusion process was longer than it should have been, but there are no refunds to be made in this case.
The rest of the deposits seem to have been made into a sister site of the ZetCasino, therefore they are not relevant in this case."
I was provided with evidence that confirms that you are the owner of the accounts in question, both ZetCasino and also the sister project of ZetCasino, to which you made the rest of the deposits after the last payment of 22 euros on the 22nd. of April.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Michal V, Casino.Guru
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