Draga Jessica i Casino Guru tim,
Hvala vam što ste nas kontaktirali u vezi sa nedavnom pritužbom.
Iskreno se izvinjavamo zbog nastale situacije.
Kao što vidimo iz žalbe, igrač je posebno nezadovoljan opisom naših uslova bonusa, posebno bonusa za drugi depozit dobrodošlice. Pravila bonusa navode sledeće: "Bonus se mora uložiti 40 (četrdeset) puta. Kada se aktivira, bonus se kladi koristeći i pravi novac i bonus novac sa računa igrača." Pored toga, posebno pravilo u drugom odeljku bonusa na depozit kaže: „Igra počinje sa pravim novcem, a zatim sa bonus sredstvima. Gubitak bonus novca poništava bonus." Ove tačke ni na koji način nisu u suprotnosti jedna s drugom, jer se objašnjava veličina opklade (da se iznos opklade primenjuje samo na iznos bonusa, ali se prilikom klađenja uzimaju u obzir i bonus i realna sredstva, a ova tačka u pravilima je data kao objašnjenje da klijent ne misli da se k40 primenjuje na iznos bonusa + iznos depozita, kao u mnogim drugim kazinima), a druga objašnjava proces klađenja ( prvo se zadužuju stvarna sredstva koja obuhvataju samo iznos depozita, a zatim i bonus sredstva).
Što se tiče situacije sa igračem, evo detaljnog pregleda: Igrač je bio u procesu klađenja bonusa koji je dobio nakon deponovanja 50 CAD. Kako igračica tvrdi, odlučila je da poništi bonus, a u trenutku otkazivanja njen bilans je bio 422,10 CAD. Kada igrač otkaže bonus, pojavljuje se prozor za potvrdu sa porukom: "Deo salda primljenog za ovaj bonus, zajedno sa pobedom, biće oduzet. Otkazati bonus?" Igrač mora potvrditi ili otkazati akciju.
Igrač je potvrdio otkazivanje. Kada je bonus poništen, depozit je vraćen na stanje igrača, dok je bonus dobitak odbijen. Takođe, igrač može videti bonus stanje i stvarni balans u gornjem desnom uglu ekrana.
Priznajemo da je možda došlo do zabune u vezi sa uslovima bonusa. U Zoome kazinu, zahtev za klađenje k40 primenjuje se isključivo na iznos bonusa, za razliku od drugih kazina u kojima se uslov klađenja primenjuje i na bonus i na depozit. Na primer, ako igrač položi 50 CAD i dobije bonus od 50 CAD, moraće da uloži samo iznos bonusa (50 CAD) k40 = 2000 CAD.
Iako je bonus ispravno poništen i depozit vraćen na račun igrača, prepoznajemo mogućnost zabune zbog formulacije u našim uslovima. Pregledavamo ove uslove i daćemo pojašnjenja kako bismo bili sigurni da su jasniji za igrače koji idu napred. Obavestite nas da li je potrebno dodatno pojašnjenje ili ako igrač ima dodatnih pitanja.
S poštovanjem,
Zoome Casino tim

Dear Jessica and Casino Guru Team,
Thank you for contacting us regarding the recent complaint.
We sincerely apologize for the situation that has arisen.
As we can see from the complaint, the player is specifically dissatisfied with the description of our bonus terms and conditions, particularly the Second Welcome deposit bonus. The bonus rules state the following: "Bonus must be wagered 40 (forty) times. Once activated, the bonus is wagered using both the real money and bonus money from the player's account." Additionally, a specific rule under the second deposit bonus section states: "Play starts with real money, then bonus funds. Losing bonus money nullifies the bonus." These points do not contradict each other in any way, since one explains the size of the wager (that the amount of the wager is applied only to the amount of the bonus, but when wagering, both bonus and real funds are taken into account, and this point in the rules is provided as an explanation so that the client does not think that x40 is applied to the amount of the bonus + the amount of the deposit, as in many other casinos), and the other explains the wagering process (first, real funds are debited, which includes only the amount of the deposit, and then bonus funds).
Regarding the situation with the player, here is a detailed breakdown: The player was in the process of wagering a bonus received after depositing 50 CAD. As the player claims, she decided to cancel the bonus, and at the time of cancellation, her balance was 422.10 CAD. When a player cancels a bonus, a confirmation window appears with the message: "Part of the balance received for this bonus, along with the win, will be deducted. Cancel bonus?" The player must confirm or cancel the action.
The player confirmed the cancellation. Once the bonus was cancelled, the deposit was returned to the player’s balance, while the bonus winnings were deducted. Also, the player can see the bonus balance and real balance in the upper right corner of the screen.
We acknowledge there may have been some confusion regarding the bonus terms. At Zoome Casino, the x40 wagering requirement applies solely to the bonus amount, unlike other casinos where the wagering requirement applies to both the bonus and the deposit. For example, if a player deposits 50 CAD and receives a 50 CAD bonus, they would need to wager only the bonus amount (50 CAD) x40 = 2000 CAD.
While the bonus was correctly cancelled and the deposit returned to the player’s account, we recognize the potential for confusion due to the wording in our terms. We are reviewing these terms and will make clarifications to ensure they are clearer for players moving forward. Please let us know if further clarification is needed or if there are additional questions from the player.
Zoome Casino Team

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