Zdravo Natalija / Zoome Service Rep.,
Što se tiče poslednje serije primljenih i poslatih komunikacija između zainteresovanih strana; Uradio sam ono što je Zoome preporučio u direktnom kontaktu sa „Flash-om" (Zoome-ova platforma za pružanje plaćanja) i odmah nakon što sam primio detalje transakcije u potpunosti, nažalost, nisam imao nikakav odgovor na upit e-pošte i nije mnogo bolje sa njihovim onlajn ćaskanjem podršku sa (molimo vas da mi dozvolite da dalje istražim stvar i sada je prošlo skoro 3 dana, a još uvek NIŠTA!!!), oni su me obavestili da su pokrenuli opoziv plaćanja kod banke korisnika (Moja banka - ING) i takođe su uradili još jedan korak. HITAN ZAHTEV dok sam u onlajn ćaskanju sa mnom, rekavši da čekaju da ING reaguje na ovaj zahtev pre nego što se bilo šta preduzme na njihovoj strani, pitao sam da li mogu da pomognem da se ubrza proces na koji su mi odgovorili: „Naravno, mogli biste da dobijete kontaktirajte ih direktno i zamolite ih da reaguju na zahtev za opoziv plaćanja!", uradio sam to direktno dok sam još uvek bio na platformi za ćaskanje sa predstavnikom Flash usluge. & su mi rekli istu stvar od strane mojih bankarskih službenika pošto sam imao 2 nedelje nakon što sredstva/transakcija u pitanju još uvek nisu deponovana na moj račun i to je ovo; NE MOŽE SE ZATRAŽITI NIJEDAN POZIV UPLATE ZA UPLATU KOJA NIKAD JE BILA POLOŽENA NA RAČUN KOJI NE POSTOJI, SREDSTVA NIKAD NIKAD DIREKTNO U BILO KOJOJ OBLICI ILI FORMU, POŠTO TAJ RAČUN BROJ, NE PONAVLjA SE, NE PONAŠAVA (takođe informacije. da sam ponovio Zoome-u mnogo puta od prvog razgovora sa svojom bankom pre 6,5 nedelja), sredstva su se automatski vratila na račun inicijatora 24-48 sati nakon toga, jer ovako funkcioniše, „PLAĆANjE OPOZIV" je SAMO za slučajeve kada su sredstva stvarno pogođena i uspešno deponovana na drugi račun / neispravan, otvoren, potpuno funkcionalan transakcijski račun, stoga NEOPOZIV PLAĆANjA ne može niti bi mogao da se desi - Tako da sam još jednom potvrdio da sam su sada još više nanizani i čekali, poslani u divlju poteru za informacijama koje sam već ZNAO i POTVRDIO da su istinite od strane Zoome-a, dok su mi zadržali dospela sredstva koja mi s pravom duguju u mojim neizmirenim dobicima od $1,500.00!!!
Obraćam pažnju da se ove informacije uzmu u svako merljivo razmatranje jer su one pune osnove za pravnu akciju i krivično delo koje se može tužiti za koje imam više nego dovoljno legitimnih dokaza, svaku pojedinačnu komunikaciju poslatu/preporučenu i savetovanu od mog prvog dan dovođenja u pitanje netačne transakcije - SADA PRE 8,5 VKS!!!
Moj MGR iz BANKE je sa zadovoljstvom rekao da će oni biti snimljeni, a takođe i da snimim nastavak razgovora sa njom u onome što su mi ona i drugi predstavnici/službenici bankarskih usluga sada rekli i objasnili mi do svih detalja 3 puta gotovo, da li bi mi bila potrebna ova informacija o finansijskom zakonodavstvu ako stvari nisu bile rešene za mene nakon što sam preneo ove informacije Casino Guruu, vama Natalia.
Čekam vaš odgovor, kao i neki oblik afirmativne i potpuno korektivne AKCIJE od ZOOME-a sa najvećim i najhitnijim očekivanjima - TREBA DA SE OVO ISPRAVI, TRAJE 9 NEDELjA Rečeno mi je da samo "SED & VAIT, VAIT, VAIT" - SVE ZASNOVANO NA TOTALNIM LAŽIMA I LAŽIMA U KOJE SAM VEĆ ZNAO U PUNOM RAZLOŽENjU I IZVORIŠĆENjU SVE JE IZ REČI GO!!!
Hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu Natalia & ZOOME, iskreno se nadam da će se KOREKTIVNE RADNjE PREDUZETI ODMAH jer više ne odbacujem samo ideju o pravnom postupku, već će tužba biti neizbežna ako ovo NE ISPRAVI COB - 17:00 AEST u petak 14. jula 2023. - pošto ovo ne može i neće da stoji, ne za/meni ili bilo kom drugom jadnom vlasniku/članu računa za deponovanje u okviru vašeg sumnjivog objekta/platforme!!!
Natalija, još jednom, hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu i bilo kakvoj pomoći koju možete da pružite u vezi sa HITNOM PROBLEMU @, veoma je cenjeno.
Hello Natalia / Zoome Service Rep.,
Regarding the last lot of communications received & sent between the parties concerned; I have gone ahead & actioned what Zoome recommended in contacting "Flash" (Zoome's Payment Providing Platform) directly & immediately upon receiving the transaction details in full, alas, I had zero response back to my email query & not much better with their online chat support with a (Pls let me investigate the matter further & now been nearly 3days on with still NOTHING!!!), they advised me that they did initiate a payment recall with the beneficiary bank (My Bank - ING) & also did a further URGENT REQUEST whilst in the online chat to me, saying that they were awaiting ING to action this request prior to anything being actioned on their parts, I asked if I could help speed the process along in which they replied, "Sure, you could get in touch with them directly & ask them to action the Payment Recall Request!", I did this directly whilst still in the chat platform with Flash service rep. & was told the same thing by my banking officials as I was 2wks after the funds / transaction in question were still not deposited into my account & that is this; NO PAYMENT RECALL CAN BE REQUESTED FOR A PAYMENT THAT WAS NEVER DEPOSITED TO AN ACCOUNT THAT DOES NOT EXIST, THE FUNDS NEVER EVER HIT ING DIRECT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM, AS THAT ACCOUNT NUMBER, DOES NOT, I REPEAT, DOES NOT EXIST, (also info. that I have reiterated to Zoome many times over now since 1st speaking with my bank 6.5wks ago), the funds did an automatic bounce back to the initiators account 24-48hrs after as this is how it works, a "PAYMENT RECALL" is ONLY for when funds have actually hit & been successfully deposited into another account / an incorrect, open, fully functioning transactional account, therefore NO PAYMENT RECALL can or could ever take place - So I have once again, re-confirmed that I have now even further been strung along & kept waiting, sent on a wild goose chase for information that I already KNEW & had CONFIRMED to be TRUE by Zoome whilst they withhold my rightfully owed due funds in my outstanding winnings of $1,500.00!!!
I heed that this information be taken into every measurable consideration as these are full grounds for Legal Action & a Sue-able Offence in which I have more than enough legitimate evidence, every single communication sent / rec'd & advised on since my very 1st day of questioning the incorrect transaction - NOW 8.5WKS AGO!!!
My BANK MGR has happily said that they will go on Record & also for me to record a follow-up conversation with her in what she & other banking service rep.s / officials have now told me & explained to me in full detail 3 x's over, should the need for this Financial Legislative Information be required if matters were not resolved for me upon my relaying this information to Casino Guru, to yourself Natalia.
I await your reply as well as some form of affirmative & fully corrective ACTION from ZOOME with the highest & most urgent of anticipations - I NEED THIS RECTIFIED, GOING ON 9WKS I have been told to just "SIT & WAIT, WAIT, WAIT" - ALL BASED ON TOTAL LIES & FALSITIES IN WHICH I ALREADY KNEW IN FULL THE REASONINGS & EXCUSES ALL WERE FROM THE WORD GO!!!
Thank you for your time Natalia & ZOOME, I sincerely hope that the CORRECTIVE ACTION IS TAKEN IMMEDIATELY as I am no longer merely throwing out the idea of Legal Action but a Lawsuit shall be imminent should this NOT be RECTIFIED by COB - 5:00PM AEST on Friday 14th July, 2023 - as this can not & will not stand, not for / to me or to any other poor depositing account holder / member within your shady gaming facility / platform!!!
Natalia, again, thank you for your time & any assistance you can provide on the URGENT ISSUE @ hand, it is greatly appreciated.
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