I moja sestra i ja smo se prijavile, ona živi u susedstvu, pa su to iskoristili kao izgovor da mi ne plate ono što sam osvojio. Rekli su mi da dve osobe u istoj porodici ne mogu imati račune. Kako je to pošteno? Nismo igrali na račun jedan drugog, već smo oboje igrali u kazinu. Otpremio sam verifikaciju naše lične karte sa našim adresama na njima zajedno sa dokazom adrese i onda mi je rečeno da je to zato što sam premašio maksimalnu opkladu. Pa šta je to? Lažljivci.
So my sister and I both signed up, she lives next door so they used that as an excuse not to pay me what I won. They told me two people in the same family cannot have accounts. How is that fair? We didn't play on each other's account we just both played the casino. I uploaded verification of both our ID's with our addresses on them along with proof of address and then I was told it was because I exceeded the max bet. So which is it? Liars.