Draga Kristina
Prošlo je već 15 dana, a još uvek nisu isplatili niti sam dobio bilo kakvu informaciju putem pošte u vezi mog povlačenja.
Da, moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan i već sam napravio 1 uspešno povlačenje od 144€ (33€ neto dobitak) koje je prihvaćeno/obrađeno u toku istog dana.
Razumem da povlačenje može biti odloženo, ali je u statusu „Na čekanju" 15 dana, u odeljku za povlačenje piše 1 radni dan za obradu i 3-7 radnih dana za prenos. U mom slučaju zadržavanje je već dvostruko duže od maksimalnog zahtevanog vremena.
što duže čekam, sve više počinjem da brinem da moja sredstva neće biti isplaćena
Dear Kristina
15 days passed already and still they did not pay out nor I received any information over mail regarding my withdrawal.
Yes my account is fully verified and I have made already 1 successful withdrawal of 144€ (33€ net winnings) which was accepted/processed within same day.
I understand that the withdrawal may be delayed, but it has been in "Pending" status for 15 days, in the withdrawal section it says 1 business day to process and 3-7 business days to transfer. In my case the hold is already twice the maximum requested time.
the longer I wait, the more I start to worry that my funds won't be paid
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