Zdravo Branislave,
Hajde da malo rasvetlimo situaciju.
Zaista, imali smo problema sa Muchbetter Wallet-om u našem kazinu, i od trenutka kada je ova greška otkrivena, davali smo sve od sebe da je popravimo, jer zahtijeva veći razvojni kapacitet nego što smo očekivali. Greška se pojavila zbog promjene broja Muchbetter Wallet-a i poremetila proces isplate, zbog čega je igraču zapeo novac, a mi smo ga vratili na njegov kasino račun 18. jula u 08:46 .
Međutim, naš razvojni tim još uvijek rješava ovaj problem i nemamo tačne podatke o tome koliko će brzo biti riješen. Izvinjavamo se zbog ove neugodnosti s naše strane i razumijemo da može biti pomalo neugodno čekati rješenje. Kada problem bude riješen, svima ćemo poslati e-mail s vijestima.
Dragi Jony1989,
Kao što smo gore spomenuli, novac je vraćen na vaš kazino račun 18. jula u 08:46 . Molimo provjerite ove informacije na kartici Sredstva. Naš tim još uvijek rješava problem s isplatom novca i izvinjavamo se zbog ovoga. Molimo da se obratite svom VIP menadžeru, da li možete dobiti skromnu nadoknadu za neprijatnosti sa naše strane.
Nakon neuspješnog isplate, nastavili ste uplaćivati novac na svoj račun i kladiti se na njih, uključujući i vraćeni iznos. Tako je sav novac potrošen. Sada vam ga ne možemo vratiti. Imali ste slobodu da odaberete opciju da zadržite novac na svom računu ili isprobate drugi način isplate gotovine, ali niste.
Cijenimo što igrate sa Emojino kazinom i pokušavate učiniti sve za vašu udobnost i ugodno kockanje.
Hello Branislav,
Let us shed some light on the situation.
Indeed, we had trouble with Muchbetter Wallet in our Casino, and from the moment this bug was discovered, we were doing our best to fix it, as it requires more development capacity than we expected. The bug appeared because of changing the Muchbetter Wallet number and hurt the withdrawal process, that's why the player's money got stuck, and we refunded it to his casino account on 18 Jul at 08:46.
However, this issue is still fixing by our development team, and we have no exact data on how quickly it will be fixed. We apologize for this inconvenience from our side, and we understand it can be a bit annoying to wait for the solution. Once the problem is resolved, we will send an email with the news to everyone.
Dear Jony1989,
As we mentioned above, the money was returned to your casino account on 18 Jul at 08:46. Please check out this information in the Assets tab. The trouble with cashing out is still fixing by our team, and we apologize for this. Please, contact your VIP manager, whether you can get a modest compensation for the inconveniences from our side.
After your unsuccessful cashout, you have continued depositing money to your account and betting on them, including for the refunded amount. Thus, all the money was spent. We are not able to return it to you now. You had the freedom to choose an option to keep the money on your account or try another way of cash out, but you did not.
We appreciate you are playing with Emojino Casino and trying to do everything for your comfort and pleasant gambling.
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