Često vidim da industrija kockanja sebe opisuje kao zabavu. Iako ovo može opisati mali procenat igrača, pretpostavljam da je većina tu iz drugih razloga. Pa, zašto ideš u kazino?
A) Zabava
B) Osvojiti novac
Ako niste sigurni zašto idete, zapitajte se?
1) Da li biste i dalje otišli da je zabava uklonjena (svaka slot mašina je bila igra sa jednom linijom sa tri bubnja, tako da nema bonus rundi, progresivnih džekpota i animiranog scenarija, nije bilo hrane i pića, nema gluma na sceni itd. )?
2) Da li biste i dalje otišli da je novac uklonjen? Možete igrati koliko god želite, ali ne dobijate niti gubite novac.
Ok, ok. Znam da bi mogli biti i drugi razlozi za odlazak u kazino ... slobodno ih navedite u komentarima ispod.
I often see the gambling industry describing itself as entertainment. While this may describe a small percentage of players, I am guessing most are there for other reason(s). So, Why do you to to the casino?
A) Entertainment
B) To Win Money
If you are not sure why you go, ask yourself?
1) Would you still go if the entertainment were removed (every slot machine was a single line three reel game so there are no bonus rounds, progressive jackpots, and animated screenplay, there was no food and drinks, not acts on stage, etc.)?
2) Would you still go if the money was removed? You could play all you want but you neither win nor lose any money.
Okay, okay. I know there could be other reasons to go to a casino ... please feel free to list them in the comments below.