Zdravo, nisam mnogo čuo o ovoj vrsti bonusa na ruletu ili sličnim igrama uživo. To je više opšti bonus koji možete da koristite na ovim igrama, ali to nije slučaj u svakom kazinu i većinu vremena ove igre se računaju minimalno u opkladama.
Ali ako ste zainteresovani, mogu vam pokazati neke bonuse uopšteno i možete ih pogledati.
Možete ih pronaći na ovoj listi ovde . ⬅
Ako ih vidite, slobodno mi javite.
Međutim, imam još jedno pitanje, da li ste ikada sreli kazino koji je imao slične bonuse kao što opisujete? 😊
Hello, I haven't heard much about this type of bonuses on roulette or similar live games. It's more of a general bonus that you can use on these games, but it's not the case in every casino and most of the time these games are counted minimally in wagering.
But if you are interested, I can show you some bonuses in general and you can take a look at them.
You can find them on this list here. ⬅️
If you see any, feel free to let me know.
However, I have one more question, have you ever met a casino that had similar bonuses as you describe ? 😊
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