Ovo je moje iskustvo sa HeapsOVin-om. Igrao sam besplatni bonus i došao do $1000+. Zatim sam proverio dokumente, napravio prvi depozit u BTC i podigao novac. Dobio sam e-poruku u kojoj je pisalo: „Dragi Mauricio,
Nadamo se da će vas ovaj imejl dobro pronaći.
Potvrđujemo prijem vaše kripto adrese. Međutim, ne šaljemo uplate na kripto adresu zasnovanu na gotovini.
Imajući u vidu gore navedeno, želeli bismo da od vas zatražimo da nam dostavite kripto adresu zasnovanu na novčićima.
(Imajte na umu da ova vrsta adrese počinje brojevima, a ne slovima).
Hvala vam na saradnji i razumevanju po ovom pitanju. "
Onda mi vraćaju prvi depozit uplaćen na saldo (44$) i poništavaju ostalih 1006 osvojenih dolara.
Iznad su transakcije. Piše „Povlačenje menadžera odobreno". Pisao sam servisu i rekli su mi da ne povlače besplatne bonuse. Prvo loše iskustvo u kazinu. Iz transakcija, po mom mišljenju, oni su ga stavili u džep. Nikad više.
This is my experience with HeapsOWin. I played a free bonus, and got to $1000+. Then I verified the documents, made the first deposit in BTC and withdrew the money. I received an email saying: "Dear Maurizio,
We hope this email finds you well.
We acknowledge receipt of your crypto address. However, we do not send payments to Cash based crypto address.
In view of the above we would like to request you to provide us with a Coin based crypto address.
(Please keep in mind that this kind of address starts with numbers and not letters).
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. "
Then they give me back the first deposit made on the balance ($44) and cancel the other $1006 won.
Above are the transactions. It says "Manager Withdrawal Approved". I wrote to the service and they told me that they don't withdraw the free bonuses. First bad experience in a casino. From the transactions, in my opinion they pocketed it. Never again.
Questa è la mia esperienza con HeapsOWin. Ho giocato un bonus gratuito, e sono arrivato a 1000$+. Poi ho verificato i documenti, effettuato il primo deposito in btc e ritirato i soldi. Mi arriva una email con scritto: "Dear Maurizio,
We hope this email finds you well.
We acknowledge receipt of your crypto address. However, we do not send payments to Cash based crypto address.
In view of the above we would like to request you to provide us with a Coin based crypto address.
(Please keep in mind that this kind of address starts with numbers and not letters).
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. "
Dopodichè mi ridanno il primo deposito effettuato sul saldo (44$) e annullano gli altri 1006$ vinti.
Sopra ci sono le transazioni. C'è scritto "Manager Withdrawal Approved". Ho scritto al servizio e mi hanno detto che i free bonus non li fa ritirare. Prima esperienza negativa in un casinò. Dalle transazioni secondo me se li sono intascati loro. Mai più.