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Two things to keep in mind when playing Live online Blackjack

 od ChangYeeFong
14.954 pregleda 31 odgovora |
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This is my experience so far with playing live Online Blackjack and understanding the math involved in it and why despite counting cards it is still so difficult to succeed in the game. I'm assuming that readers of this post has already read the articles in on blackjack so I will not explain all the blackjack terms and phrases to avoid a longer post.


Two things I want to bring up players need to be aware of when playing online.


  • Wonging: Wonging is a type of strategy in Blackjack whereby the players only enter the table and bet when the count for the shoe is high. I've seen posts in other blackjack forums and reddit posts some people saying that since live online blackjack allow you to bet behind other players wonging is a very good strategy to follow. My experience is that one of the defenses for online blackjack providers is they will timeout or kick out players if there is no activities from players who have entered the table including those just observing in the back. You'll have to log back into the table and you'll miss some of the cards that are dealt breaking your count. Many online casino's will give you a message that you have been kicked out due to inactivity however that is not the case with other live blackjack providers. I've watched games from behind and when I went to the bathroom and came back and tried to bet behind I find that I was kicked out of the table even though there wasn't any message saying I've been removed due to inactivity.
  • Counting cards and betting strategies: One of the difficulties of counting cards and then increasing your bets when the count is high for live online blackjack is deck penetration is low. On average you are looking at 50% to 55% deck penetration with an 8 deck shoe. Blackjack Advantage Players universally consider the low deck penetration very problematic. Most AP(Advantage Players) would only play shoe games with higher deck penetrations like 75% to 85%. At 50% deck penetration the deviation and variance is just too high for them. To give you all an understanding of how high the variation on payment is check out this thread on the blackjack forums. Post #13 as it is calculated by AP in the forum the profits on the game is $270/hr but look at the standard deviation of profits.  $4,308! And this is with a maximum bet of $500. What this means is because there is so many cards remaining in the Shoe you’re going to get massive swings where even if the count is super positive. The dealer will keep winning and not bust for several hands while you’re doing maximum bets due to fact that there is so many cards left in the shoe. I’ve seen this happen myself on several occasions with starting a positive count of 4 and maximum bet, I have the dealer win 7 hands in a row despite the count never going below 3.

This does not mean it’s not impossible to count and succeed in playing online blackjack. What it means is you have to be prepared for high variations in your fortunes while you play. Best advice I can give is make sure you have a high bankroll to ride out the massive variations in the game and be prepared to play longer games online than on real life tables. Maybe triple the number of hours you’ll need to grind to achieve the same level of success as tabletop players. 

Izmenjeno od Daniel
Razlog: Zabranjen link

Thanks Daniel for moving the post to the appropriate section of the forum. I didn't see section on other casino games, my bad. Apologies.

Dakle .. iz ličnog iskustva .. da biste ograničili efekte odstupanja potreban vam je održiv bankroll,

pod održivim mislim 3 ili 4 nule i rasponom uloga od najmanje 1-12 ...

u članku razumijem da je raspon klađenja 1-100 !!! ... da ga definiramo agresivnim je malo, ali očito će mu trebati pretjerana novčana masa, ali s druge strane moći će ostvariti profit s određenim olakšanjem.

Rekavši da znanje brojanja karata nije dovoljno ... potreban vam je način razmišljanja tibetanskog monaha, kako ne biste pogriješili tačno kad je brojanje pozitivno, ali djelitelj uzastopno osvaja mnogo ruku ... zaista je teško posao i za nekolicinu ... iznad svega imaju otvoren um koji izgleda da će profitirati dugoročno, a ne na 5 ili 10 ruku.

Automatski prevedeno:

Pretty much. Another thing I recommend people do since it is what I am doing is to use another counting system other than the Hi-Lo system that is so popular. Something with a stronger correlation to bet spreads. I use Wong Halves personally. It has a stronger betting correlation than Hi-Lo which and yes I know it is a difficult system to master but since your doing things online you can use papers and calculators to help figure out your count.

Don't forget you still have to grind your way to build up the game hours to reduce the long term variance of the game. Which in a way you can play longer with online blackjack due to the fact that you are working from the comforts of your home.

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hvala na potpunim informacijama

Automatski prevedeno:

This was a very interesting read. I never knew that there were actually terms that were meant to be used for these games. I think that is really promising and very entertaining. Thank you so much for the knowledge. I will remember these techniques and terms and see how they can help me have a better time when it comes to playing blackjack online. You see, I have just started playing the game. I already know the rules and I play it just for fun, I've won a couple of times but I have yet mastered how to win yet.


I actually believe that blackjack is a good game to play, because it's simple, the decision-making process is simple as well - you either stand, take another card or split (in some cases). That's it. The house edge is also very low compared to other casino games (especially slots or American roulette).

If you like blackjack, you should definitely look at our guide:


Can't disagree Blackjack is one of the games with the lowest house advantage one can play. One reason it is so popular is that with only a little money people can play for a long time as long as you keep the betting down to a minimum.

One question Daniel. The basic strategy chart you guys provide which rules variant of blackjack is it for? Because to me it seems to be the Basic strategy chart for when the dealer only stands on a Hard 17 not the soft 17 one which I see a lot of live online casinos play.


Hey! The article covers basic strategy for American blackjack in which dealer stands on both soft and hard 17. We plan to rework the entire series of articles about blackjack to cover the topic in more detail and to include strategies for other variants of blackjack. But for now we only cover this specific set of rules in our article on basic strategy. Hopefully the new articles will be more helpful 🙂

I liked the article. Everything is described quite easily. Good job!

Hey! The article covers basic strategy for American blackjack in which dealer stands on both soft and hard 17. We plan to rework the entire series of articles about blackjack to cover the topic in more detail and to include strategies for other variants of blackjack. But for now we only cover this specific set of rules in our article on basic strategy. Hopefully the new articles will be more helpful 🙂

Apologies I didn't make myself clear enough and I know I'm being very pedantic so I am sorry for being too detailed oriented. I was mainly referring to the "Basic Strategy Chart" you provided in the basic strategy section of the Blackjack Guide.

The dealer hits on a hard 11 vs a Dealers Ace instead of double. That's the basic strategy chart for rules when dealer stands on Soft 17. If the chart had been the chart for dealer standing on Hard 17 it would have been a double instead of a hit.

However it is my opinion that you guys are correct for putting up the strategy chart for dealer standing on Soft 17 because that ruleset seems to be the most common one for all the online casino's I've seen so far and it's best not to confuse new blackjack players with all the strategy difference especially since they are unlikely to face those rules in the online games.

Again I am sorry for nitpicking and I really look forward to reading the new blackjack guide articles when you've finished them.

Svestan sam da mogu da osvojim 10/20 komada dnevno na live blackjack-u, a da ne rizikujem svoj kapital, moja jedina briga je da će me vremenom sprečiti da igram, predlozi?

Automatski prevedeno:

Prevent you from playing for what reason? 🤔

Ažurirano od strane autora

Samo se brinem da će me vremenom sprečiti da svaki dan osvajam novac

Automatski prevedeno:

As long as you don't use any forbidden strategies, it shouldn't be a problem. You need to think a bit more positively and not be afraid of something that doesn't have to happen. 🙂

Meanwhile, in which casino do you play blackjack ? 


Zabranjene strategije, ne stvarno, samo nepogrešiv metod sa kapitalom od 1000 komada, trenutno bet365, ali nameravam da menjam s vremena na vreme

Automatski prevedeno:

I think changing casinos from time to time is a good tactic stand-alone.😀

But I am quite interested in your strategy, care to share its keypoints with us?


Mogu vam reći da proučavajući blackjack do detalja, igram svaku ruku na maksimalne matematičke mogućnosti, ali očigledno samo ovo ne može biti dovoljno da pobedim dilera. Stoga usvajam strategiju koja mi omogućava da nadoknadim izuzetno negativne periode koji se neizbežno dešavaju na duge staze

Automatski prevedeno:

Ok! You definitely caught my attention. How long have you been submerged in BlackJack's math, if you don't mind me asking? Love the saying "it's easy to comprehend yet almost impossible to master" 😀


Učio sam rulet mnogo godina (najmanje 10) i onda prešao na Blackjack jer je bio matematički korisniji, a ne nasumičan kao prvi i sada imam pretpostavku da potvrdim (nakon najmanje 20 godina iskustva) da znam igra kao malo koja druga u svim svojim nijansama i svestan sam da sam razvio najbolji sistem od svih bezbroj, poznatih i neslavnih koji su ikada postojali, samo treba znati kako da budeš zadovoljan...

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