Nisam mislio da su bankovni transferi kategorisani na isti način kao plaćanja karticama, tako da ne vidim te kategorije na Revolutu.
Sve što zaista možete da uradite je da prođete kroz transfer, a zatim pokušate da ga opozovete, nakon ovog Revolut će vam poslati poruku da razgovarate. Prošao sam kroz ovaj proces toliko puta i uvek se završava tako što kažu da neće opozvati/refundirati jer je neregulisani sajt protiv njihovih uslova. I dalje bi trebalo da pokušate, ali ne očekujte mnogo od njih, oni su najrobotizovanija, najmanje empatična banka sa kojom sam ikada imao posla.
I didn’t think bank transfers were categorised in the same way as card payments so I don’t see those categories on Revolut.
All you can really do is go through transfer then try to recall it, following this Revolut will message you to discuss. I’ve been through this process so many times and it always ends with them saying they won’t recall/refund as the unregulated site goes against their terms. You should still try but don’t expect much from them, they’re the most robotic, least empathetic bank I’ve ever dealt with.