Uradio sam - Kork je rekao da će mi se javiti. Limerik je rekao da moram da ih pozovem. Ne brinem se previše o tome da oni postupaju po tome, jer imam reference za zločin iz Action prevare koje sam dostavio banci. Ali gospođica Daisi je u pravu, to bi ih moglo navesti da odgovore.
Glavni problem sa bankama je još uvek da ih nateraju da izvrše povraćaj sredstava, jer svi znaju da je to ključno, pa ako neće, onda ćete možda dobiti malo radosti sa referencama o kriminalu, na mojoj je Barclaicard Visa uradila netačan MCC, Chase Mastercard neće da li sam uradio robu koja nije primljena, a koja je u toku, ali nastavljam da im dajem male delove dodatnih informacija jer ako izazovu, želim da mogu da je branim. Nadam se da to neće braniti, mislim da Pol obično kaže da ako ne učine u roku od 14 dana onda ćete verovatno pobediti.
I have done - Cork said they will get back to me Limerick said I need to call them. I’m not too bothered about them acting on it, as I have crime references from Action fraud that I have supplied to bank. But Miss Daisy is correct it may prompt them to respond.
The main issue with the banks is still getting them to do the chargeback, as everyone knows that is key so if they won’t then you may get some joy with crime references, on mine Barclaycard Visa did incorrect MCC, Chase Mastercard won’t do I have done goods not received which is ongoing but I keep giving them little bits of further information because if they do challenge I want to able to defend it. I am hopefully they won’t defend it, I think Paul said usually if they don’t within 14 days then you are likely to win.
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