Zdravo svima!
Želeo bih da podelim sa svima na forumu, alat koji sam razvio pre mnogo godina i sada pravim javnu verziju.
Alat je fokusiran na kontrolne table u realnom vremenu glavnih Game Shov igara. Crazi Time, Monopoli, Funki time itd.
Kontrolna tabla ima isti pogled i ponašanje kao oni koji se koriste u dnevnom trgovanju, a podaci se verificiraju i iscrtavaju prema rezultatima tabela.
Ispod je kratak opis kako se alat koristi.
BankRoll Indicator
Svećnjak i Histogram MacD indikator
RSI indikator
Još jedna važna tačka, ja kažem da je alatka asertivna, to je samo analiza da bi se razumelo ponašanje Games Shovs-a.
NAPOMENA: Neću stavljati link radi publiciteta jer nije dozvoljeno, ali bih želeo da ga podelim sa zajednicom, može li neki admin pomoći ovde?
To je to momci, hvala.
Hi everyone!
I would like to share with everyone on the forum, a tool that I developed years ago and now I am making a public version.
Tool is focused on real-time Dashboards of the main Game Show games. Crazy Time, Monopoly, Funky time and etc.
The Dashboard has the same view and behavior as those used in day trading and the data is verified and plotted according to the results of the tables.
Below is a brief description of how the tool is used.
BankRoll Indicator
Candle Stick and Histogram MacD Indicator
RSI Indicator
Another important point, I'm saying that the tool is assertive, it's just an analysis to understand the behavior of Games Shows.
NOTE: I will not put the link for publicity because it is not allowed, but I would like to share it with the community, can any admin help here?
That's it guys, thanks.