Da li je ovako nešto moguće?! Moj prijatelj mi je juče poslao link za ulog. Hvalio se da je to nekako dobio sa Darkneta i da se u poslednje vreme dešavaju neki manipulisani kodovi ili nešto slično. Moj prijatelj ima tendenciju da veruje svemu što vidi...
Bio sam veoma skeptičan jer retko igram onlajn kazina, a činilo se da je veza samo partnerska veza. Ipak, pokušavamo…
Deponovao sam 50€ i na kraju osvojio 700€... Dve druge kolege su imale istu sreću i svaki je osvojio oko 1000€. Jednom od njih je trebalo malo duže, ali su i pogodili džekpot. Nemam pojma da li je to bila samo sreća (kao što još uvek sumnjam) ili je ovako nešto zaista moguće.
Ovo je link: http://Stake.com/
ali mislim ako imamo samo sreće
Is something like this possible?! A friend of mine sent me a Stake link yesterday. He was boasting that he somehow got it from the Darknet and that there are some manipulated codes or something like that going on lately. My friend tends to believe everything he sees...
I was highly skeptical since I rarely play online casinos, and the link seemed to be just an affiliate link. Nevertheless we give it a try…
I deposited €50 and ended up winning €700... Two other colleagues had the same luck and each won around €1000. It took a bit longer for one of them, but they also hit the jackpot. I have no idea if it was just luck (as I still suspect) or if something like this is really possible.
This is the Link : http://Stake.com/
but Idk if we are only really lucky