Čak i ako sam sanjar, moje prazno buncanje sto puta je više od punog zadovoljstva.
Moj glas je usamljen, ali čak i u posljednji sat On će služiti meni i mojoj savjesti!
Ne, umjesto podlosti i umjesto sitne slave odabirem po stoti put
Moj ponosni put pod vatrom očiju plamtećih mržnjom!
Cyrano de Bergerac
Edmond Rostand
U ovoj temi želim razgovarati o kazinima u kojima sam igrao. Odmah vas želim upozoriti da je to moje lično gledište. Neću hvaliti niti ocrnjivati stranice na kojima sam ikad igrao. Ovo je istorija mojih igara u raznim kazinima. Ne želim biti neutemeljen, jer ću sve dokumentirati.
Jednog dana, učitelj je stao ispred učenika u učionici i u rukama držao knjigu. Kad su studenti utihnuli, pitao je:
"Koje je boje ova knjiga?"
Studenti su odgovorili jednim glasom:
Međutim, učitelj je odmahnuo glavom i rekao da je knjiga crvena! Svi su studenti vikali da je knjiga, naravno, crna. Tada je učitelj okrenuo knjigu da pokaže učenicima da je knjiga s druge strane crvena. Kad su se počeli smijati, rekao je
"Čekaj! Slušaj!
Nikada ne donosite odluku prije nego što pogledate obje strane problema. "
Even if I am a dreamer, my empty ravings are a hundred times more mile than my full satisfaction.
My voice is lonely, but even at the last hour He will serve me and my conscience!
No, instead of meanness and instead of petty glory I choose for the hundredth time
My proud path under the firefight of Hate-Burning Eyes!
Cyrano de Bergerac
Edmond Rostand
In this thread, I want to talk about the casinos in which I played. I want to warn you right away that this is my personal point of view. I am not going to praise or denigrate the sites I have ever played on. This is the history of my games in various casinos. I don’t want to be unfounded, because I will document everything.
One day, the teacher stood in front of the students in the classroom and held a book in his hands. When the students were quiet, he asked:
"What color is this book?"
The students answered with one voice:
However, the teacher shook his head and said the book was red! All the students shouted that of course the book was black. Then the teacher turned the book over to show the students that the book on the other side was red. When they started laughing he said
"Wait! Listen!
Never make a decision before you look at both sides of the issue. "
Пускай мечтатель я, мне во сто крат милей довольства сытого мои пустые бредни.
Мой голос одинок, но даже в час последний Служить он будет мне и совести моей!
Нет, вместо подлости и вместо славы мелкой Я выбираю в сотый раз
Мой гордый путь под перестрелкой Горящих ненавистью глаз!
Сирано де Бержерак
Эдмон Ростан
В этой теме я хочу рассказать о казино в которых я играл. Хочу предупредить сразу что это лично моя точка зрения. Я не собираюсь хвалить или очернять сайты на которых я когда либо играл. Это история моих игр в различных казино. Не хочу быть голословным, потому всё буду подтверждать документально.
One day, the teacher stood in front of the students in the classroom and held a book in his hands. When the students were quiet, he asked:
"What color is this book?"
The students answered with one voice:
However, the teacher shook his head and said the book was red! All the students shouted that of course the book was black. Then the teacher turned the book over to show the students that the book on the other side was red. When they started laughing he said
"Wait! Listen!
Never make a decision before you look at both sides of the issue. "