pre 9 meseci
Iz iskustva, ako igrate gore pomenuti slot, koji igra dobro kao bilo koji drugi, ako dobijete 3 bonusa i zaradite nešto novca, razlog je, a to se dogodilo 3 puta, sada nećete dobiti još jedan bonus. prestani. Dobio sam 15 k 2 kugle, ali nikada 3 i izgubio veliki profit. Zato budite upozoreni!!
From experience if you play the above mentioned slot, which plays as good as any, if you get 3 bonuses and make a bit of money cash out, the reason being, and it has happened 3 x now you won't get another bonus they just stop. I got 15 x 2 orbs but never the 3 and lost a big profit. So be warned!!