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Turnir besplatnih okretaja

 od Great90
2.663 pregleda 8 odgovora |

Ovaj turnir u slotovima bogatstva vam ne dozvoljava da igrate, kaže da je ulog dozvoljeno 2$, ali pokazuje 1.4,2.4$, ne možete ga igrati

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, I wrote to Juraj to fix it, I also have an error and there is no way to change the bet. I hope it will be soon.

Also, I see you like our tournaments quite a lot, have you won any of them yet? 🙂

Ne, još ništa nisam osvojio. Teško je, ali moram da nastavim da pokušavam.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ali vidim da je već bilo igrača koji su igrali, pa ne razumem zašto nisu igrali.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's a pity, but it's been fixed, have you tried it and it's fine?🙂

Bio sam drugi na turniru i ne vidim 30$

Automatski prevedeno:

Congratulations to you!

Just wait a bit and check your email inbox frequently. Juraj first sends an email to confirm your email address, and then once the voucher is set up, you'll get it. Be patient, please, the tournament has just ended.

Nevertheless, it is stated in the frequently asked questions. 😉


Hvala, već sam potvrdio, ali nagrada koju sam dobio još nije tu

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, because the others have to confirm the email and they have some time to do that. Also Juraj has to wait for the vouchers and then the players will get what they deserve. 

Just a little patience. 🙂

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