jackbit.com - ovo su prevaranti. Moj nadimak na sajtu je "neo".
Ovo nije samo optužba.
Evo glavnih tačaka koje bi trebalo da vas upozore da ne deponujete novac na svoj račun u ovom kazinu:
- podrška za ćaskanje je najbeskorisnija podrška. Jednostavan primer – prilikom ulaska u ćaskanje morate da navedete svoj nadimak i imejl, ali nakon povezivanja na ćaskanje operatera, on će ponovo tražiti da navedete svoj nadimak, a na pitanje zašto ponovo pišete isto kao majmun – operater će ne mogu da vam dam odgovor . Svi odgovori podrške su standardne, unapred napisane šablonske skripte; nemaju nikakvog smisla, već samo dosade svojom glupošću.
Takođe na veb lokaciji možete kontaktirati podršku putem e-pošte support@jackbit.com . Ali možda vam uopšte neće odgovoriti ako se vaše pitanje smatra nepotrebnim...
Takođe možete biti ignorisani kada pišete pisma kyc@jackbit.com - ovo je odeljenje za verifikaciju ovog kazina.
A sada činjenice za koje se nadam da će vam pomoći da ne izgubite novac:
1. Moje prve sumnje u poštenje ovog kazina pojavile su se nakon što je sa mog računa otpisano (ukradeno) 300 USD. To sam primetio samo zato što količina nije mala. Saznao sam da kada popunite kupon za opkladu i kliknete na dugme „Postavi opkladu", ponekad opklada nije prihvaćena zbog greške... ali će novac biti zadužen sa vašeg računa. Nakon zaduženja, u roku od 1-2 minuta novac se obično vraća na vaš račun, ali ispostavilo se da to nije uvek slučaj. U mom slučaju, pokušao sam nekoliko puta da se kladim na jedan događaj i opklada nije prihvaćena zbog greške. Kao rezultat toga, opklada nikada nije prihvaćena, ali novac otpisan za dve neprihvaćene opklade od 150 USDT = 300 USDT nije vraćen na moj račun. Pisao sam u razgovor za podršku, operater nije mogao da mi pomogne i prebacio me je na višeg specijaliste. Proveo sam pola dana pokušavajući da dokažem ovom stručnjaku da sam u pravu, napravio sam tabelu sa svim opkladama i tabelu koja odražava kretanje novca na mom računu. Ovaj specijalista nije priznao ni pomisao na grešku. uveravajući me da grešim. Na kraju sam ga konačno uhvatio na neskladu između njegovih i mojih podataka, a on je, sa očiglednim neradom, pristao da zatraži od svojih specijalista da još jednom provere podatke. Na kraju su mi jednostavno bez izvinjenja vratili ukradeni novac na račun.
2. Najinteresantnije je počelo kada sam pokušao da povučem USDT sa svog računa za igre na svoj kripto novčanik.
Prvo su me zamolili da prođem verifikaciju na sajtu. Uradio sam sve po potrebi i uspeo sam da podignem 250 USD. Nakon toga, sledeće povlačenje je blokirano i od mene je zatraženo da prođem video verifikaciju. Poslao sam traženi video na kyc@jackbit.com i dobili potvrdu da je video primljen, sačekajte da se verifikacija završi.
Nekoliko dana kasnije, pitao sam čet za podršku koliko je vremena potrebno da se verifikuje video koji sam poslao, rečeno mi je da je standardno vreme verifikacije od 24 do 48 sati. Naznačio sam da je prošlo više od 48 sati, a onda su počeli da mi odgovaraju standardnim frazama - naše odeljenje proverava dostavljene informacije, obavestićemo vas putem e-pošte o rezultatima provere.
Danas je 18.03.24 i nisam dobio nijedan odgovor iz ovog lopovskog kazina. Šaljem im mejlove skoro svaki dan, pokušavajući da dobijem odgovore na svoja pitanja - ali oni me jednostavno ignorišu.
Za referencu, ukupno sam deponovao 1108,63 USDT na račun (za period od 02.02.24. do 11.02.24.
Uspeo sam da podignem 250 USD. Trenutno ovi prevaranti imaju 2546,49 USD na mom računu.
Pretpostavljam da kazino zaista ne voli igrače koji pobeđuju i na kraju jednostavno kradu novac.
Dok priča nije gotova...sigurno ću vas obaveštavati o daljem razvoju situacije.
A možda će predstavnici kazina naći vremena i ovde odgovoriti na moje optužbe?)))
Molim sve da ovu poruku ponovo objavljuju što je više moguće. Istina mora da pobedi.
Mogu dati sve dodatne informacije. informacije koje će pomoći da se kazne prevaranti.
S poštovanjem, neo.
jackbit.com - these are scammers. My nickname on the site is "neo".
This is not just an accusation.
Here are the main points that should warn you against depositing money into your account at this casino:
- chat support is the most useless support. A simple example - when entering the chat you must indicate your nickname and email, but after connecting to the operator's chat, he will again ask you to indicate your nickname, and when asked why write the same thing again like a monkey - the operator will not be able to give you an answer . All support responses are standard, pre-written template scripts; they do not make any sense, but are only annoying with their stupidity.
Also on the website you can contact support via email support@jackbit.com. But they may not answer you at all if your question is considered unnecessary...
You may also be ignored when writing letters to kyc@jackbit.com - this is the verification department of this casino.
And now the facts that I hope will help you not lose money:
1. My first doubts about the honesty of this casino appeared after 300 USD were written off (stolen) from my account. I noticed this only because the amount is not small. I found out that when you fill out the bet coupon and click the "Place Bet" button, sometimes the bet is not accepted due to an error... but the money will be debited from your account. After debiting, within 1-2 minutes the money is usually returned to your account, but as it turns out, this is not always the case. In my case, I tried several times to place a bet on one event and the bet was not accepted due to an error. As a result, the bet was never accepted, but the money written off for two unaccepted bets of 150 USDT = 300 USDT was not returned to my account. I wrote to the support chat, the operator could not help me, and switched me to a senior specialist. I spent half a day trying to prove to this specialist that I was right, I created a table with all the bets, and a table reflecting the movement of money in my account. This specialist did not even admit the thought of a mistake. assuring me that I'm wrong. In the end, I finally caught him on the discrepancy between his data and mine, and he, with obvious reluctance, agreed to ask his specialists to double-check the data. In the end, they simply returned the stolen money to my account without even an apology.
2. The most interesting thing began when I tried to withdraw USDT from my gaming account to my crypto wallet.
First, I was asked to go through verification on the site. I did everything as required, and I was able to withdraw 250 USD. After that, the next withdrawal was blocked and I was asked to go through video verification. I sent the requested video to kyc@jackbit.com and received confirmation that the video was received, wait for the verification to complete.
A few days later, I asked the support chat about how long it takes to verify a video sent by me, I was told that the standard verification time is from 24 to 48 hours. I indicated that more than 48 hours had already passed, and then they began to answer me with standard phrases - our department is checking the information provided, we will notify you by email about the results of the check.
Today is 03/18/24 and I have not received a single response from this thieving casino. I email them almost every day, trying to get answers to my questions - but they simply ignore me.
For reference, in total I deposited 1108.63 USDT into the account (for the period from 02/02/24 to 02/11/24
I was able to withdraw 250 USD. Currently, these scammers have 2546.49 USD in my account.
I suspect that the casino really does not like players who win, and in the end they simply steal money.
While the story is not over...I will definitely keep you posted on further developments of the situation.
And maybe representatives of the casino will find time and answer my accusations here?)))
I ask everyone to repost this message as much as possible. The truth must win.
I can provide any additional information. information that will help punish fraudsters.
Sincerely, neo.