Ako pogledate LiveRoulette, mogli biste pomisliti da kazino ne izaziva sumnje i da mu se može verovati. Međutim, nakon detaljnijeg pregleda, postaje očigledno da glavni cilj platforme nije da pruži igračima pošteno igranje, već da pokuša da ih prevari u najranjivijem trenutku – tokom povlačenja sredstava.
Sve je počelo 12. oktobra 2023, kada je došlo vreme da podignem svoj dobitak. I pazite, osvojio sam pristojan iznos – 5000 evra. Administracija kazina je odgovorila da je transakcija u toku i da će biti završena u roku od 5 radnih dana, što se nije dogodilo. 23. oktobra stigao je još jedan mejl u kome je stajalo da će novac uskoro biti pripisan na moj račun.
Ali šta na kraju imamo? Novac nikada nije stigao na moj račun i ponovo su tražili od mene mnoštvo različitih dokumenata da potvrde moju verifikaciju. Ono što je ovde „„smešno" je to što sam već ranije dao ova dokumenta!
Ali bez brige, mislio sam, proći ću ovu fazu, ali nema te sreće! Ovog puta, pošto su izmislili još jedan izgovor da uskrate moj novac, administracija LiveRoulettea je uvela još jednu tačku u hodu – sada čekaju moju verifikaciju u drugim kazinima. Šta?!
U stvari, moja sredstva su trenutno zamrznuta i ne mogu da ih podignem sa računa. Šta je ovo ako nije prevara LiveRoulette-a?
If you glance at LiveRoulette, you might think that the casino doesn't raise suspicions and can be trusted. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that the main goal of the platform is not to provide players with fair gaming, but rather to attempt to deceive them at the most vulnerable moment – during fund withdrawals.
It all started on October 12, 2023, when it came time to withdraw my winnings. And mind you, I won a decent amount – 5000 euros. The casino administration responded that the transaction was being processed and would be completed within 5 working days, which didn't happen. On October 23, another email arrived, stating that the money would soon be credited to my account.
But what do we have in the end? The money never made it to my account, and they asked me again for a plethora of different documents to confirm my verification. What's ""funny"" here is that I had already provided these documents before!
But no worries, I thought, I'll pass this stage, but no such luck! This time, as they invented yet another excuse to withhold my money, the LiveRoulette administration introduced another point on the fly – now they're waiting for my verification in other casinos. What?!
In reality, my funds are currently frozen, and I can't withdraw them from the account. What is this if not fraud on the part of LiveRoulette?