Zdravo David.
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe putem naše web stranice. Razumijem da mislite da kazino neće isplatiti vašu dobit ako pobijedite. Ovaj kazino posluje u sivoj zoni. Tehnički se ne fokusiraju na tržište Velike Britanije. Zbog licence ograničavaju UK u svojim T&C, ali dopuštaju igračima iz Velike Britanije da se registriraju i igraju. Pitali smo ih, a oni su nam rekli da će im, u slučaju pobjede igrača u Velikoj Britaniji, platiti kao i bilo koji drugi klijent. Možete li mi reći ako su odbili isplatiti neke od vaših dobitka u prošlosti?
S poštovanjem, Matej
Hello David.
Thank you very much for submitting a complaint through our website. I understand that you think that the casino will not pay out your winnings if you win. This casino operates in the grey zone. Technically they don’t focus on the UK market. Because of the license they restrict UK in their T&Cs but allow players from UK to register and play. We asked them, and they told us that in case UK players win, they will pay them like any other customers. Could you please tell me if they refused to pay out some of your winnings in the past?
Regards, Matej
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