>Doprinos opklade na blackjack (5%) je jasno naveden.
Ovo nije pravilno razumevanje sistema kazina.
Nivo doprinosa napisan u uslovima korišćenja je smernica, a oznaka doprinosa je ispravna specifikacija.
Čak i sada, BJ je naveden kao 10% umesto 5%.
Ako je 5% tačno, onda su sigurno kazina krivi što i dalje ignorišu ovu notaciju doprinosa?
> 29.2.2 Podrazumevano, koeficijenti igre su podešeni na sledeći način: 100% - svi slotovi
Ovo je bonus za rabat, a ne uslov za klađenje, ali ako, na primer, slot mašina sa 5% doprinosa bonusa na rabat ima prioritet u odnosu na uslove korišćenja, može li se princip 100% popusta primeniti na sve slot igre tvrdnjom da uslovi korišćenja imaju prednost?
> Preporučujemo da dovršite opkladu pošto je kazino ispravno obradio sve date informacije.
Ako igrač nije siguran da li je zapis doprinosa tačan
Kako to da proverim?
Potvrdio sam u ćaskanju uživo kada su uslovi za klađenje za Bakaru smanjeni sa 100% na 10%.
U to vreme, verujem da sam dobio odgovor putem ćaskanja uživo u kojem se navodi da je zapis doprinosa tačan.
Takođe sam proverio napredak zahteva za klađenje na bonus stranici i potvrdio da radi ispravno.
> Većina slot igara je 100%.
Iako je ova rečenica uključena u uslove i odredbe bonusa, u stvarnosti, kada pogledate zapis doprinosa, postoji mnogo mašina koje ne podležu zahtevima za klađenje i mnoge mašine koje su samo 50%.
Igrači proveravaju ove stvari pre nego što igraju, ali ako je retroaktivna tvrdnja kao što je ova dozvoljena, onda postoje „skoro" izuzeci od ove izjave, a ti izuzeci su kada dođe do spora kada kompanija tvrdi nakon činjenice da je određena slot mašina imala kvota od 0%, da li to znači da će Casino Guru prihvatiti zahtev Mikija Kazina?
To je ono o čemu oni pričaju, zar ne?
Doprinosi su ispravno navedeni, zahtevi za klađenje napreduju na stranici bonusa ispravno, a sistem takođe radi ispravno kada se prebaci sa 100% na 10% na pola puta.
>The blackjack bet contribution (5%) was clearly stated.
This is not a proper understanding of the casino's system.
The contribution level written in the terms of use is a guideline, and the contribution notation is the correct specification.
Even now, BJ is listed as 10% instead of 5%.
If 5% is correct, then surely the casinos are at fault for still ignoring this contribution notation?
> 29.2.2 By default, the game coefficients are set as follows: 100% - all slots
This is a rebate bonus, not a wagering requirement, but if, for example, a slot machine with a 5% rebate bonus contribution is given priority over the terms of use, can the principle of a 100% rebate be applied to all slot games by claiming that the terms of use take priority?
> We recommend that you complete your bet as the casino has processed all information provided correctly.
If the player is unsure whether the contribution notation is correct
How can I check that?
I confirmed on live chat when the wagering requirements for Baccarat were reduced from 100% to 10%.
At that time, I believe I received a response via live chat stating that the contribution notation was correct.
I also checked the progress of the wagering requirements on the bonus page and confirmed that it was working properly.
> Most slot games are 100%.
Although this sentence is included in the bonus terms and conditions, in reality, when you look at the contribution notation, there are many machines that are not subject to the wagering requirements and many machines that are only 50%.
Players check these things before playing, but if a retroactive claim like this one is allowed, then there are "almost" exceptions to this statement, and those exceptions are when a dispute arises where a company claims after the fact that a certain slot machine has a 0% odds, so does that mean that Casino Guru will accept Miki Casino's claim?
That's what they're talking about, right?
The contributions are listed correctly, the wagering requirements progress on the bonus page works properly, and the system also works properly when it switches from 100% to 10% midway.
>29.2.2 デフォルトでは、ゲーム係数は以下のように設定されています。100% - 全スロット
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