Prošlo je tačno mesec dana otkako sam uložio za povlačenje 350 dolara. Prvobitno sam to želeo preko bitkoina, ali su mi stalno govorili da njihovi „procesori" zaostaju u isplatama bitkoina i da li mogu da izvršim bankovni transfer. Tvrde da su poslali novac svojim "procesorima" 20. septembra da odu u moju banku, a 4. oktobar je i još ga nema. Pre svega, bitkoinu bi trebalo manje od sat vremena da se plati. Cela stvar je samo prevara i ne verujem da sam čak ni plaćen, a čak i ako to uradim, NIKAD više neću potrošiti svoj novac tamo.
It has been exactly 1 month since I put in for my withdrawl of $350. I originally wanted it through bitcoin but they kept telling me their "processors" were way behind on bitcoin payouts and if I could do a wire transfer. They claim they sent the money to their "processors" on Sept 20th to go to my bank and it is Oct 4th and it isn't there yet. First of all, bitcoin should take less than an hour to pay. The whole thing is just a scam and I don't believe I'm even getting paid and even if I do, I will NEVER spend my money there again.