Ne mogu dodati nulu. Scammers. Uplate izvršene u GBP primaju se u evrima i ispadaju iz vaše banke kao i DPK Softvare u kineskim jenima i američkim dolarima za veći iznos od depozita! Zvuči potpuno legitimno eh. Njihov razgovor uživo kada im se postavi pitanje jednostavno zatvori ćaskanje i kažu da ne znaju ništa o tome i da „nemaju te informacije". Lažne igre takođe. Upozoreni ste, klonite se ovih kriminalaca.
Can't add zero. Scammers. Payments made in GBP get receipted in Euros and come off your bank as and DPK Software in Chinese Yen and US Dollars for a higher amount than the deposit! Sounds completely legit eh. Their live chat when asked the question simply close chat down and say they don't know anything about it and 'don't have that info'. Fake games as well. You have been warned, stay away from these criminals.