Zdravo, koristio sam ogledalo bingo oko 2 nedelje.
Koristio sam igru maske vatre, dobio sam nagradu od 20 besplatnih okreta k2. Tokom okretanja dobio sam još 20 u okviru 5 besplatnih okretaja.
Igra se tada srušila i kada sam se vratio na nju, izgubio sam besplatne okrete. Kontaktirao sam ih putem e-pošte i trebalo je 4 dana samo za jednostavan odgovor tražeći vreme i datum.
Tada sam odmah odgovorio i nisam imao odgovor još 3 dana.
Tada sam dobio odgovor da će ići kod provajdera igre. Prošlo je skoro 10 dana bez odgovora. Video sam mnogo loših kritika i ja sam još jedan nezadovoljan kupac.
Hi I have used mirror bingo for around 2 weeks.
I used a game masks of fire, got rewarded 20free spin x2. During the spins I was rewarded another 20 within 5 of the free spins.
The game then crashed and when I went back on it I had lost the free spins. I contacted them through email and it took 4 days just for a simple response asking for the time and date.
I then replied right away and had no response for another 3 days.
I then had a reply saying they will go to the game provider. It’s now almost been 10 days with no response. I’ve seen many bad reviews and I am another unhappy customer.