Iskreno užasno, iako vas bonusi i nedostatak igranja opterećuju, kada dođe vreme za isplatu, proces je bolan i smešan, osvojio sam 1221$ ali sam imao bonus od 200% tako da je moj dobitak ograničen na 1000 što je u redu, ali Zanimljivo je to što možete da povučete samo 500$ u trenutku kada će vam za prvo povlačenje biti oduzet bonus, u mom slučaju 200$, takođe u redu, mada bi im bilo mnogo lakše da jednostavno uklone višak sa mog naloga. Ali apsolutno najgore je to što svako povlačenje traje 12 radnih dana. 15 standardnih dana u slučaju mojih prvih 500$ ili 300$, dakle, ne samo da moram da uzmem 3 odvojena povlačenja da bih unovčila celih 1000$, već i čekanje vreme da se sve to primi biće više od mesec dana. Potpuno smešno. Da ne pominjem da vas osoblje namerno laže o ovome ako se pita pre depozita (rečeno mi je da će to biti mnogo brže, pogotovo zato što sam koristio kriptovalute) Da li ovako zarađuju svoj novac držeći naš da bi ostvarili profit? Idk, ali mogu sa sigurnošću da kažem da ima mnogo onlajn kazina koji uspevaju da isplate u roku od nekoliko minuta, tako da šta god da kažu o vremenima obrade su totalno sranje, sumnjivi poslovi. Ovaj kazino nije dobar prijatelji moji. 👎👎👎 Veoma razočaran.
AŽURIRANjE: Da, od 15. maja mi je plaćeno, nakon što sam napisao ovu recenziju i nakon što sam razgovarao sa nekoliko predstavnika službe za korisnike i pozvao kazino da izađe. TAKOĐE: Ne punih 1000$ kao što navode je maksimalni iznos gotovine, već 798$ jer umesto uklanjanja bonus dela sa 1200$ koje sam osvojio, on je uzet OD maksimalne vrednosti gotovine koju oni navode tako da je doslovno nemoguće isplatiti 10k vaš depozit ako koristite bonus jer će oni uzeti iznos bonusa od maksimalnog iznosa. Zaista veoma glupo, takođe moram da istaknem da sam verifikovan pre više od mesec dana kada sam prvobitno deponovao, tako da je izjava data u nastavku lažna na tom računu. I moj limit nikada nije povećan, u stvari, poslednje podizanje od 221$ je zatraženo 13. maja, a ja sam još uvek imao limit od 500$, tako da nisam siguran zašto je laž neophodna? Ali sve i sve ću reći da oni nisu potpuni prevaranti jer sam zaista dobio isplatu od njih tačno 1 dan pre 12 radnih dana. Na kraju, iskustvo je i dalje ostavilo loš ukus u mojim ustima. Ipak se nadam da ćete se svi pobrinuti za sebe i imati divan dan!
Honestly awful, Though the bonuses and lack of playthrough reel you in, when it comes time to payout the process is painful and ridiculous, I won 1221$ but had a 200% bonus so my winnings are capped at 1000 which is fine, but the kicker is that you may only withdraw 500$ at a time at which your first withdrawal will have your bonus deducted, in my case 200$, also fine, though it would be much easier for them to just remove excess from my account. But the absolute worst part is that each withdrawal takes 12 business days.15 standard days in the case of my first 500$ or 300$ rather So not only do I have to take 3 seperate withdrawals to cash out the entire 1000$ but the wait time to recieve it all will be well over a a month. Completely ridiculous. Not to mention the staff diliberately lie to you about this if asked prior to deposit ( I was told it would be much faster especially since I was using crypto) Is this how they make their money by holding ours in order to turn a profit? Idk but I can say with a certainty that their are many online casinos that manage to payout within minutes so whatever bs they are saying about processing times is total crap, shady dealings. This casino is no good my friends. 👎👎👎 Very disappointed.
UPDATE: Yes as of May 15th I was paid, after I wrote this review and after i spoke with several customer service reps and called the casino out. ALSO: Not the full 1000$ as they state is the max cash out but 798$ because instead of removing the bonus portion from the 1200$ that I won it was taken FROM the max cashout value that they state so it's literally impossible to cashout 10x your deposit if you use a bonus because they will take the bonus amount from the max amount. Very silly indeed, also I must point out that I was verified over a month ago when I initially deposited so the statement made below is false on that account. And my limit was never increased in fact the last withdrawal of 221$ was requested the 13th of May and I still had a 500$ limit so im unsure why the falsity is necessary? But all and all I will say that they are not total fraudsters as I did indeed recieve a payout from them exactly 1 day prior to 12 business days. Ultimately the experience still left a bad taste in my mouth. Still I hope you all take care of yourselves and have a wonderful day!