Ovaj kazino postaje sve gori i gori iz dana u dan. Vip član sam skoro godinu dana. Užasno me tretiraju službenici. Oni sada apsolutno preuzimaju odgovornost za sve što krene naopako. Oni vam praktično onemogućuju da govorite o najvišoj tački eskalacije koja je ili supervizor ili tim domaćina. Nemaju trenutnu promociju u trčanju. Postao sam domaćin igrač, a onda nekako izgubio status domaćina iako se moja aktivnost povećala nakon dodavanja statusa domaćina. Po mom mišljenju, izgleda da padaju sa litice.
This casino is getting worse and worse by the day. I have been a vip member for almost a year now. I get treated terribly by service agents. They take absolutely now responsibility for anything that goes wrong. They make it virtually impossible for you to speak the highest point of escalation which is either the supervisor or the host team. They have no current running promotion. I became a hosted player and then somehow lost my host status even though my activity increased following the host status being attached. In my opinion it appears they are falling off a cliff.