Napravio sam 2 povlačenja prvih 500 i drugih 250€ i čekao sam 2 nedelje da dobijem svoj dobitak, svi lažu i govore istu stvar u ćaskanju uživo i na mejlu. Mislim da nikada neću dobiti svoj novac, ali ovo trebalo bi da bude lekcija za mene i tebe, kloni se, nemoj to da radiš sam jer ako pobediš imaćeš najgore iskustvo tamo prijatelji moji
I made 2 withdrawals the first 500 and the second 250€ and I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks to get my winnings they all lie and say the same thing in live chat and on email I think I’m never getting my money but this should be a lesson for me and you, stay away don’t do this your self because if you win you will have the worst experience there my friends