Oh, ne znam zašto nije bilo nijedne petice u ovom kazinu - ja ću to postaviti
Ovaj kazino je vrlo pošten proizvod poznatog Hollycorn -a - na proizvodu su super bonusi i pružatelji usluga
Od negativnih iskustava bilo je samo gubljenje puno novca kad sam se kockao, ali to je lično :)
Općenito, bio sam zadovoljan igrajući u ovom kazinu - to mi donosi emocije, a ponekad i velike džekpotove)
Oh, I don't know why there hasn't been a single 5 on this casino - I'll put it up
This casino is a very honest product from the well known Hollycorn - cool bonuses and providers are on the product
Of the negative experience was only losing a lot of money when I went into a gamble, but that's personal :)
In general I was satisfied playing in this casino - it brings me emotions and sometimes very large jackpots)