Ovaj kazino uopšte nije taj!!! Uradio sam bez pravila bez maksimalne isplate Deponovao sam $58 dolara Dobio sam džekpot za 3.200 Pokušao sam da podignem sve, rekli su mi da mogu da uradim samo 1.000 nedeljno zbog nivoa mog igrača pa sam uradio 1.000 nedeljno jedne nedelje 2 Jesam 1.200 nedelja 3 je mesto gde su se pojavili problemi, uzeli su mi 58 za bonus ok, u redu je. Pokušao sam da izvadim 800 ono što mi je ostalo. Ovo je bilo 17. marta, nije došlo nekoliko dana kasnije moj nalog je nestao! Dan kasnije, moj nalog je ponovo pokrenut, stalno su mi davali da prođem oko toga da će biti na vašem nalogu 2 sata, maksimalno četiri sata, 24 sata je na putu proverite vaš nalog. Onda bam, poništeno je, vratili su 800 na moj kazino račun, tako da se nisam povukao kao što su mi rekli 21. marta, ista stvar koja se vrti okolo i rečeno mi je da je na putu do 4 sata maksimalno da je tamo njihov favorit reći svima. Šarlot nikada ne odgovara ni na šta što kažeš. Čini se da je jedina Hana vredna bilo kakve pomoći, ali mi je rekla da moram da uložim 1000 da bih dobila poslednjih 800. Da se ništa ne može učiniti povodom toga. Zato savetujem svima da se drže dalje od ovog kazina, to je šala! Osvojite više od nekoliko stotina dolara, srećno pokušavajući da dobijete sve! I dalje ih gnjavim svaki dan, iako pokušavam da dobijem ostatak svog dobitka!
This casino is not the one at all!!! I did a no rules no max cashout I deposited $58 dollars I hit a jackpot for 3,200 I tried to withdraw all of it they told me I could only do 1,000 a week cause of my player level so I did 1,000 week one week 2 I did 1,200 week 3 is where the issues came they took 58 from me for the bonus ok that’s fine I tried to take out 800 what I had left this was on March 17th it didn’t come thru few days later my account was gone! A day later my account was back up they kept giving me the run around it will be in your account 2 hours, four hours max, 24 hours it’s on the way check your account. Then bam it gets cancelled they out the 800 back into my casino account so I re didn’t withdraw like they told me to on the 21st of March same thing getting run around being told it’s on the way 4 hours max that’s there favorite that they tell everyone. Charlotte never replies to anything you say. The only one Hannah seems to be worth any type of help but she told me that I have to deposit 1,000 to get my last 800 . That their is nothing that can be done about it. So i advise everyone stay far away from this casino it’s a joke! You win more than a couple hundred dollars good luck trying to get all of it! I’m still bugging them everyday though trying to get the rest of my winnings!