*Pre nego što počnemo, ne stavljam tačan iznos koji mi dugujem jer sam paranoičan, postoji neka vrsta klauzule u TOS-u koja kaže da ako pričam o njima bilo gde izgubim svoj novac ili nešto slično tome. Dakle, iako je iznos u dolarima fiktivan, uveravam vas da je sve ostalo činjenično. Hvala Vam.
Sada mi se približila 1 puna nedelja bez ažuriranja mog zahteva za povlačenje.
Veb lokacija oglašava isplatu bitkoina do 48 sati (maksimalno), a ja sam na 7 dana.
Razumem da je zbir verovatno malo veći od normalnog, ali nije da govorimo o 6 cifara. Dođavola, nije ni 50 hiljada.
Dajem ovom sajtu koji rado uzima moj novac, ali kada dođe vreme da plati, oni se zamrznu. Ranije sam povlačio od njih, doduše mnogo manji iznos. Moj status mog povlačenja ostaje u fazi „u pregledu", a kada zatražim ažuriranje, kažu mi da nema rasporeda kada će to biti završeno. Imali su celu nedelju prošle nedelje da pregledaju moj nalog i još im treba više vremena!??
Uveravam sve da je sve bilo 100% legitimno, i ako prate moju statistiku preko raznih sajtova videće koliko sam degenerisan. Ali s vremena na vreme, čak i slepa veverica će pronaći orah.
Ovo bi trebalo da bude uzbudljivo vreme za mene, ali umesto toga sedim i pitam se kakav idiotski izgovor pokušavaju da nađu da mi ne isplate moj dobitak.
pošto je to ofšor sajt, razumem da ne mogu mnogo da uradim po tom pitanju, pa sam došao ovde da se latim. Hvala svima što ste slušali. Srećno tamo.
*Before we begin I am not putting the correct amount I am owed due to being paranoid there is some sort of clause in there TOS stating if I talk about them anywhere I lose out on my money or something along those lines. So although the dollar amount is fictitious, I assure you everything else is factual. Thank You.
I have now approached 1 full week without an update on my withdrawal request.
The website advertises bitcoin payout up to 48 hours (max) and I am at 7 days.
I understand the sum is probably a little larger than normal, but it’s not like we’re talking 6 digits. Heck, it’s not even 50k.
I give give give to this site who happily takes my money but when it comes time to pay up, they freeze. I have withdrawn from them before, albeit a much smaller amount. My status for my withdrawal remains in the "under review" stage, and when I call for an update they tell me there is no timetable on when it will be completed. They had the entire week last week to review my account and they still need more time!??
I assure everyone everything was 100% legit, and if they track my stats thru various sites they will see how big of a degenerate I am. But once in a while, even a blind squirrel will find a nut.
This should be an exciting time for me, but instead I sit and wonder what idiotic excuse they are trying to find to not pay me my winnings.
since it is an offshore site I understand I can not do much about it, so I came here to rant instead. Thanks for listening everyone. Good luck out there.
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