Uplatio sam 100€ i nisam dobio novac 5 dana, a oni samo kažu čekaj, problem se rešava ovako svaki dan, prošlo je 6 dana da nisam dobio novac nakon uplate depozita , a kada pitate kada ću dobiti odgovor, ne mogu da vam kažem, naši stručnjaci se jako trude da vrate novac, ja to ne razumem, prvi put se susrećem sa tako dugo prebijanje novca, prvi put kada sam pisao da tražim pomoć, pisali su mi da nije naš problem kontaktiraj partnera u vezi novca, ja sam rekao ovde tvoj problem je što je novac odbijen, a dopuna je obavljena preko nekog odličan auto marketin 🙂 kome nije moguće ni kontaktirati, mislim da se ovde radi o nekoj prevari.
I made a deposit 100€ and I haven't received the money for 5 days, and they just say wait, the problem is solved like this every day,It's been 6 days now that I haven't received the money after making the deposit, and when you ask when I'll get an answer, I can't tell you, our specialists are working very hard to return the money, I don't understand it, it's the first time I've encountered such a long time offsetting money, the first time I wrote to ask for help, they wrote to me that it's not our problem contact our partner about the money, I said here your problem is that the money was deducted, and the top-up was done through some adegreat auto marketin 🙂 which is not even possible to contact, I think some kind of fraud is going on here.