Ja sam igrač sa matičnim brojem 39161101.
Konverzacija putem e-pošte #61705222
Ranije sam uneo svoj pasoš, koji je u to vreme bio aktivan, da ažuriram svoje lične podatke. Kada sam danas zatražio povlačenje, tražena su mi dokumenta. Rekao sam osobi u jedinici obezbeđenja da mi je pasoš star. Uprkos tome, poslao sam fotografiju mog starog pasoša i fotografiju mog novog pasoša. Tvrdeći da fotografije nisu jasne, zamolili su me i da napravim selfi sa svojim starim pasošem, licem i mejlom bezbednosnog tima. Moj stari pasoš nije zvanično aktivan i sada ga nemam kod sebe. Iako sam bio strpljiv sa svim ovim, poslao sam fotografiju svog lica i mejlove sa novim pasošem. Rečeno je da je moja fotografija lošeg kvaliteta, pa sam je ponovo poslao. ponovo zatraženo. Poslao sam je ponovo, i iako sam uzeo fotografiju direktno sa telefona i poslao je, rečeno mi je da je pošaljem bez korišćenja uređivača. Uprkos mojim naporima da se verifikujem, tim za obezbeđenje i dalje insistira na tome da ne verifikuje moja dokumenta. Neka neko kompetentniji reši moj problem.
I am the player with ID number 39161101.
Email conversation #61705222
In the past, I entered my passport, which was active at that time, to update my ID information. When I requested a withdrawal today, I was asked for my documents. I told the person in the security unit that my passport was old. Despite this, I sent a photo of my old passport and a photo of my new passport. Claiming that the photos were not clear, I was also asked to take a selfie with my old passport, my face, and the security team's e-mails. My old passport is not officially active and I do not have it with me now. Even though I was patient with all this, I sent a photo of my face and e-mails with my new passport. My photo was said to be of poor quality, so I sent it again. was requested again. I sent it again, and although I took the photo directly from my phone and sent it, I was told to send it without using an editor. Despite my efforts to verify myself, the security team still insists on not verifying my documents. Please have someone more competent solve my problem.
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