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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 30/04/2024
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The player from Argentina has been unable to receive his winnings, although his bets resulted in wins over two weeks ago. Instead of resolving his queries, the casino blocked him on social media and has not processed his payouts. The total amount the player requests is approximately $390, while his deposits amount to around $200.
Igrač iz Argentine nije mogao da primi svoje dobitke, iako su njegove opklade rezultirale pobedama pre više od dve nedelje. Umesto da reši njegove upite, kazino ga je blokirao na društvenim mrežama i nije obradio njegove isplate. Ukupan iznos koji igrač traži je približno 390 dolara, dok njegovi depoziti iznose oko 200 dolara.
Napravio sam četiri depozita i brojne opklade u PvP sekciji, ali do danas nikada nisam bio plaćen. Moji dobici su i dalje na čekanju i rečeno mi je da obrada „treba malo vremena". Ali prošle su dve nedelje otkako su moje opklade bile dobitne. To je sramota. Što je najgore, podrška ne radi ništa, niti direktno odgovara na moje poruke... u stvari, otišao sam na njihove platforme društvenih medija poput Tvitera i Telegrama da izrazim svoju žalbu, a oni su je rešili tako što su me jednostavno blokirali na oba računa da me spreči da razgovaram o tome šta se dogodilo. Oni su prevaranti i ne mogu tako lako da se skinu sa udice. Pored toga, oni imaju kriptovalutu pod nazivom Bazed u koju mnogi ljudi ulažu bez znanja da sam kazino ne poštuje isplate svojim klijentima. Cela stvar je prilično mutna i nisam siguran šta još mogu da uradim da bar nateram da mi vrate depozite koji su iznosili oko 200 USD. Ako bi počastili moj dobitak, ukupan iznos bi bio otprilike 390 USD.
Prilažem neke fotografije u vezi depozita i drugih, mogu vam dati adrese na koje sam slao kriptovalute ako je potrebno.
I made four deposits and numerous wagers in the PvP section, but to date, I've never been paid. My winnings continue to be pending and I am told the processing "takes a little time". But it has been two weeks since my bets turned out to be winners. It's a disgrace. Worst of all, the support doesn't do anything, nor directly respond to my messages... in fact, I went onto their social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram to express my complaint, and they resolved it by simply blocking me on both accounts to stop me from discussing what happened. They are con artists, and they can't get off the hook that easily. Additionally, they have a cryptocurrency called Bazed that many people are investing in without the knowledge that the casino itself is not honoring payouts to its customers. The whole thing is quite murky and I'm not sure what else I can do in order to at least get them to return my deposits which totaled around 200 USD. If they were to honor my winnings, the total amount would be approximately 390 USD.
I'm attaching some photos regarding the deposits and others, I can provide you with the addresses where I sent the cryptocurrencies if needed.
Hice 4 depósitos y apuestas múltiples en la seccion que tienen de PvP, hasta el día de hoy nunca me han pagado, siguen pendientes y me dicen que "tarda un poco" en acreditarse, ya han pasado 2 semanas desde que mis apuestas resultaron ganadoras, es un vergüenza, lo peor es que el soporte no hace nada, ni me responde los mensajes directamente... es más, entré a sus redes sociales como Twitter y Telegram a decirles que atiendan mi queja y no encontraron mejor solucion que bloquearme de ambas cuentas para que no siga hablando de lo que me pasó. Son unos estafadores y no se pueden salir asi tan facil con la suya, aparte tienen una criptomoneda que se llama Bazed, y muchisima gente esta invirtiendo en ella sin saber que el casino en si no paga a sus clientes, es muy turbio todo y no se que mas hacer para que por lo menos me devuelvan mis depositos que fueron de alrededor de 200 usd, si me tuvieran que pagar las apuestas seria alrededor de 390 dolares totales.
Les dejo algunas fotos sobre depositos y demas, puedo pasarles si lo necesitan las direcciones en donde envie las criptomonedas
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju.
Možete li potvrditi da ste prošli KIC verifikaciju?
Da li ste sakupili svoj dobitak uz pomoć bonusa?
Možete li da podelite svoju komunikaciju sa kazinom? Šalji e-poštu ili transkripte ćaskanja na moju e-poštu na , ili postavite snimke ekrana ovde
Kada ste tražili povlačenje svog dobitka?
Da li vam je dostupan vaš kazino nalog?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear fernandopeivon,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely.
Could you please confirm that you have passed the KYC verification?
Have you accumulated your winnings with the help of a bonus?
Could you please share your communication with the casino? Send emails or chat transcripts to my email at, or post screenshots here
When did you request a withdrawal of your winnings?
Is your casino account accessible to you?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, napravio sam 4 depozita samouvereno jer imaju prilično veliki kripto projekat sa mnogo investitora, nisam se trudio da proverim da li mogu da povučem svoj novac... Nisam mogao ni da pokušam da povučem jer sve na šta sam se kladio nije još mi je plaćeno, jedva će mi platiti. Hteo sam da pokušam sa povlačenjem, takođe u ćaskanju sa podrškom mislim da su me obavestili da im ne treba više od 12 sati, navodno, zar ne?
Hajdemo na pitanja:
• Nemojte da radite KIC jer se to ne pojavljuje na stranici da to uradite, a nisam ni pokušao da podignem novac.
•Prvi depozit je bio 100% subvencionisan i morali ste da investirate, mislim oko 5-10 puta, ne znam dobro koliko je deponovano.
Bonus saldo Imam oko 32 dolara u opkladama, ako bi mi platili bilo bi otprilike 60 dolara, u delu kazina mi kaže da još uvek moram da se kladim na 95 dolara bonusa da bih mogao da podignem tih „60 dolara" bonus saldo.
U svakom slučaju, to me ne brine, brine me to što mi neće platiti nikakve opklade...
• Prilažem PDF ćaskanja podrške koji sam uspeo da sačuvam pre nego što su me blokirali u ćaskanju podrške na sopstvenoj veb stranici kazina.
•Još nisam mogao da zatražim povlačenje
•Mogu da pristupim nalogu, ali ne mogu da razgovaram sa podrškom, blokirali su me posle poslednje poruke koju sam poslao.
Hello, good morning, Tomas.
As I mentioned before, I made 4 deposits confidently because they have a fairly large crypto project with many investors, I did not bother to check if I could withdraw my money... I could not try to withdraw either because everything I bet has not been paid to me yet, they will barely pay me I was going to try the withdrawals thing, also in the chat with support I think they informed me that they don't take more than 12 hours, supposedly right?
Let's get to the questions:
• Do not do any KYC because it does not appear on the page to do it and I have not tried the money withdrawals either.
•The first deposit was 100% subsidized and you had to invest, I think about 5-10 times, I don't know very well the amount deposited.
Bonus balance I have about 32 dollars in bets, if they paid me it would be approximately 60 dollars, in a section of the casino it tells me that I still have to bet $95 of bonus balance to be able to withdraw that "$60" of bonus balance.
In any case, that doesn't worry me, what worries me is that they won't pay me any bets...
• I am attaching a PDF of the support chat that I was able to save before they blocked me from the support chat on the casino's own website.
•I couldn't request a withdrawal yet
•I can access the account, but I can't talk to support, they blocked me after the last message I sent.
Hola, buenos días tomas
Como mencioné anteriormente hice 4 depósitos confiado porque tienen un proyecto criptográfico bastante grande con muchos inversores, no me tome la molestia de verificar si podía retirar mí dinero.. tampoco pude intentar retirar porque todo lo que aposté no me lo pagaron todavía, apenas me pagarán iba a probar lo de los retiros, igualmente en el chat con soporte creo que me informa que no demoran más de 12 horas, supuestamente no?
Vamos a las preguntas:
• No realice ningún KYC porque en la página no aparece para realizarlo y tampoco probé los retiros de dinero.
•El primer depósito estaba bonificado al 100% y había que invertir creo que unas 5-10 veces no se muy bien el monto depositado.
Saldo de bono tengo unos 32 dólares en apuestas, si me pagaran serían unos 60 dólares aproximadamente, en una sección del casino me menciona que todavía debo apostar $95 de saldo de bono para poder retirar esos "$60" de saldo de bono.
De todas formas eso no me preocupa, lo que me preocupa es que directamente no me paguen ninguna apuesta..
• Les adjunto un PDF del chat de soporte que pude guardar antes de que me bloqueen el chat con soporte en la propia página del casino.
•No pude solicitar un retiro todavía
•Puedo acceder a la cuenta, pero no puedo hablar con soporte me bloquearon luego del último mensaje que envié.
Zdravo, zdravo... Želim da pružim ažuriranja i ona su očigledno obeshrabrujuća, čini se da je ceo kazino prevara, pogledajte ove fotografije:
Na prvoj fotografiji možete videti opkladu zatvorenu i već "proverenu" od strane moderatora gde oni označavaju rezultat ankete kvačicom. Problem je što je POGREŠNO, cena te kriptovalute $TRUMP NIKADA nije dostigla 100 dolara u martu, niti ikada, a oni su je označili kao da je stigla. Prevara je već ozbiljna jer na sopstvenoj veb stranici kazina ovo čine vidljivim svima. Istina je da više ne znam koje rešenje da nađem.
Ostavljam sliku opklade i cenu valute.
Onda kopajući dublje u druge opklade koje sam imao, sve što sam mogao da uradim je da se nasmejem kada sam video ovo:
U opkladi kažu, da li će Bitcoin dostići 100 hiljada na dan njegovog prepolovljenja? Ne samo da dan prepolovljenja još nije stigao, već su „moderatori" označili da je BTC dostigao 100k, istina je neverovatna, ili žive u paralelnom svetu ili su prasnuli od smeha u lice korisnicima platforme.
Imam još jednu opkladu koju čekaju da je "provere" ovi tobožnji moderatori, ali videći kako se situacija odvija, možda bi i mene prevarili.
Hello, Hello... I want to provide updates and they are clearly discouraging, the entire casino seems to be a scam, look at these photos:
In the first photo you can see the bet closed and already "verified" by the moderators where they mark the result of the survey with a check mark. The problem is that it is WRONG, the price of that cryptocurrency $TRUMP NEVER reached $100 in March, nor ever, and they marked it as having arrived. The fraud is already serious because on the casino's own website they make this visible to everyone. The truth is that I don't know what solution to find anymore.
I leave the image of the bet and the price of the currency.
Then digging deeper into the other bets I had, all I could do was laugh when I saw this:
In the bet they say, will Bitcoin reach 100k on the day of its halving? Not only that the halving day has not yet arrived, but the "moderators" marked that BTC has reached 100k, the truth is incredible, or they live in a parallel world or they burst out laughing in the faces of the users of the platform.
I have another bet pending to be "verified" by these supposed moderators, but seeing how the situation is going, they may also scam me.
Hola, Buenas... Quiero aportar actualizaciones y claramente son desalentadoras, el casino entero parece ser una estafa, miren estas fotos:
En la primera foto se puede ver la apuesta cerrada y ya "verificada" por los moderadores donde marcan con un tilde el resultado de la encuesta. El problema es que esta MAL, el precio de esa criptomoneda $TRUMP JAMAS llego a $100 en marzo, ni nunca y la marcaron como que si llegó. El fraude ya es cantoso porque en la propia página del casino dejan a la vista de todos esto. La verdad que no se que solucion encontrarle ya
Dejo la imagen de la apuesta y de la cotizacion de la moneda.
Luego indagando más en las otras apuestas que hab´ía no me quedo mas que reirme al ver esto:
En la apuesta dicen, llegara Bitcoin a 100k en el dia de su halving? No solo que el dia del halving todavia no llego, sino que marcaron los "moderadores" como que BTC a llegado a 100k, es increible la verdad, o viven en un mundo paralelo o se estallan de risa en la cara de los usuarios de la plataforma.
Tengo otra apuesta pendiente de ser "verificada" por estos supuestos moderadores, pero viendo como viene la situacion muy posiblemente tambien me estafen.
Trenutno nismo specijalizovani za rešavanje sporova u vezi sa klađenjem i nemamo potrebnu stručnost za rukovanje takvim slučajevima, sa žaljenjem što vas obaveštavam da ako je problem sa vašim dobicima na čekanju možda nećemo moći da vam pomognemo.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da nema zahteva za povlačenje na čekanju za vaše dobitke?
Dear fernandopeivon,
We don't presently specialize in resolving betting disputes and lack the necessary expertise in handling such cases, I regret to inform you that if the issue is with your pending winnings we might not be able to assist you.
Do I understand correctly there are no pending withdrawal requests for your winnings?
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear fernandopeivon,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Zdravo, dobar dan, imam vesti... nisu mi platili opklade, odlučili su da "povrate" uplaćeni novac i da mi ne uplate nijednu od dobitnih opklada, žalio sam se na to putem mejla, ali nisu odgovorili meni se na stranici pojavi oko 190$, falilo bi još 30$ jer sam uplatio 220$ ali izgleda da mi neće dati, ko zna zašto stoji 190 umesto 220... Ja sam povukao zatražite sada sa sredstvima na računu i čekam...
Hello, good afternoon, I have news... they did not pay me for the bets, they decided to "refund" the money deposited and not pay me any of the winning bets, I complained about it by email but they did not respond to me, about $190 appears on the page, it would be missing another $30 because I deposited $220 but it seems that they are not going to give it to me, who knows why it appears 190 instead of 220... I made the withdrawal request now with the funds in the account and I am waiting...
Hola buenas tardes, tengo novedades.. no me pagaron las apuestas, decidieron "reintegrarme" el dinero depositado y no pagarme ninguna de las apuestas ganadoras, me queje al respecto por email pero no me responden, en la pagina me aparecen unos $190, faltarian otros $30 porque deposite $220 pero parece que no me los van a dar vaya uno a saber porque motivo me figura 190 en vez de 220... hice la solicitud de retiro ahora con los fondos en la cuenta y estoy esperando...
Pod uslovom fluktuacije valute, niži vraćeni iznos može biti rezultat takvih razlika. Žao mi je što nismo mogli da pružimo mnogo pomoći.
Zbog gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći. Preporučio bih vam da se bavite pitanjem neisplaćenih dobitaka od klađenja na veb lokacijama koje su specijalizovane za takve sporove. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa bilo kojim onlajn kazinom.
Provided currency fluctuations, a lower amount returned might be a result of such differences. I am sorry we could not provide much assistance.
Due to the reasons above, this complaint will now be rejected. I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. I would recommend you pursue the issue of unpaid winnings from betting on websites that specialize in such disputes. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any online casino in the future.
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