Igrač iz Njemačke primijetio je tehnički problem, a također je nezadovoljan sporim KYC procesom. Igračev račun je na kraju verifikovan i on je primio svoj dobitak.
The player from Germany noticed a technical issue and he is also dissatisfied with slow KYC process. The player's account was eventually verified and he received his winnings.
Igrač iz Njemačke primijetio je tehnički problem, a također je nezadovoljan sporim KYC procesom. Igračev račun je na kraju verifikovan i on je primio svoj dobitak.
Dizajn kazina, asortiman igara i stalne bonus ponude su zaista vrlo dobri. Ali čekam od 29. januara. da potvrdim svoj račun. Od sutra su istekle 2 sedmice. To je stvarno šteta. Naravno, uplate neće biti obrađene do tada. Podrška reaguje vrlo brzo, ali vi ste samo odloženi. Igrao sam sa bonusom na depozit (100%/200€). Nakon nekoliko sati htio sam provjeriti opkladu i vidio da je prema mojoj istoriji bonus bio "Izgubljen". Napredak je pokazao "1478 / 10000 EUR". Naravno, nisam ručno otkazao bonus. Ni moj kredit nije nestao, već je odjednom bio pravi novac. Odmah sam kontaktirao podršku koja je ukazala na tehničku grešku. Tehnički tim bi trebao izračunati moje neispunjene zahtjeve za klađenje i poslati mi ih e-poštom. Nisam dobio ništa do sada, pa sam samo nastavio da igram još nekoliko sati i ispunio uslove za klađenje skoro dva puta. Nakon što sam se uvjerio da ne mogu imati više zahtjeva za klađenje, zatražio sam povlačenje. Upoznat sam sa kazino bonusima i znam na šta da pazim. Tako da nisam prekršio nikakve uslove bonusa. Međutim, nikada ranije nisam imao takvu tehničku grešku. Zaista mogu razumjeti kašnjenje u isplati, jer svakako treba provjeriti kako je došlo do ove tehničke greške i koliko sam zapravo založio. Ali činjenica da se provjera ne vrši ni nakon skoro 2 sedmice je vrlo upitna po mom mišljenju.
The casino's design, range of games and constant bonus offers are really very good. But I've been waiting since January 29th. to verify my account. From tomorrow 2 weeks are over. That's really too bad. Of course, payments will not be processed until then. The support reacts very quickly, but you are only put off. I played with a deposit bonus (100%/€200). After a few hours I wanted to check the wager and saw that according to my history the bonus was "Lost". The progress showed "1478 / 10000 EUR". I didn't cancel the bonus manually, of course. My credit was not gone either, but was suddenly real money. I immediately contacted support who pointed out a technical error. My outstanding wagering requirements should be calculated by the technical team and emailed to me. I haven't received anything so far, so I just kept playing for a few more hours and met the wagering requirements almost twice. After making sure I couldn't have any more wagering requirements, I requested a withdrawal. I am familiar with casino bonuses and know what to look out for. So I did not violate any bonus terms and conditions. However, I have never had such a technical error before. I can really understand a delay in the payout, as it certainly needs to be checked how this technical error came about and how much I have actually wagered. But the fact that the verification is not even carried out after almost 2 weeks is very questionable in my opinion.
Das Design, Spieleangebot und die ständigen Bonusangebote des Casinos sind wirklich sehr gut. Doch warte ich nun schon seit dem 29.01. auf die Verifizierung meines Kontos. Ab morgen sind 2 Wochen rum. Das ist wirklich sehr schade. Auszahlungen werden solange natürlich auch nicht bearbeitet. Der Support reagiert sehr schnell, jedoch wird man nur vertröstet. Ich habe mit einen Einzahlungsbonus (100%/200€) gespielt. Nach einigen Stunden wollte ich nach dem Wager schauen und sah, dass laut meiner Historie der Bonus "Verloren" wurde. Der Fortschritt wies "1478 / 10000 EUR" auf. Ich habe den Bonus natürlich nicht manuell abgebrochen. Mein Guthaben war auch nicht weg, sondern war plötzlich Echtgeld. Ich habe mich umgehend an den Support gewandt, der auf einen technischen Fehler hinwies. Meine offenen Umsatzanforderungen sollten vom Technik-Team berechnet und mir per Mail mitgeteilt werden. Ich habe bislang nichts bekommen und habe daher einfach nochmal einige Stunden weitergespielt und dabei fast 2x die Umsatzanforderungen erfüllt. Nachdem ich sicher war, dass ich keine Umsatzanforderungen mehr haben konnte, habe ich eine Auszahlung beantragt. Ich bin mit Casino-Bonis vertraut und weiß worauf man achten muss. Ich habe also gegen keine Bonusbedingungen verstoßen. Solch einen technischen Fehler hatte ich jedoch bisher auch noch nie. Ich kann eine Verzögerung der Auszahlung wirklich verstehen, da sicherlich geprüft werden muss, wie es zu diesem technischen Fehler kam und wie viel ich nun tatsächlich umgesetzt habe. Aber das nach knapp 2 Wochen auch nicht einmal die Verifizierung durchgeführt wird, halte ich für sehr fraglich.
Dragi Marvine,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Veoma mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem. Mogu samo zamisliti koliko bi to moglo biti frustrirajuće za vas, ali molim vas da shvatite da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Svaki kazino je jedinstven i različito nastavlja proces verifikacije. Pregled svih vaših dokumenata može potrajati nekoliko dana.
Možete li navesti koje ste dokumente već dostavili? Da li biste bili ljubazni da potvrdite da ste dostavili svu traženu dokumentaciju?
Također, imate li slučajno snimke ekrana ili video snimke tehničkog problema koji ste naišli? Ako da, proslijedite mi ga.
Osim toga, molimo Vas da prosledite sve relevantne komunikacije između Vas i kazina na kristina.s@casino.guru
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Marvin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your problem. I can only imagine how frustrating it might be for you, but please understand, that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. Each casino is unique and proceeds the verification process differently. It can take a few days to review all your documents.
Could you please indicate, which documents you have already provided? Would you be so kind as to confirm that you provided all the required documents?
Also, do you happen to have any screenshots or video recordings of the technical issue you experienced? If yes, please forward it to me.
Additionally, please forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Pozdrav Kristina i hvala na brzom odgovoru! Dokumente sam predao prije više od 2 sedmice.
Ovo uključuje snimke ekrana/fotografije sa:
Do danas nijedan od ovih dokumenata nije provjeren i još uvijek je "u toku".
Nažalost, nemam poruku o grešci ili nešto slično tehničkoj grešci. Napravio sam screenshot statusa iskorištenog bonusa.
Tamo možete vidjeti da je navodno uloženo €1478 od €10,000 i da je bonus izgubljen. Međutim, nikada nisam pao na €0 ili ispod €100, ručno otkazao bonus ili prekršio bonus uslov. Kada sam provjerio status, procijenjeno je da sam već okrenuo ~7.000 € i još uvijek imam ~1.500 € kredita.
Moj zahtjev za povlačenje od 1000 € je naravno još uvijek otvoren.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello Kristina and thanks for your quick reply! I submitted the documents over 2 weeks ago now.
This includes screenshots/photos from:
To date, none of these documents have been checked and are still "in progress".
Unfortunately, I don't have an error message or something similar to the technical error. I took a screenshot of the status of the used bonus.
There you can see that allegedly €1478 of €10,000 was wagered and the bonus was lost. However, I have never dropped to €0 or under €100, manually canceled the bonus or violated a bonus condition. When I checked the status, it was estimated that I had already turned over ~€7,000 and still had ~€1,500 in credit.
My withdrawal request of €1000 is of course still open.
Kind regards
Hallo Kristina und danke für deine schnelle Antwort! Ich habe die Dokumente vor nun über 2 Wochen eingereicht.
Dazu zählen Screenshots/Fotos von:
Bis heute ist keines dieser Unterlagen geprüft worden und stehen noch „in Bearbeitung".
Eine Fehlermeldung oder Ähnliches zum technischen Fehler habe ich leider nicht. Ich habe ein Screenshot von dem Status des verwendeten Bonus gemacht.
Dort sieht man, dass angeblich 1478€ von 10.000€ umgesetzt wurden und der Bonus verloren wurde. Ich bin aber nie auf 0€ oder unter 100€ gefallen, habe den Bonus nicht manuell abgebrochen oder gegen eine Bonusbedingung verstoßen. Als ich nach dem Status geschaut habe, hatte ich Schätzungsweise auch schon ~7000€ umgesetzt und noch ~1500€ Guthaben.
Meine Auszahlungsanfrage von 1000€ ist natürlich auch weiterhin offen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hvala vam puno Marvine na odgovoru. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Marvin for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
zdravo Marvine,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Beem Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Marvin,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Beem Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
zdravo Peter,
Prema oglasu, kazino ima 16 sati da odgovori. Zanima me da li ima još nešto da dođe.
Još uvijek me "odgađaju" ili zastoje kada šaljem e-poštu kazinu.
Moja verifikacija od 29. januara 2022. je još uvijek potpuno neobrađena. Stoga je moj zahtjev za povlačenje još uvijek otvoren.
Prošlo je skoro mjesec dana bez ikakvog pomaka. To je zaista šteta i ne ostavlja dobar utisak o kazinu.
Hi Peter,
According to the ad, the casino has 16 hours to respond. I'm curious if there's anything else to come.
I am still being "put off" or stalled when I send emails to the casino.
My verification from January 29th, 2022 is still completely unprocessed. My withdrawal request is therefore still open.
Almost a month has passed without any progress. That's really a shame and doesn't make a good impression of the casino.
Hallo Peter,
laut der Anzeige hat das Casino noch 16 Stunden zum Antworten. Bin gespannt, ob da noch was kommt.
Bei meinen Mails an das Casino werde ich weiterhin „vertröstet" bzw. hingehalten.
Meine Verifizierung vom 29.01.2022 ist weiterhin komplett unbearbeitet. Meine Auszahlungsanfrage ist dementsprechend auch immer noch offen.
Bald ist ein Monat ohne jeglichen Fortschritt vergangen. Das ist schon echt sehr schade und macht keinen guten Eindruck vom Casino.
zdravo Marvine,
Većina žalbi kazina je riješena, pa se nadam da će uskoro biti odgovora.
Zamolili bismo Beem Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalba će postati 'neriješena' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
Hi Marvin,
Most of the casino's complaints are resolved, so I hope there will be some response soon.
We would like to ask Beem Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Pozdrav BeemCasino timu,
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama.
Veoma sam sretan što je sada uspjelo.
Čim novac stigne na moj račun, odmah ću vam se javiti.
Međutim, ono što me iznenađuje je da su moji dokumenti za verifikaciju i zahtjev za povlačenje još uvijek "u procesu".
Možda su jednostavno zaboravili ažurirati status ovdje.
Hello BeemCasino team,
Thank you for the feedback.
I'm very happy that it worked out now.
As soon as the money has arrived in my account, I will get back to you immediately.
However, what surprises me is that my verification documents and withdrawal request are still "in process".
Maybe they just forgot to update the status here.
Hallo BeemCasino-Team,
vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.
Es freut mich sehr, dass es nun wohl doch noch geklappt hat.
Sobald das Geld auf meinem Konto angekommen ist, melde ich mich umgehend zurück.
Was mich allerdings wundert ist, dass meine Dokumente zur Verifizierung und meine Auszahlungsanfrage weiterhin "in Bearbeitung" stehen.
Vielleicht wurde hier aber auch einfach vergessen den Status zu aktualisieren.
zdravo Peter,
Danas sam primio e-poštu sa potvrdom od Beem Casina da je novac prebačen.
Nekoliko sati kasnije novac je stigao na moj račun.
Zahvaljujem se Casino-Guru timu na velikoj pomoći!
Sumnjam da bi to bilo moguće bez tebe.
Slučaj se stoga može zatvoriti.
Hi Peter,
I received the confirmation email from Beem Casino today that the money had been transferred.
A few hours later the money arrived in my account.
I thank the Casino-Guru team for the great help!
I doubt if it would have been possible without you.
The case can thus be closed.
Hallo Peter,
ich habe heute Mittag die Bestätigungsmail von Beem Casino bekommen, dass das Geld überwiesen wurde.
Ein paar Stunden später ist das Geld dann auch auf meinem Konto angekommen.
Ich danke das Casino-Guru Team für die spitzen Hilfe!
Ich bezweifle ob es ohne euch etwas geworden wäre.
Der Fall kann damit geschlossen werden.
zdravo Marvine,
Drago mi je čuti da ste primili svoje dobitke. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Marvin,
I'm glad to hear that you received your winnings. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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