Igrač iz Njemačke primijetio je čudne zahtjeve za povlačenje novca u svojoj istoriji blagajne. Sada je zabrinut ko ih je napravio, a podrška kasina nije bila od pomoći.
The player from Germany noticed strange withdrawal requests in his cashier history. He is now concerned about who made them and casino support has not been helpful.
Igrač iz Njemačke primijetio je čudne zahtjeve za povlačenje novca u svojoj istoriji blagajne. Sada je zabrinut ko ih je napravio, a podrška kasina nije bila od pomoći.
Zdravo, želio bih podnijeti žalbu protiv ovog kazina. 9. avgusta sam ušao u kazino i napravio depozit od 50 eura. i osvojio sam 500 eura. koji sam htio preuzeti. Probao sam da ih skinem bankovnim transferom, sajt mi ne dozvoljava. Pisala sam podrsci, odatle su mi odgovorili da ce ih uneti rucno. Poslao sam im sve dokumente na verifikaciju profila. ali niko se ne obazire na mene, niti da li ih neko provjerava.Odlucio sam da odem u historiju profila.tamo sam vidio da mi je racun zaduzen isti dan.za sta pitam kazino niko mi ne odgovara.koje su to transakcije??U pocetku su mi rekli da prvo moram proći verifikaciju profila, a onda se može platiti. Od tada svaki dan sebi postavljam pitanje?? odgovoriti. S obzirom da tog dana nisam izvršio nijedno takvo povlačenje, koje su to transakcije? Kako se ta sredstva isplaćuju kome? a zasto kasne i ne zele da plate sumu od 500 evra??? niko mi ne odgovara u online podršci potpuno me ignorišu. Želim da pitam kazino gurua da li mu možete postaviti ovo pitanje? Šaljem vam snimak ekrana transakcija ne znam koje su????
Hello, I would like to file a complaint against this casino. On August 9th I entered the casino and made a deposit of 50 euros. and I won 500 euros. which I wanted to download. I tried to download them by bank transfer, the website does not allow me.I wrote to support, from there they replied that they will enter them manually.I sent them all the documents for profile verification.but nobody pays attention to me, nor does anyone check them.I decided to my go to profile history.there i saw that my account was debited same day.what i ask the casino about, no one answers me.what are these transactions??In the beginning they told me that i have to pass a profile verification first must and then can be paid. Every day since then I ask myself the question?? to answer. Since I did not make any such withdrawals that day, what are these transactions? How are these funds paid out to whom? and why they have been delayed and do not want to pay the sum of 500 euros??? nobody answer me in online support they ignore me completely.I want to ask the casino guru if you can ask him this question?I am sending you a screenshot of the transactions I don't know what they are????
Hallo, ich möchte eine Beschwerde gegen dieses Casino einreichen.Am 9. August betrat ich das Casino und machte eine Einzahlung von 50 Euro.und ich habe 500 Euro gewonnen.die ich herunterladen wollte.Ich habe versucht, sie per Banküberweisung herunterzuladen, die Website erlaubt es mir nicht.Ich habe an den Support geschrieben, von dort haben sie geantwortet, dass sie sie manuell eingeben werden.Ich habe ihnen alle Dokumente zur Profilüberprüfung geschickt.aber niemand achtet auf mich, noch kontrolliert sie jemand.Ich beschloss, zu meinem Profilverlauf zu gehen.dort sah ich, dass noch am gleichen Tag Beträge von meinem Konto abgebucht wurden.Worüber ich das Casino frage, niemand antwortet mir.Was sind das für Transaktionen??Am Anfang haben sie mir gesagt, dass ich zuerst eine Profilverifizierung bestehen muss und dann bezahlt werden kann.Jeden Tag stelle ich mir seitdem die Frage??zu beantworten. Was sind diese Transaktionen, da ich an diesem Tag keine solchen Abhebungen vorgenommen habe?Wie werden diese Beträge an wen ausgezahlt?und warum sie sich verzögert haben und nicht die Summe von 500 Euro bezahlen wollen??? niemand antwortet mir im Online-Support sie ignorieren mich komplett.Ich möchte den Casino-Guru fragen, ob Sie ihm diese Frage stellen können?Ich sende Ihnen einen Screenshot der Transaktionen, von denen ich nicht weiß, was sie sind????
Poštovani nvlado7806,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Da li ste lično ranije izvršili neko uspješno isplate? Da li sam dobro shvatio da vas brine to što je neko drugi postavio ove zahtjeve za povlačenje?
Također, da li sam dobro shvatio da vaš račun još uvijek nije označen kao verifikovan?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Jedva čekamo čuti od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear nvlado7806,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience. Have you personally made any successful withdrawals before? Do I understand correctly that your concern is that someone else made these withdrawal requests?
Also, do I understand correctly that your account has not yet been marked as verified?
I hope, we will help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Da, moj račun je još uvijek verifikovan i ova povlačenja nisam izvršio ja. Pisao sam im nekoliko puta do sada, ali bez rezultata, bez odgovora
Yes, my account is still verified and these withdrawals were not made by me. I have written to them several times so far but with no result, no reply
Ja, mein Konto ist immer noch verifiziert und diese Abhebungen wurden nicht von mir vorgenommen.Ich habe ihnen bisher mehrmals geschrieben, aber ohne Ergebnis, keine Antwort
Hteo bih da pitam da li je neko u kontaktu sa ovim kasinom, pisem mu vec nekoliko dana bez odgovora ??Samo ne znam vise sta se desava sa takvim pogresnim stavom sa njihove strane
I want to ask if anyone is in contact with this casino, I've been writing to them for several days with no response ??I just don't know anymore what happens with such a wrong attitude on their part
Ich möchte fragen, ob jemand Kontakt zu diesem Casino hat, ich schreibe ihnen seit mehreren Tagen ohne Antwort ??Ich weiß einfach nicht mehr, was so eine falsche Einstellung ihrerseits passiert
Hvala vam puno nvlado7806 na odgovoru. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Tomášu ( tomas.k@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će se vaš problem uskoro riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much nvlado7806 for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomáš (tomas.k@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hvala na podršci. Mislim da se ništa neće dogoditi, ali hajde da pokušamo u svakom slučaju. jer ovaj kazino ne brine o pritužbama protiv njih ili njihovoj reputaciji
Thanks for your support.I don't think anything will happen but let's try anyway.because this casino doesn't care about the complaints against them or their reputation
Danke für deine Unterstützung.Ich glaube nicht, dass etwas passieren wird, aber versuchen wir es trotzdem.weil dieses Casino sich nicht um die Beschwerden gegen es oder um seinen Ruf kümmert
Poštovani nvlado7806,
Ovo je Tomas i od sada ću vam pomagati u ovom slučaju.
Pregledao sam vašu situaciju i želio bih vam postaviti nekoliko važnih pitanja.
Možete li, molim vas, objasniti nešto više o tim nalozima za povlačenje? Nakon što vidite vaše snimke ekrana, kazino će isplate označiti kao 'potpune'. Da li to znači da trenutno nemate isplate na čekanju, niti aktivno stanje?
Hvala ti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear nvlado7806,
This is Tomas and from now on, I will be assisting you with this case.
I have reviewed your situation and would like to ask you a few important questions.
Could you please explain a little bit more about those withdrawal orders? Upon seeing your screenshots, the withdrawals are marked as 'complete' by the casino. Does it mean that you have no pending withdrawals at the moment, nor an active balance?
Thank you.
Best regards,
ove isplate nisam izvršio ja i ne znam kome su isplaćene? Da, i još uvijek imam aktivno stanje od 500 eura koje čeka da mi bude isplaćeno. Samo da sam te isplate poslao snimke ekrana , nisam uzeo, naručio sam i nisu mi plaćeni
these withdrawals were not made by me and I don't know who they were paid to?Yes, and I still have an active balance of 500 euros waiting to be paid to me.It's just that these withdrawals, that I have sent screenshots of, were not taken by me, ordered by me and were not paid to me
diese Abhebungen wurden nicht von mir vorgenommen und ich weiß nicht, an wen sie gezahlt wurden?Ja, und ich habe noch ein aktives Guthaben von 500 Euro, das darauf wartet, an mich ausgezahlt zu werden.Es ist nur so, dass diese Abhebungen, von denen ich Screenshots gesendet habe, nicht von mir gemacht, nicht von mir bestellt und nicht an mich gezahlt wurden
Hvala nvlado7806 što ste nas ažurirali potrebnim informacijama.
Sada bih pozvao Beem Casino da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Beem Casino,
Možete li objasniti zašto postoje zahtjevi za povlačenje koje igrač nije uputio?
I također, možete li nam dati novosti o statusu povlačenja igrača?
Hvala vam na saradnji.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Thank you nvlado7806 for updating us with the necessary information.
Now I would like to invite Beem Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Beem Casino,
Could you please explain why there are withdrawal requests which have not been made by the player?
And also, can you please provide an update on the status of the player's withdrawal?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
Želio bih pitati učesnike ovdje do sada. Da li je ovaj kazino nekome odgovorio? Postoji li uopće način da ih kontaktiram? Pišem im svaki dan, ali bez rezultata. Imaju li oni uopće podršku ili je ovo sve prevara?????
I would like to ask the participants here so far. Has this casino replied to anyone? Is there any way to contact them at all? I write to them every day but with no result. Do they have any support at all or is this all a scam?????
Ich möchte die Teilnehmer hier bisher fragen. Hat dieses Casino jemandem geantwortet? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, sie überhaupt zu kontaktieren? Ich schreibe ihnen jeden Tag, aber ohne Ergebnis. Haben sie überhaupt Unterstützung oder ist das alles eine Betrug?????
Organizatore i sve učesnike pogledajte ovdje. Hajde da uradimo nešto da drugi ljudi ne budu prevareni. Iz ovog kazina već sam svjestan da neću dobiti svoj novac od njih da učinim nešto dobro da zaštitim druge ljude
Please see the organizers and all participants here. Let's do something so that other people are not deceived. From this casino I am already aware that I will not get my money from them to do something good to protect other people
Bitte sehen Sie die Organisatoren und alle Teilnehmer hier. Lassen Sie uns etwas tun, damit andere Menschen nicht getäuscht werden. Von diesem Casino ist mir bereits bewusst, dass ich mein Geld nicht von ihnen bekommen werde, um etwas Gutes zu tun, um andere Menschen zu schützen
Zamolili bismo Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, žalbu ćemo zatvoriti kao 'neriješenu'.
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Ovaj kazino nema nameru da vam ništa odgovori ili kaže..A da mi platite 500 evra ne dolazi u obzir
This casino has no intention of answering or telling you anything..And paying me the 500 euros is out of the question
Dieses Casino hat nicht die Absicht, Ihnen etwas zu antworten oder zu sagen..Und mir die 500 Euro zu zahlen kommt überhaupt nicht in Frage
Poštovani nvlado7806,
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali izgleda da su prestali da odgovaraju. Sada se ne može mnogo učiniti bez saradnje kazina. Označit ću žalbu "neriješenom" u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promijeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte.
Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear nvlado7806,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but it appears they have stopped responding. There is not much that can be done now without the casino's cooperation. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email.
I wish I could be of more help.
Kind regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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