BetMGM pregleda moju izjavu, ali pokušava da iskoristi GamStop istek/pauzu kao izgovor, iako njihovi uslovi i odredbe navode u regulatorne svrhe da treba da pregledaju vaš nalog pre ponovnog aktiviranja, ili da vam je potreban period hlađenja od 48 sati, ovo je uspelo da se ne desi, samo su mi dozvolili da otvorim račun bez provere mentalnog stanja ili finansijske situacije.
Odgovornost kazina treba da bude da osigura da su fer prema igračima, da moraju da poštuju odredbe i uslove kao što ih igrači moraju da poštuju.
Objasnio sam im da mi nisu trebali dozvoliti da otvorim nalog na njihovom sajtu pošto sam već bio samoisključen na LeoVegas-u i nisam odslužio period hlađenja ili zatražio reaktivaciju za nalog koji je već registrovan u grupi (koristeći istu imejl adresa i detalji)
Čini se da vuku za petama, jer su zapravo odgovorni za neuspeh u mojoj zaštiti.
Bez obzira na ishod njihovog ćaskanja sa GamStop-om, treba napomenuti da je to jasno kršenje propisa o bezbednom kockanju, kao i njihovih uslova i odredbi, stoga su oni obavezni da mi refundiraju depozite koje sam položio na sajtu.

BetMGM are reviewing my statement but trying to use GamStop expiry/pause as an excuse, even though their terms and conditions state for regulatory purposes that they should review your account prior to reactivation, or that you require a 48 hour cooling off period, this did not happen, they just allowed me to open an account without checking my mental state or financial situation.
It should be the casino's responsibility to ensure they are being fair to players, they have terms and conditions to follow just like the players must follow them.
I have explained to them that they should not have allowed me to open an account on their site as I was already self excluded on LeoVegas and had not served the cooling off period or requested reactivation for the account already registered with the group (using the same email address and details)
They seem to be dragging their heels, because they are actually liable for a failure in protecting me.
Regardless of the outcome of their chat with GamStop, it should be noted that it's a clear breach of Safer Gambling Regulations and also their Terms and Conditions therefore they are liable to refund me the deposits i placed on the site.
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