Betstro pokušava da me prevari od besplatnih okretaja koje sam zaradio na jednoj od njihovih promocija. Imali su promociju u kojoj ste morali da napravite pravi novac da biste dobili 80k0,2€ besplatnih okretaja u naredna 72 sata. Napravio sam kvalifikacionu opkladu i povukao svoj preostali iznos od 107,35 €. Ovde je vredno napomenuti da sam želeo da osiguram da moj bilans bude 0 € kada primam spinove iz razloga o kojima se govori u nastavku.
Kasnije sam primio e-poruku od Betstro-a u kojoj se kaže da je moje povlačenje otkazano zbog neispunjavanja njihovih uslova za klađenje za depozite. Rekao sam im da su uslovi zaista ispunjeni i poslao nekoliko snimaka ekrana kao dokaz. Priznali su da sam u pravu i rekli mi da se ponovo povučem. Pokušao sam, ali nisam uspeo, jer su besplatni okreti u međuvremenu pripisani mom nalogu, a sajt sprečava isplate kada imam neiskorišćene besplatne okrete ili bonuse.
Sada se činilo da imam dve opcije: ili da otkažem okretanje, a zatim da se povučem, što bi značilo gubitak obrtaja, ili da igram okretaje i da poništim uslov klađenja njihovih dobitaka pre povlačenja. Međutim, ta opcija je takođe beskorisna. Prvi igra pravi novac, tako da bih morao da izgubim 107,35€ svog novca pre nego što bih uopšte mogao da počnem da napredujem u klađenju za okretaje, koji imaju maksimalnu konverziju od 100€ u pravi novac. Upravo zbog toga sam želeo da nemam novca na svom računu kada primam spinove.
Dakle, otkazivanjem mog povlačenja bez valjane osnove, Betstro je učinio moje besplatne okrete potpuno beskorisnim. Zamolio sam podršku da ili izvrši povlačenje umesto mene ili da mi ponovo doda spinove nakon što sam ih otkazao i izvršio povlačenje. Naravno, oni daju samo standardne odgovore kao što su „Ne možemo da izvršimo povlačenje ručno za vas", „Prema našim Uslovima i uslovima, povlačenje se ne može izvršiti dok imate neiskorišćene besplatne okrete" ili „Kada je bonus otkazan, on ne može se dodati nazad", birajući da ignoriše činjenicu da su izazvali problem svojom greškom (ili namernom prevarom).
Trenutno je situacija takva da sam otkazao spinove i izvršio povlačenje (koje, inače, još uvek nije obrađeno nakon dva dana), a oni odbijaju da dodaju spinove nazad. Da stvari ispravim, želim u najmanju ruku da mi Betstro vrati spinove ili njihovu vrednost (16€) kao bonus novac.
Betstro is trying to scam me out of free spins I earned from one of their promotions. They had a promotion where you had to make a real money bet to be credited with 80x0.2€ free spins within the next 72 hours. I made the qualifying bet, and withdrew my remaining balance of 107.35€. It’s noteworthy here that I wanted to ensure that my balance is 0€ when receiving the spins for reasons discussed below.
Later, I received an email from Betstro saying that my withdrawal has been cancelled due to not fulfilling their wagering requirements for deposits. I told them that the requirements were indeed fulfilled and sent some screenshots as proof. They admitted that I was right and told me to make the withdrawal again. I tried, but was unable to, because the free spins had meanwhile been credited to my account, and the site prevents doing withdrawals when having unused free spins or bonuses.
Now I appeared to have two options: either cancel the spins and then withdraw, which would mean losing the spins, or play the spins and clear the wagering requirement of their winnings before withdrawing. However, that option is also useless. Real money plays first, so I would have to lose 107.35€ of my own money before I could even start progressing the wagering for the spins, which have a max 100€ conversion to real money. This is exactly why I wanted to have no money in my account when receiving the spins.
So, by cancelling my withdrawal without valid basis, Betstro rendered my free spins completely useless. I asked the support to either make the withdrawal for me or re-add the spins to me after I have cancelled them and made a withdrawal. Naturally they are only giving standard responses such as "We can’t make the withdrawal manually for you", "According to our T&C, withdrawal can’t be made while having unused free spins" or "Once a bonus has been cancelled, it cannot be added back", choosing to ignore the fact that they caused the issue with their mistake (or deliberate scam).
Currently the situation is that I have cancelled the spins and made the withdrawal (which is still not processed after two days, by the way), and they are refusing to add the spins back. To make things right, I want at the very least for Betstro to add me the spins back, or their value (16€) as bonus money.
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