Dragi Casino Guru,
Ono u što vjerujete ne mora značiti da se operaterima na ovaj način moraju nametnuti pravila.
Ono što tražite je nešto što mora biti dostupno iz softvera platforme, a ne nešto što mi direktno kontroliramo ili nam ga nameće MGA, pa to vašu izjavu čini pristranom i neetičkom, u određenoj mjeri čak i upitnom ! ... svojom presudom izravno govorite svim igračima da mogu zatražiti bonus i igrati na bilo kojoj ograničenoj igri jer bi i dalje dobili sve svoje dobitke, a ovo je zaista klevetničko.
Imajući to u vidu, potpuno smo u skladu s Upravom za kockanje na Malti kada su u pitanju naši uvjeti i odredbe, a nametanje takvog ponašanja zaista je neprihvatljivo i neprofesionalno.
Očigledno nismo ograničili nikakav bonus na igrača, jer vaš kodeks za kockanje u dijelu 6 navodi o Ograničenim bonusima u određenim zemljama, u stvari, vaš kodeks čak ni ne spominje ništa o ograničenim igrama.
Također, naši uvjeti i odredbe dostupni su s bilo kojeg mjesta na web stranici + naše e -pošte za pristup igraču, ne skrivajući ih tako igraču. Igrač je prilično iskusan kockar i potpuno je svjestan da će se bonus uslovi primjenjivati pri preuzimanju bonusa. Čak i da nije tako iskusan, odredbe i uvjeti su i dalje dostupni sa svih strana!
Kada se igrač registruje, obavezno je da prihvati naše uslove i odredbe prije nego što može uplatiti depozit, zatražiti bonus ili čak otvoriti račun, čime ga zakonski obavezuje da u cijelosti poštuje te uslove.
Ljubazno vas molim da pažljivo procijenite ovu situaciju prije nego što požurite sa tako štetnim zaključcima.
Dear Casino Guru,
What you believe does not necessarily mean that rules should be imposed on operators this way.
What you are asking is something that needs to be available from the platform software and it's not something that we have any control over it directly or imposed on us from MGA, so this makes your statement biased and un-ethical, to some extent even questionable! ... with your verdict, you are directly telling all the players that they can claim a bonus and play on any restricted game as they would still get all their winnings, and this is truly defamatory.
Having said that, we are fully inline with the Malta Gambling Authority when it comes to our terms and conditions and imposing such behaviour is truly unacceptable and un-professional.
We have clearly not restricted any bonus to the player, as your gambling codex is stating in part 6 about Restricted bonuses in certain countries, in-fact, your codex does not even mention anything about restricted games.
Also, our terms and conditions are available from anywhere on the site + our emails for the player to access, thus not hiding them to the player. The player is quite an experienced gambler and he is fully aware that bonus terms will apply when claiming bonuses. Even if he was not so experienced, the terms & conditions are still accessible from everywhere!
When a player registers, it is mandatory for him to accept our terms and conditions before he can deposit, claim bonus or even open an account, thus legally binding him to follow such terms in their entirety.
I kindly ask you to asses closely this situation before rushing into such damaging conclusions.
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