Povlačenje igrača je odloženo iz nepoznatog razloga.
Zdravo Dikasragen,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa ClubRiches kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li da nam kažete od kada je vaš nalog u potpunosti verifikovan? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke pravim novcem ili ste koristili bonus? Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello Dikasragen,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with ClubRiches Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise since when is your account fully verified? Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
Looking forward to your answer.
26. januara, moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan. Svoj dobitak prikupljam pravim novcem.
prošlog 27. januara odgovorili su na moju e-poštu nakon toga nisu odgovorili.. traže moje lične podatke nakon uspeha traže moju adresu nakon uspeha verifikacija povlačenja ostaje na čekanju.. pomozite da ih kontaktirate i unovčite moj dobitak
January 26, my account is fully verified. I collect my winnings with real money.
last 27th january they answered my email after that they didn't answer back..they ask for my id data after success they ask for my address after success the withdrawal verification remains pending..please help to contact them and cash out my winnings
Zdravo. clubriches je potpuni prevarant… povukao sam svoj dobitak koji nisu platili…. takođe su eliminisali moj preostali saldo... pa pregledajte ovaj kazino, ima članova koji pobeđuju, ali ne mogu da plate.. moje povlačenje je poništeno moj balans je izbrisan
Hello. clubriches is a total scammer… i withdrew my winnings they didnt pay…. they also eliminated my remaining balance... so please review this casino there are members winning but they can't pay.. my withdrawal was canceled my balance was obliterated
ostavili su moj saldo kao što je bio na početnom depozitu..sve moje dobitke od skoro 68000rupa su izgubili..počinili su pravu i masivnu prevaru.. veoma sramotno
they left my balance as it was at the initial deposit..all my winnings almost 68000rupe they lost..they commit real and massive cheating.. very embarrassing
zdravo, oni clubriches su mi vratili samo početni depozit.. sav moj dobitak su uzeli oni... oni kazino prevaranti imaju srca da opljačkaju dobitke članova
hello, they clubriches only returned my initial deposit.. all my winnings were taken by them... they casino scammers have the heart to rip off members' winnings
ne, nemam samoisključenje u bilo kom drugom kazinu…clubriches kazino je blokirao moj nalog i nije isplatio moj dobitak… svi moji dobici su izbrisani, moj balans je nestao… samo su mi vratili početni depozit…
no I have no self-exclusion at any other casino…clubriches casino blocked my account and didn't pay my winnings… all my winnings were deleted my balance was all gone… they just refunded my initial deposit…
Zdravo Dikasragen i hvala vam na do sada pruženim informacijama. Pošto ćemo od kazina zahtevati više detalja, vaša žalba će sada biti prosleđena mom kolegi Mihalu (KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Hello Dikasragen and thank you for the information provided so far. As we will require more details from the casino, your complaint will be now forwarded to my colleague Michal (michal.k@casino.guru) who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
da li će mi clubriches platiti? Već sam pesimista... oni samo žele da uzmu novac igrača, ali ne žele da plate igrače dobitke iz raznih razloga
will clubriches pay me? I'm already pessimistic... they only want to take players' money but don't want to pay players' winnings for various reasons
Zdravo Dikasragen,
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam ovaj slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlim ovu stvar.
Pozivamo ClubRiches Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi ClubRiches Casino,
Možete li nam dati više informacija u vezi sa poništenim dobicima i blokiranim računom igrača?
Ako informacije ne mogu da se dele javno, pošaljite mi ih uključujući sve relevantne dokaze na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
Hello Dikasragen,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed this case and I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite ClubRiches Casino to join the conversation.
Dear ClubRiches Casino,
Can you please provide more information regarding the player's voided winnings and blocked account?
If the information can't be shared publicly please sent them including any relevant evidence to me at michal.k@casino.guru
oni su clubriches kazino traže razloge za odbranu ... rekli su da sam prekršio njihova pravila, rekli su da sam koristio lažne podatke.. očigledno sam poslao ličnu kartu i pasoš na verifikaciju i verifikacija mi je odobrena..pa na osnovu čega da koriste lažne podatke...poenta je da ne žele da isplaćuju dobitke članova...samo mi vrate depozit, a ostalo otimaju moj dobitak
they are clubriches casino are looking for reasons for the defense ... they said that I violated their rules, they said I used fake data.. obviously I sent ID and passport for verification and verification was approved..so on what basis do I use fake data...the point is they don't want to pay members' winnings...they just return my deposit, the rest they rip off my winnings
Dobro jutro,
Hvala vam na vašim porukama iznad i nadam se da ste dobro.
Vaš slučaj nam je prvobitno predstavljen 23/01/23, gde ste tražili pomoć oko povlačenja: „pomozite mi da povučem moje povlačenje je još uvek na čekanju i pomozite u verifikaciji". Zatražili smo i potvrdili da ćete morati da pošaljete potrebna dokumenta za verifikaciju da biste primili vaše povlačenje. Naš prvi odgovor za vas je dat u nastavku:
„Zdravo Dika,
Potreban nam je račun za komunalne usluge na adresi na kojoj živite izdat u poslednja 3 meseca - to može biti izvod iz banke, telefonski račun, račun za struju itd.
Ovo je potrebno da biste nastavili sa verifikacijom vašeg naloga.
Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Club Riches Online Casino podrška"
Zatim ste otpremili dokumente koji su našem timu za verifikaciju istakli nepodudaranje adrese i od vas je zatraženo da navedete dovoljno obrazloženja o tome, a vaš odgovor je bio: 25/01/23 „Pisao sam pogrešnu adresu jer sam žurio da je popunim u" – zatim smo tražili da nam dostavite dokumente koji sadrže tačnu adresu i detalje koje niste mogli da nam date. Vaša poslednja komunikacija u vezi sa ovim slučajem je bila: „Zato vas sve molim da mi pomognete da zapišete moju adresu na mom nalogu, kao i da obradite sva moja povlačenja.. Proverio sam sve svoje identitete i adrese tako da nema razloga da odlažete sa povlačenjem moja sredstva"
Više puta smo vas savetovali da će nam trebati ovo nepodudaranje adresa i verifikovani dokumenti kako bismo bili sigurni da ćete dobiti povlačenje, ali nažalost ništa nam više nije stiglo u narednih nekoliko dana. Preneli smo to našem timu za verifikaciju i pokušali da vam pomognemo da dobijete ova sredstva sa jednim kolegom da vidimo da li se još nešto može učiniti.
Nakon dalje istrage, tim je potvrdio da je došlo do kršenja Uslova i odredbi i kao gest dobre volje refundirali su vaš prvobitni iznos depozita, smanjujući dobitke.
30.01.2023. - „Dobar dan,
Hvala vam što ste se obratili ClubRiches-u.
Razgovarao sam sa našim timom za verifikaciju i nakon dalje istrage mogu da vam potvrdim sledeće:
Vaš nedavni zahtev za povlačenje je odbijen sa vašim dobicima koji su zadržani/odsečeni sa trenutnim dejstvom i vaš nalog će biti zatvoren zbog kršenja odredbi i uslova (C. Registracija/Klađenje, tačka 8).
Kao gest dobre volje prema vama, naš tim je potvrdio da želi da vrati vaš depozit i stoga vaš račun ostaje otvoren za vas da zatražite povlačenje depozita koji ste dali.
Molim vas da li biste bili u mogućnosti da me obavestite kada ste zatražili samo povlačenje ovog depozita i da onda mogu da obavestim naš tim za obradu.
Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Zatim smo vas podržali u tome da budete u mogućnosti da zatražite iznos za povlačenje depozita, što ste potvrdili da ste uspeli da uradite.
Nismo u poziciji da ponovo aktiviramo vaš nalog ili da vam obezbedimo dodatna sredstva, ali cenimo što ste nam se obratili u vezi sa ovim, ali u skladu sa odredbama i uslovima koji su dostupni prilikom registracije, ovo je deo naše procedure verifikacije.
Hvala vam
Good morning,
Thank you for your messages above and I hope you are well.
Your case was originally presented to us on the 23/01/23 where you asked for help with a withdrawal: "help me withdraw my withdrawal is still pending and help verify". We requested and confirmed that in order to receive your withdrawal you will need to send the required verification documents. Our first reply to you is provided below:
"Hi Dika,
We need a Utility Bill of the address that you live in issued in the past 3 months - it can be bank statement, phone bill, electricity bill, etc.
This is needed to proceed with the verification of your account.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Club Riches Online Casino Support"
You then uploaded documents that highlighted to our Verification team an address mismatch and you were asked to provide sufficient reasoning on it, you response was: 25/01/23 "I used to write the wrong address because I was in a hurry to fill it in" - we then asked for further documents containing the correct address and details which you were not able to provide. Your last communication about this case was: "so I beg you all to help write down my address on my account as well as process all my withdrawals.. I have verified all my identities and addresses so there is no reason for you to delay withdrawing my funds"
We advised multiple times to you that we would need this address mismatch and verified documents to ensure you would get your withdrawal, but unfortunately nothing further came to us over the next few days. We escalated it to our verification team and tried to help you receive these funds with one colleague seeing if there was anything else that could be done.
After further investigation the team confirmed that there had been a violation of Terms & Conditions and as a gesture of goodwill they refunded your original deposit amount, cutting the winnings.
30/01/2023 - "Good afternoon,
Thank you for reaching out to ClubRiches.
I have spoken with our verification team and after further investigation I can confirm the following to you:
Your recent withdrawal request has been declined with your winnings being retained/cut with immediate effect and your account will be closed due to terms and conditions violation (C. Registration/Betting account point 8).
As a gesture of goodwill to you, our team have confirmed that they would like to refund your deposit and therefore your account remains open for you to request a withdrawal of the deposit you made.
Please would you be able to let me know when you have requested this deposit only withdrawal and I can then inform our team for processing.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We then supported you in making sure you were able to request the deposit withdrawal amount, which you confirmed you had been able to do successfully.
We are not in a position to reactivate your account or provide further funds to you, but we do appreciate you reaching out about this but as per the terms and conditions which is available on sign up this is part of our verification procedure.
Thank you
imate mnogo razloga... jasno je da je moj nalog verifikovan id i adresom, i dalje odlažete povlačenje i šaljem vam e-mail, šaljem svoj dokument sa adresom, ali vi ne odgovarate... onda vi doneti odluku da poništim svoju pobedu zbog prekršaja...Prošli put sam vam poslao e-poštu, ali niste odgovorili...rekli ste da nisam poslao svoju adresu....Poenta je da vi momci ne želite da platite moj dobitak i kažem da sam počinio prekršaj... iako pre nego što ste rekli da sam počinio prekršaj moj nalog je verifikovan mojom ličnom kartom i adresom... onda na osnovu čega sam napravio prekršaj... zašto čekate ja da pobedim igrajući onda ti kažeš da...
you have many reasons... it's clear that my account has been verified by id and address, you still delay the withdrawal and I send an email to you, I send my address document, but you don't respond... then you make the decision to cancel my win because of a violation...Last time I emailed you but you didn't respond…you said I didn't send my address…..The point is you guys don't want to pay for my winnings and say I committed a violation... even though before you said I committed a violation my account has been verified by my ID and address... then on what basis did I commit a violation... why are you waiting for me to win playing then you say that...
Dragi Dikasragen,
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste uneli pogrešne informacije na svom kazino nalogu?
Možete li molim vas da objasnite ovu rečenicu/mejl?:
„25.01.23. „Napisao sam pogrešnu adresu jer sam žurio da je popunim" – tada smo tražili dodatna dokumenta koja sadrže tačnu adresu i detalje koje niste mogli da date. Vaša poslednja komunikacija o ovaj slučaj je bio: "zato vas sve molim da mi pomognete da zapišem moju adresu na moj račun, kao i da obradim sva moja povlačenja.."
Čekam istinit odgovor, molim.
Dear Dikasragen,
Do I understand correctly that you have filled in incorrect information in your casino account?
Can you please explain this sentence/email?:
"25/01/23 "I used to write the wrong address because I was in a hurry to fill it in" - we then asked for further documents containing the correct address and details which you were not able to provide. Your last communication about this case was: "so I beg you all to help write down my address on my account as well as process all my withdrawals.."
I am awaiting a truthful answer, please.
Da, pisao sam pogrešnu adresu jer sam žurio.. zašto sam pogrešio i žurio sam jer su sve adrese na kojima živim bile napisane kineskim slovima pa sam morao da prevedem na mandarinski kada sam uradio prevod koji sam napravio greška u pisanju...do ovde razumeš..
onda su tražili moju detaljnu adresu i dokumente onda sam im takođe poslao ali nisu mi odgovorili na poruke... Zamolio sam ih da mi pišu na nalog jer sam se umorio od slanja desetina mejlova, ali bez odgovora čak ni svih dokumenata Rekao sam poslato e-poštom.. : ali su rekli da ne mogu da dam svoja dokumenta, to je glupo što su rekli
Yes, I used to write the wrong address because I was in a hurry..why was I wrong and in a hurry because all the addresses where I live were in Chinese characters so I needed to translate into Mandarin when I did the translation I made a mistake in writing…up to here you understand..
then they asked for my detailed address and documents then I also sent them but they didn't reply to my messages... I asked them to write to my account because I was tired of sending dozens of emails but no response even all the documents I said sent via email.. : but they said I can't give my documents that's stupid thing they said
poenta je da sam otpremio sve adrese i dokumente za ličnu kartu, ali su rekli da nisam dao svoje prave podatke.. čak sam im i poslao imejl, poslao sam dokumente o identifikaciji i adresi, ali nisu odgovorili, rekli su da im nisam poslao imejl …tačno je da sam pogrešio kada sam uneo adresu, ali sam tada i tražio da je revidiraju, ali nisu hteli da je revidiraju... logično ako sam kopirao sve svoje podatke onda je došlo do grešku koju bi trebalo da mogu da revidiraju
the point is I have uploaded all the address and id documents but they said I didn't give my real data.. even I emailed them I sent the id and address documents but they didn't respond they said I didn't email them…it's true that when I filled in the address I made a mistake but at that time I also asked them to revise it but they didn't want to revise it... logically if I've copied all my data then there was an error they should be able to revise
Dragi Dikasragen,
Možete li, molim vas, proslediti sve dokumente koje ste dostavili ClubRiches kazinu (ličnu kartu, dokaz o adresi, itd.) na dalji pregled? Pošaljite ih na moju e-poštu KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
Dear Dikasragen,
Can you please forward all the documents you have submitted to ClubRiches Casino (ID, address proof, etc.) for further review? Send them please to my email michal.k@casino.guru
Dragi Dikasragen,
Hvala vam na e-poruci, uspešno sam je primio. Pregledaćemo dokumente i pokušati da pronađemo odgovarajuće rešenje sa kazinom za vas.
Dear Dikasragen,
Thank you for your email, I have received it successfully. We will review the documents and try to find a suitable solution with the casino for you.
Dragi Dikasragen,
U kontaktu sam sa ClubRiches Casino timom. Mogu samo da vas zamolim za strpljenje u ovom trenutku. Ako bude bilo kakvog razvoja, obavestićemo vas.
Dear Dikasragen,
I'm in contact with ClubRiches Casino Team. I can only ask for your patience at the moment. If there is any development we will let you know.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Jutro Mihal,
Nadam se da si dobro.
Dikasragen je prekršio uslove i uslove sledećeg:
"8. Sve lične informacije koje igrač pruži M21 moraju biti tačne i potpune. Igrač se obavezuje da će bez odlaganja obavestiti M21 u slučaju da bilo koja informacija dostavljena M21 postane netačna ili nepotpuna. M21 zadržava pravo da otkaže bilo koju opkladu kao i dobitke, blokirajte račune za klađenje, isključite igrača iz učešća u drugim igrama, zadržite uplate igraču i prijavite igrača nadležnim organima ako se ispostavi da su bilo koja informacija koju je igrač dao M21 netačna ili nepotpuna. igrač je odgovoran za bilo kakvu štetu i troškove koji proizlaze iz lažnih ili obmanjujućih informacija. Ako se dostavi bilo koja namerno lažna ili obmanjujuća informacija, sve transakcije na M21 nalogu će biti proglašene nevažećim.''
Naš tim je zatim završio verifikacione istrage na njihovoj strani i doneta je odluka da se ukine dobitak i zatvori račun zbog davanja netačne dokumentacije, da bi se uspešno dobilo njegovo povlačenje i nepoštovanje uslova ClubRiches-a.
Napominjemo, nije bila samo jedna stvar u procesu u kojoj su date netačne informacije, već je nekoliko puta istaknuto prilikom provere dokumenata.
Da zaključimo, nismo u poziciji da ponovo otvorimo račun niti da mu obezbedimo bilo koji od dobitaka zbog ovoga, ali cenimo vaše vreme što ste nam omogućili da u potpunosti istražimo ovu stvar sa vama.
Srdačan pozdrav
ClubRiches Team
Morning Michal,
I hope you are well.
Dikasragen violated the T&Cs of the following:
"8. Any and all personal information provided by the player to M21 must be correct and complete. The player undertakes to notify M21 without delay in the event that any information provided to M21 becomes incorrect or incomplete. M21 reserves the right to cancel any bets as well as winnings, block betting accounts, exclude the player from participating in other games, retain payments to the player and report the player to the authorities in charge if any information given to M21 by the player turns out to be incorrect or incomplete. The player is liable for any damage and costs arising out of false or misleading information. If any deliberately false or misleading information is furnished, any and all transactions on the M21 Account shall be declared invalid.''
Our team then completed their verification investigations on their side and the decision was made to cut the winnings and close the account due to providing inaccurate documentation, to successfully obtain his withdrawal and not keeping in line with the terms and conditions of ClubRiches.
Kindly note, it was not just one matter within the process where inaccurate information was provided, it was highlighted a few times when checking through documents.
To conclude we are not in a position to reopen the account nor provide any of the winnings to him due to this, but we do appreciate your time allowing us to fully investigate this matter with yourself.
Kind regards
ClubRiches Team
Dragi Dikasragen,
Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija, primorani smo da se složimo sa odlukom ClubRiches Casinos-a. Razlozi koje kazino pominje u potpunosti su validni i dokazi koje je kazino pružio u potpunosti su u suprotnosti sa vašim izjavama da ste nenamerno pogrešili ne samo podatke o vašoj adresi, i ako bismo se složili sa vama, prekršili bismo sopstvene propise, koje kao što razumete ne možemo. Uzimajući u obzir ovu činjenicu, slažemo se sa radnjama kazina, jer se samo pridržavao svojih uslova.
Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Dikasragen,
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are forced to agree with ClubRiches Casinos' decision. The reason mentions by the casino above are totally valid and the evidence provided by the casino completely contradicts your statements that you have unintentionally mistyped not only your address details, and if we agreed with you we would be violating our own regulations, which as you understand we cannot do. Taking this fact into account, we agree with the casino's actions, as it just adhered to its terms and conditions.
I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.