Imao sam loše iskustvo na gde su dali inferiorniji bonus na prvi depozit u odnosu na ono što je reklamirano, a zatim su me lagali o tome kako bonus funkcioniše da bi me ipak prevarili da igram.
Registrovao sam se u kazinu i napravio kvalifikujući depozit od 20€ za bonus na prvi depozit (20 k 1€ okretanja sa depozitom od 20€, uslov za klađenje 40k za dobitak sa maksimalnom veličinom opklade od 5€). Nisam dobio spinove sa depozitom, pa sam se požalio podršci uživo, koja mi je rekla da ne mogu ručno da dodaju obrtaje, ali umesto toga mogu dodati 20€ kao bonus novac. Ovo sam shvatio kao da će biti kao da bih osvojio 20€ sa besplatnim okretima, pa sam prihvatio. Bonus je dodat i bilo je 40 k 20€ = 800€ u meraču opklada kao što se očekivalo.
Počeo sam da kladim bonus, ali nisam mogao da se kladim ni u jednoj igri zbog greške u vezi sa nedovoljno novca na mom nalogu. Požalio sam se na ovo, i na kraju sam dobio odgovor e-poštom da se bonus mora odigrati sa maksimalnom veličinom opklade od 1 €, pošto je identičan besplatnim okretima koje sam trebao da dobijem. Odgovorio sam objasnivši da to nije ista stvar: besplatni okreti bi bili samo dvadeset 1 € okretaja, nakon čega bih mogao da založim dobitak (u proseku 800 €) sa veličinom opklade od 5 €, a ono što dao mi je potrebno da uradim osam stotina okretaja od 1 € (želim da igram sa većom veličinom opklade, radi većeg uzbuđenja i zato što je veća verovatnoća da ću dobiti dovoljno veliku da mogu da ispunim uslove za klađenje). Razmenjeno je nekoliko poruka bez dodatne vrednosti informacija, u kojima se tvrdilo da je bonus sličan okretanjima, tako da se mora igrati sa veličinom opklade od 1 €, a ja sam iznova objašnjavao da to ne funkcioniše tako.
Konačno je neko odgovorio da je došlo do nesporazuma i da samo treba da uložim prvih 20€ bonusa sa veličinom opklade od 1€, nakon čega mogu da povećam ulog. Sumnjao sam da će bonus biti dovoljno pametan za to, ali sam ipak odlučio da probam. Uradio sam dvadeset okretaja od 1 €, što je vratilo samo 4,4 €. Merač opklada je smanjen za 20€ na 780€ kako se očekivalo. Još uvek nisam mogao da pravim opklade veće od 1 €. Požalio sam se na to, a takođe sam ih zamolio da prilagode preostali uslov za klađenje (ako prvih 20 € bonusa zapravo simulira besplatne okrete, onda bi preostali uslov za opkladu trebalo da bude 40 k koliko god da osvojim u prvih 20 okretaja, dakle 176 € u mom slučaju su odbili da prilagode uslove za klađenje, pošto je odjednom bonus bio drugačija stvar od okretanja po njihovom mišljenju, a takođe su rekli da sam založio samo 10 € i stoga je ograničenje veličine opklade još uvek na snazi (. iako sam založio 20€ i merač opklade se smanjio za 20€).
U ovom trenutku osećam da me je kazino prevario i ne mogu da im verujem. Želim refundiranje mog depozita od 20 €, nakon čega su slobodni da zatvore moj račun. Da sam znao da lažu kada su rekli da posle prvih 20€ mogu da povećam veličinu opklade, ne bih igrao spinove, već bih otkazao bonus i umesto toga povukao svoj depozit. Trenutno je na mom saldu 24,4€, od čega je polovina u bonus novcu.
I have had a bad experience at where they gave an inferior first deposit bonus to what was advertised, and then lied to me about how the bonus works to trick me into playing anyway.
I registered at the casino and made a qualifying 20€ deposit for the first deposit bonus (20 x 1€ spins with a 20€ deposit, 40x wagering requirement for the winnings with max 5€ bet size). I did not get the spins with the deposit, so I complained to the live support, who told me that they can't add the spins manually, but they can add 20€ as bonus money instead. I took this to mean that it will be like I would have won 20€ with the free spins, so I accepted. The bonus was added and there was 40 x 20€ = 800€ in the wagering meter as expected.
I started wagering the bonus but was not able to make bets in any games due to an error about not enough money in my account. I complained about this, and eventually I got an email response saying that the bonus must be played with max 1€ bet size, since it's identical to the free spins that I should have received. I responded by explaining that it's not the same thing: the free spins would have been only twenty 1€ spins, after which I would have been able to wager the winnings (on average 800€) with a 5€ bet size, whereas what they gave me requires doing eight hundred 1€ spins (I want to play with a higher bet size, for more excitement and because it makes it more likely to win big enough that I can actually clear the wagering requirement). There were several messages exchanged with no additional information value, them claiming that the bonus is similar to the spins, so it must be played with 1€ bet size, and me explaining over and over that it does not work like that.
Finally someone responded that there has been a misunderstanding and I only need to wager the first 20€ of the bonus with the 1€ bet size, after which I can increase the stakes. I doubted that the bonus would be smart enough for that, but I decided to try it anyway. I did twenty 1€ spins, which returned only 4.4€. The wagering meter decreased by 20€ to 780€ as expected. I was still not able to make bets larger than 1€. I complained about that, and also asked them to adjust the remaining wagering requirement (if the first 20€ of the bonus actually simulates the free spins, then the remaining wagering requirement should be 40 x whatever I win in the first 20 spins, so 176€ in my case. They refused to adjust the wagering requirements, since suddenly the bonus was a different thing than the spins in their opinion, and they also said that I have wagered only 10€ and therefore the bet size limitation is still in place (even though I wagered 20€ and the wagering meter decreased by 20€).
At this point I feel that the casino has scammed me, and I can't trust them. I want a refund of my 20€ deposit, after which they are free to close my account. If I had known that they are lying when they said that after the first 20€ I can increase the bet size, I would not have played the spins, and would have cancelled the bonus and withdrawn my deposit instead. There's currently 24.4€ in my balance, half of which is in bonus money.
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