Igrač traži listu njegovih depozita i povlačenja, ali kazino ne reaguje. Žalba je zatvorena jer igrač ima pristup svojim podacima iz poslednjih 12 meseci i kazino nije u obavezi da ima starije podatke.
The player's requesting a list of his deposits and withdrawals but the casino is non responsive. The complaint was closed as the player has access to his data from the last 12 months and the casino is not obligate to have older data.
Igrač traži listu njegovih depozita i povlačenja, ali kazino ne reaguje. Žalba je zatvorena jer igrač ima pristup svojim podacima iz poslednjih 12 meseci i kazino nije u obavezi da ima starije podatke.
Dobar dan,
Mogu li mi pomoći? Kazino mi ne šalje spisak mojih depozita i isplata iz proteklih godina na nekoliko zahteva. Tada sam hteo da se žalim nadzornom organu, ali ne postoji broj licence ili organ gde mogu da se žalim. A Casino Revards to ne daje.
Good day,
Can they help me? The casino does not send me a list of my deposits and withdrawals of the past years on several requests. Then I wanted to complain to the supervisory authority but there is no license number or authority where I can complain. And Casino Rewards doesn't give that away.
Guten Tag,
Können die mir behilflich sein. Das Casino schickt mir auf mehreren Anfragen keine Auflistung meiner ein und Auszahlungen der vergangenen Jahre. Dann wollte ich mich bei der Aufsichtsbehörde beschweren aber es gibt keine Lizenznr oder Behörde wo ich mich beschweren kann. Und Casino Rewards rückt das nicht raus.
Zdravo Davidmikalo,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Cosmo kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete kada ste prvi put zatražili listu? Iz kog razloga ste to tražili? Kada ste poslednji put deponovali ili napravili bilo kakav pokret u kazinu? Da li je vaš nalog još uvek aktivan?
Radujem se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello davidmikalo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Cosmo Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise when did you request for the list for the first time? For what reason did you ask for it? When was the last time you deposited or made any movement in the casino? Is your account still active?
Looking forward to your answer.
Zdravo, prvi imejl je bio 25. januara 2023
Poslednji put sam uplatio 15.02.2023.
Želeo bih da ovaj spisak prema čl. 15 Opšta uredba o zaštiti podataka (GDPR)
Zato što bih voleo da znam koliko sam tamo osvojio i izgubio.
Ovo možete da vidite na nalogu igrača samo 12 meseci retrospektivno.
Ali pošto sam godinama igrao tamo, bilo bi mi zanimljivo da to znam.
Veoma mi je čudno da to sami ne možete da razumete. I zašto nema licence u ovom kazinu?
Hvala vam puno na trudu
Hello, the first email was on January 25th, 2023
I paid in for the last time on 02/15/2023.
I would like this list according to Art. 15 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Because I would like to know how much I have won and lost there.
You can only see this in the player account for 12 months retrospectively.
But since I've been playing there for years, it would be interesting for me to know that.
I find it very strange that you can't understand it yourself. And why is there no license at this casino?
Thank you very much for your effort
Guten Tag die erste Email war am 25.01.2023
Ich habe am 15.02.2023 das letzte mal eingezahlt.
Ich möchte diese Auflistung nach Auskunft nach Art. 15 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO)
Weil ich gerne wissen möchte wieviel ich dort eingezahlt habe gewonnen und verloren.
Mann kann das nur im Spielerkonto nur 12 Monate Rückwirkend sehen.
Da ich aber dort schon Jahre spiele wäre es für mich interessant das zu wissen.
Ich finde es sehr merkwürdig das man das nicht selbst nachvollziehen kann. Und warum steht auch keine Lizenz bei diesem Casino?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe
Zdravo Davidmikalo,
Kazino ima licencu - https://certificates.gamingcommission.ca/KGCCertificates.aspk?id=7aa61632-4dcc-4fd1-82dd-127a6a4e6db3
Takođe, kazino nije u obavezi da čuva nikakve stare podatke o bilo kom igraču ili njegovom kretanju. Većina kazina čuva podatke do 6 meseci, tako da ako ovo daje istoriju od 12 meseci. Ako ste u mogućnosti da vidite sve svoje podatke u okviru svog kazino naloga za prošlu godinu, kazino neće moći da pruži nikakvu stariju istoriju.
Hello davidmikalo,
The casino has a license - https://certificates.gamingcommission.ca/KGCCertificates.aspx?id=7aa61632-4dcc-4fd1-82dd-127a6a4e6db3
Also the casino is not obligate to store any old data regarding any player or their movements. Most of casinos store data up to 6 months so if this specific provides a 12 month history. If you are able to see all your data within your casino account for the last year, the casino won't be able to provide any older history.
Hvala vam puno na trudu.
Video sam da je neko drugi imao slično iskustvo ovde i to nije dovelo do rezultata.
Ali zašto kazino ne odgovara na pitanje. ?
Thank you very much for your effort.
I've seen that someone else has had a similar experience here and it didn't lead to any results.
But why doesn't the casino answer the question. ?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe.
Habe gesehen das jemand schon eine ähnliche Erfahrung hier gemacht hat und diese zu keinem Ergebnis geführt hat.
Aber warum Antwortet das casino auf die Frage nicht. ?
Zdravo Davidmikalo,
Kada ste poslednji put kontaktirali kazino? Da li sam dobro razumeo da vam uopšte nisu odgovorili?
U suštini, ne možemo to smatrati nečim nepravednim od kazina. Da, definitivno bi trebalo da odgovore igraču bez obzira da li mogu to da reše ili ne. Ali u ovom slučaju oni ionako ne bi mogli da pruže informacije osim vidljivih u istoriji vašeg naloga.
Hello davidmikalo,
When was the last time you contacted the casino? Do I understand it correctly that they did not respond to you at all?
Basically, we can't consider it as something unfair from the casino. Yes, they should definitely respond to the player no matter if they can resolve it or not. But in this case they would not be able to provide information other than visible in your account history anyway.
Ne, nisu ni odgovorili koliko god sam puta pisao.
I nfo@crhelpdesk.com Bez odgovora
data.protection@crhelpdesk.com Bez odgovora
Nema odgovora
I napisao nekoliko mejlova.
No, they didn't even answer no matter how many times I wrote.
Info@crhelpdesk.com no reply
data.protection@crhelpdesk.com no reply
No Answer
And wrote several emails.
Nein die haben überhaupt nicht einmal geantwortet egal wie oft ich geschrieben habe.
Info@crhelpdesk.com keine Antwort
data.protection@crhelpdesk.com keine Antwort
Keine Antwort
Und mehrere Emails hingeschrieben.
Možete li mi reći gde ste našli te kontakt adrese?
Proverio sam veb lokaciju kazina i našao samo ovaj - support@crhelpdesk.com (https://vvv.cosmocasino.com/en/contact-us/)
Can you please advise where did you find those contact addresses?
I've checked the casino website and found only this one - support@crhelpdesk.com (https://www.cosmocasino.com/en/contact-us/)
Sada sam imao 50€ u uplati u luksuznom kazinu želeo sam da platim tamo preko Neteller-a sada nakon 48 sati novac je bukiran nazad na kazino račun jer više nema Neteller-a. Nisu čak ni obavešteni da su to uradili. Takođe imate isplatu od 50 € na cosmo-u. Da vidimo da li je tamo tako. Naravno, moram da sačekam još 24 sata da nastavim. Smatram da je komunikacija ove grupe zaista loša.
Now I had 50€ in payment at luxury casino wanted to pay out there via Neteller now after 48 hours the money was booked back to the casino account because there is no more Neteller. Wasn't even notified that they did it. Also have a payout of 50€ at cosmo. Let's see if that's the case there. Of course I have to wait another 24 hours to continue. I find the communication from this group really bad.
Jetzt hatte ich 50€ in auszahlung bei luxury casino wollte dort per Neteller auszahlen jetzt nach 48 Std wurde das Geld zurück gebucht auf das Casino Konto weil es kein Neteller mehr gibt. Wurde dort auch nicht benachrichtigt das sie das gemacht haben. Habe bei cosmo auch eine Auszahlung von 50€. Mal sehen ob das da auch so ist. Muss natürlich noch 24 Std warten bis es weiter geht. Ich finde die Kommunikation von dieser Gruppe total schlecht.
Zdravo Davidmikalo,
Ako imate problem sa drugim kazinom, podnesite novu žalbu jer se bavimo samo 1 pitanjem/1 kazinom/1 žalbom.
Što se tiče vašeg problema sa Cosmo Casino-om, možete pokušati da im pošaljete zahtev na e-mail koji sam ranije postavio, ali kao što je već objašnjeno, oni nisu obavezni da čuvaju podatke o igračima tokom tog dugog vremenskog perioda.
Postoji li još nešto čime bismo mogli da vam pomognemo u ovom slučaju? Ako ne, žalba će biti zatvorena.
Hello davidmikalo,
If you have issue with a different casino please submit a new complaint as we deal only with 1 issue/1 casino/1 complaint.
Regarding your issue with Cosmo Casino, you can try to send them the request to the e-mail I've posted before but as already explained above, they are not obligate to hold players data for that long period of time.
Is there anything else we could assist you with this case? If not, the complaint will be closed.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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