Igrač iz Nemačka je zatražio isplatu za manje od dve nedelje pre nego je poslao prigovor. Nije još dobio svoj novac.
Zatražio sam isplate u ukupnom iznosu od 60.000,00 € 18. i 19. marta. Nakon ponovnog kontakta (telefonom, ćaskanjem uživo i imejlom), obavešten sam da su zahtevi za povlačenje odobreni i da ću ih primiti u roku od 24 sata. 24 sata je izgledalo kao dugo. Efbet-ovi uslovi i odredbe navode maksimalno 24 sata (->6.1). Depoziti se takođe obrađuju u roku od nekoliko sekundi. Moja VISA kartica ih takođe prima u roku od nekoliko sekundi. Sada me je drugi službenik podrške obavestio da mi je odeljenje za borbu protiv pranja novca poslalo mejl i da imam nešto da prijavim. Igrao sam sa dobicima/povlačenjem iz istog kazina (Efbet) i kao rezultat toga ostvario sam više dobitaka. Od kada ja to moram da prijavim? Ovo bi trebalo da razjasni poreklo. Štaviše, od njih nisam dobio mejl u vezi sa deklaracijom. Proverio sam svoje prijemno sanduče i folder neželjene pošte. Poslao sam dva e-maila odeljenju za borbu protiv pranja novca i satima nisam mogao nikoga da dobijem telefonom. Sve što vidim je da su zahtevi za povlačenje sada poništeni i da se 60.000 evra vratilo na moj račun igrača. Napomena: Takođe sam ostvario dobitke i primio isplate u ukupnom iznosu od 45.000 € u ponedeljak (17. i 18. marta 2025.). Tada je sve dobro funkcionisalo.
Međutim, ponovo sam koristio ove isplate u onlajn kazinu i sada sam ponovo osvojio nešto. Dakle, poreklo je dokazano. Hitno tražim vašu pomoć!
Engleska verzija sa prevodiocem:
Zatražio sam isplate u ukupnom iznosu od 60.000,00 € 18. i 19. marta. Nakon ponovnog kontakta (telefonom, ćaskanjem uživo i imejlom), obavešten sam da su zahtevi za povlačenje odobreni i da ću ih primiti u roku od 24 sata. 24 sata je izgledalo kao dugo. Efbet-ovi uslovi i odredbe navode maksimalno 24 sata (->6.1). Depoziti se takođe obrađuju u roku od nekoliko sekundi. Moja VISA kartica ih takođe prima u roku od nekoliko sekundi. Sada me je drugi službenik podrške obavestio da mi je odeljenje za borbu protiv pranja novca poslalo mejl i da imam nešto da prijavim. Igrao sam sa dobicima/povlačenjem iz istog kazina (Efbet) i kao rezultat toga ostvario sam više dobitaka. Od kada ja to moram da prijavim? Ovo bi trebalo da razjasni poreklo. Štaviše, od njih nisam dobio mejl u vezi sa deklaracijom. Proverio sam svoje prijemno sanduče i folder neželjene pošte. Poslao sam dva e-maila odeljenju za borbu protiv pranja novca i satima nisam imao nikoga telefonom. Sve što vidim je da su zahtevi za povlačenje sada poništeni i da se 60.000 evra vratilo na moj račun igrača.
Napomena: Takođe sam ostvario dobitke u ponedeljak (17. i 18. marta 2025.) i primio isplate u ukupnom iznosu od 45.000 evra. Tada je sve dobro funkcionisalo.
Međutim, ponovo sam koristio ove isplate u onlajn kazinu i sada sam ponovo osvojio nešto. Dakle, poreklo je potvrđeno.
Hitno tražim vašu pomoć!
I requested withdrawals totaling €60,000.00 on March 18th and 19th. After repeated contact (by phone, live chat, and email), I was informed that the withdrawal requests had been approved and that I would receive them within 24 hours. 24 hours seemed like a long time. Efbet's terms and conditions state a maximum of 24 hours (->6.1). Deposits are also processed within seconds. My VISA card also receives them within seconds. Now another support employee informed me that the AML department sent me an email and that I have something to declare. I was playing with winnings/withdrawals from the same casino (Efbet) and have generated more winnings as a result. Since when do I have to declare these? This should make the origin clear. Furthermore, I haven't received an email from them regarding a declaration. I've checked my inbox and spam folder. I sent two emails to the AML department and couldn't reach anyone by phone for hours. All I can see is that the withdrawal requests have now been canceled and the €60,000 is back in my player account. Note: I also made winnings and received payouts totaling €45,000 on Monday (March 17 and 18, 2025). Everything worked fine then.
However, I used these payouts again at the online casino and have now won something again. So the origin is proven. I urgently request your help!
English version with translator:
I requested withdrawals totaling €60,000.00 on March 18th and 19th. After repeated contact (by phone, live chat, and email), I was informed that the withdrawal requests had been approved and that I would receive them within 24 hours. 24 hours seemed like a long time. Efbet's terms and conditions state a maximum of 24 hours (->6.1). Deposits are also processed within seconds. My VISA card also receives them within seconds. Now another support employee informed me that the AML department sent me an email and that I have something to declare. I was playing with winnings/withdrawals from the same casino (Efbet) and have generated more winnings as a result. Since when do I have to declare these? This should make the origin clear. Furthermore, I haven't received an email from them regarding a declaration. I've checked my inbox and spam folder. I sent two emails to the AML department and haven't reached anyone by phone for hours. All I can see is that the withdrawal requests have now been canceled and the €60,000 is back in my player account.
Note: I also made winnings on Monday (March 17 and 18, 2025) and received payouts totaling €45,000. Everything worked fine then.
However, I used these withdrawals again in the online casino and have now won something again. So the origin is verified.
I urgently request your help!
Ich habe am 18.03. sowie 19.03. Auszahlungen in Höhe von insgesamt 60.000,00 Euro beantragt. Nach mehrfacher Kontaktaufnahme (telefonisch, Live Chat sowie via E-Mail) wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass die Auszahlungsanfragen positiv sind und ich diese innerhalb von maximal 24 Stunden erhalte. Die 24 Stunden sind lange herum. In deren Bedingungen von Efbet heißt es maximal 24 Stunden (->6.1). Einzahlungen gehen ebenfalls innerhalb von Sekunden. Auch meine VISA-Card empfängt das innerhalb Sekunden. Nun teilte mir ein anderer Support-Mitarbeiter mit, dass die AML-Abteilung mir eine E-Mail geschickt und ich etwas zu deklarieren habe. Dabei habe ich ja mit Gewinne/Auszahlungen von dem selben Casino (Efbet) gespielt und dadurch mehr Gewinne nun generiert. Seit wann muss ich diese deklarieren. Die Herkunft sollte dadurch klar sein. Außerdem habe ich keine E-Mail von denen erhalten bezüglich einer Deklaration. Ich habe Posteingang und auch den Spam-Ordner geprüft. Zwei E-Mails habe ich gesendet an die AML-Abteilung und telefonisch stundenlang niemanden erreicht. Ich sehe nur, dass die Auszahlungsanfragen nun storniert wurden und das Geld 60.000 Euro wieder im Spielerkonto ist. Anmerkung: Ich habe auch schon am Montag (17.03. und 18.03.2025) Gewinne gemacht und Auszahlungen von insgesamt 45.000 EURO erhalten. Da hatte alles geklappt.
Diese Auszahlungen habe ich jedoch wieder im Online-Casino eingesetzt und habe nun wieder etwas gewonnen. Also die Herkunft ist nachgewiesen. Ich bitte dringend um Hilfe!
Englische Version mit Übersetzer:
I requested withdrawals totaling €60,000.00 on March 18th and 19th. After repeated contact (by phone, live chat, and email), I was informed that the withdrawal requests had been approved and that I would receive them within 24 hours. 24 hours seemed like a long time. Efbet's terms and conditions state a maximum of 24 hours (->6.1). Deposits are also processed within seconds. My VISA card also receives them within seconds. Now another support employee informed me that the AML department sent me an email and that I have something to declare. I was playing with winnings/withdrawals from the same casino (Efbet) and have generated more winnings as a result. Since when do I have to declare these? This should make the origin clear. Furthermore, I haven't received an email from them regarding a declaration. I've checked my inbox and spam folder. I sent two emails to the AML department and haven't reached anyone by phone for hours. All I can see is that the withdrawal requests have now been canceled and the €60,000 is back in my player account.
Note: I also made winnings on Monday (March 17 and 18, 2025) and received payouts totaling €45,000. Everything worked fine then.
However, I used these withdrawals again in the online casino and have now won something again. So the origin is verified.
I urgently request your help!
Dear stylzhood,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Isplate (ukupno: 60.000 evra) su otkazane.
Isplate se vraćaju na račun igrača.
Više nisam primio e-poštu.
Specijalističko odeljenje ( Ne mogu da ih dobijem. Pokušavam telefonom satima i poslao sam dva mejla.
Isplate (ukupno: 60.000 EUR) odbijene/otkazane!
Iznos je vraćen na moj Efbet nalog.
Nisam dobio imejl zašto je odbijen.
The AML Ne mogu da kontaktiram.
Povlačenja u ponedeljak i sredu su bila sugestivna.
The payouts (total: EUR 60,000) were canceled.
The payouts are back in the player account.
I didn't receive any further email.
The specialist department ( I can't reach them. I've been trying by phone for hours and I've sent two emails.
The withdrawals (Total: 60,000 EUR) rejected/cancelled!
The amount is back in my Efbet account.
I didn't receive an email why it was rejected.
The AML I can't contact.
The withdrawals on Monday and Wednesday were suggestive.
Die Auszahlungen (Total: 60 000 EUR) wurden storniert.
Die Auszahlungen sind zurück im Spielerkonto.
Ich habe keine weitere E-Mail erhalten.
Die Fachabteilung (aml@efbet.com) kann ich nicht erreichen. Telefonisch probiere ich es seit Stunden und zwei E-Mail habe ich gesendet.
The withdrawals (Total: 60 000 EUR) rejected/cancelled!
The amount is back in my Efbet Account.
I didn’t receive an email why it rejected.
The AML aml@efbet.com I can’t contact.
The withdraws on Monday and Wednesday was suggestfully.
Dodatak: Dobio sam e-poruku od Efbet-a (odsek AML) u kojoj se navodi da moram da prijavim sve svoje depozite (od 27. juna 2024. do 18. marta 2025.). Sada sam dostavio dokaz o poreklu sredstava! Ali zašto to traže tek sada uz veće povlačenje? Da nisam ništa osvojio, ne bi se tražilo poreklo sredstava i ne bi bilo važno. Smatram da je ova procedura upitna.
Addendum: I received an email from Efbet (AML department) stating that I have to declare all my deposits (from June 27, 2024, to March 18, 2025). I have now submitted proof of the origin of the funds! But why are they only asking for it now with a larger withdrawal? If I hadn't won anything, the origin of the funds wouldn't have been requested and it wouldn't have mattered. I find this procedure questionable.
Zusatz: Ich bekam eine E-Mail von Efbet (AML-Abteilung), dass ich alle meine Einzahlungen zu deklarieren habe. (Von 27.06.2024-18.03.2025. Ich habe Nachweise über die Herkunft der Geldmittel jetzt eingereicht! Aber wieso fragen die jetzt erst bei der einer höheren Auszahlung danach? Hätte ich jetzt nichts gewonnen, wäre die Herkunft der Geldmittel nicht angefragt worden und wären egal. Das Vorgehen finde ich fragwürdig.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
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