U četvrtak, 6. juna 2024. u 11:43 EnergiCasino, < support@energycasino.com > napisao:
LOGIN Poštovani gospodine Smith
Hvala na email.
Razumemo frustraciju koju je ova situacija izazvala.
Imajte na umu da je relevantni tim detaljno proverio slučaj. Prema informacijama koje smo dobili, poteškoće sa igrom su rešene sa strane provajdera i trebalo bi da ponovo budete u mogućnosti da koristite slot.
Što se tiče konkretne runde koju ste nam prijavili, ona nikada nije završena, pa su rezultati nepoznati. Uprkos razumevanju vaše frustracije, nismo u mogućnosti da pripišemo nijedan potencijalni dobitak.
Vaše stanje u trenutku greške je bilo 1,89 EUR, a ulog je bio 0,20 EUR. Nakon provere relevantnog tima i provajdera, sada je na vaš račun igrača dodat iznos od 1 EUR stvarnog novca - veći iznos od samog uloga zbog vremena čekanja.
Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti i razočarenja ili frustracije koje je ova situacija izazvala.
Želimo vam sve najbolje.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili nedoumica, ne oklevajte da nas ponovo kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
MENADžERSKI TIM ZA PODRŠKU KLIJENAMA Ako imate bilo kakva pitanja ili komentare o bilo čemu u EnergiCasinu,
molimo vas da nas obavestite, uvek smo srećni da čujemo od vas
Kockanje može izazvati zavisnost. Igrajte odgovorno. Možete kontaktirati vvv.rgf.org.mt , vvv.gamblersanonimous.org , vvv.gamblingtherapi.org ili posetiti našu stranicu Odgovorno igranje. Primili ste ovu e-poruku jer ste se registrovali na energicasino.com . vvv.energicasino.com upravlja Probe Investments Limited i registrovan je u skladu sa zakonima zemlje članice Evropske unije Malte. Matični broj C51749. Adresa za trgovinu, apartman 109, nivo 4, ulica Sir Villiam Reid, Gzira, GZR1033, Malta.
® 2024 EnergiCasino | Sva prava zadržana | Odgovorno igranje
On Thu, 6 Jun 2024, 11:43 EnergyCasino, <support@energycasino.com> wrote:
LOGIN Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for your email.
We understand the frustration that this situation has caused.
Please note that case was checked thoroughly by the relevant team. As per the information we have received, the difficulties with the game were resolved from the providers side, and you should be able to use the slot again.
As for the specific round that you reported to us, it was never finished, therefore, the results are unknown. Despite understanding your frustration, we are unable to credit any potential winnings.
Your balance at the time of the error was 1.89 EUR, and stake was 0.20 EUR. After the checks done by relevant team and the provider, a 1 EUR real money balance has been added to your player account now - higher amount than the stake itself due to waiting time.
Our apologies for the inconvenience and disappointment or frustration that this situation has caused.
We wish you all the best.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Kind regards,
CUSTOMER SUPPORT MANAGERIAL TEAM If you've got any questions or comments about anything at EnergyCasino,
please do let us know, we're always happy to hear from you
Gambling can be addictive. Play Responsibly. You can contact www.rgf.org.mt, www.gamblersanonymous.org, www.gamblingtherapy.org or visit our Responsible Gaming page. You're receiving this email because you registered at energycasino.com. www.energycasino.com is operated by Probe Investments Limited and registered under the laws of the European Union member state of Malta. Registration number C51749. Trading address, Suite 109, Level 4, Sir William Reid Street, Gzira, GZR1033, Malta.
® 2024 EnergyCasino | All rights reserved | Responsible Gaming
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