Alvaro, igrač iz Španije, uznemiren je što mu je kazino oduzeo dobitak, jer je prekršio pravilo koje ne dozvoljava klađenje u iznosu većem od 30% izvornog depozita.
Alvaro, a player from Spain, is upset that the casino confiscated his winnings because he breached the rule which does not allow to bet more than 30% value of original deposit.
Alvaro, igrač iz Španije, uznemiren je što mu je kazino oduzeo dobitak, jer je prekršio pravilo koje ne dozvoljava klađenje u iznosu većem od 30% izvornog depozita.
Opisujem svoju frustraciju da vidim ako se to više nikome ne dogodi.
Položim 100 eura, a oni mi daju bonus u iznosu od 150 eura. Igram kazino uživo, a ne automate.
Vidim da ne mogu koristiti bonus i tražim da mi se otkaže, a oni to ne rade jer sam već počeo igrati.
Imam vrlo visoke zahtjeve da jednostavno mogu povući svoj novac. Nakon nekoliko dana igranja ispunjavam zahtjeve i tražim povrat novca.
Nakon tjedan dana čekanja, kažu mi da sam stavio oklade za više od 30% svog depozita i poništavaju sve moje dobitke.
Tačno je da sam založio 50 i 100 eura uloga kad sam imao banku od 1000, ali ne mislim da se oklada manja od 15% moje banke može smatrati rizičnom opkladom, što kažu oni koji su učinili .
Dakle, moje iskustvo u ovoj kockarnici je frustrirajuće. i iako ne mogu tvrditi jer su uvjeti za bonus jasni, osjećam se prevareno i opljačkano od strane ove kockarnice. I nikad više neću igrati tamo.
Jedini način da se ublaži moja frustracija zbog ove krađe je da prijavim na forumima poput ovog i nastavit ću to činiti i dalje.
I describe my frustration to see if it doesn't happen to anyone again.
I deposit 100 Euros and they give me a bonus of 150 Euros. I play live casino and not slot machines.
I see that I can't use the bonus and ask to be canceled and they don't do it because I have already started playing.
I have very high requirements to simply be able to withdraw my money. After several days playing I get to meet the requirements and ask for the refund.
After 1 week waiting they tell me that I have placed bets for more than 30% of my deposit and that they cancel all my winnings.
It is true that I made 50 and 100 euros stakes when I had a bank of 1000, but I do not think that a bet of less than 15% of my bank can be considered as a risk bet which is what they say I have done.
So my experience in this casino has been frustrating. and although I can't claim because the bonus conditions are clear, I feel scammed and robbed by this casino. And I will never play there again.
The only way to alleviate my frustration for this theft is to report it in forums like this and I will continue to do so.
describo mi frustracion para ver si no le vuelve a pasar a nadie.
Ingreso 100 Euros y me dan un bono de 150 Euros. Yo juego al casino en vivo y no a las maquinas de slots.
Veo que no puedo utilizar el bono y pido que me lo anulen y no lo hacen porque ya he empezado a jugar.
tengo unos requerimientos muy altos para simplemente poder retirar mi dinero. Despues de varios dias jugando llego a cumplir los requisitos y pido el reintegro.
Tras 1 semana esperando me dicen que he realizado apuestas por mas del 30% de mi deposito y que me anulan todas mis ganancias.
Es cierto que hice apuetas de 50 y 100 euros cuando tenia una banca de 1000, pero no creo que una apuesta de menos del 15% de mi banca se pueda considerar como apuesta de riesgo que es lo que dicen que he hecho.
Asi que mi experiencia en este casino ha sido frustrante. y aunque no puedo reclamar porque las condiciones del bono estan claras, me siento estafado y robado por este casino. Y no volvere a jugar ahi nunca.
La unica forma de aliviar mi frustracion por este robo, es denunciarlo en foros como este y lo seguire haciendo.
un saludo
Zdravo Alvaro.
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu putem naše web stranice. Duboko mi je žao što smatrate da je kazino prema vama nepošten. Nažalost, pravila koja ograničavaju veličinu opklade standardna su praksa u industriji kasina. Kockarnice obično ograničavaju veličinu opklade na 5 € kada igrate sa bonusom, ali ponekad i kao postotak depozita.
Nadamo se da će u budućnosti pravilo maksimalnog uloga tehnološki provesti sve kockarnice, ali to se nadam u skoroj budućnosti. Jako mi je žao, ali kako opisujete situaciju, mislim da vam ne možemo pomoći.
Hello Alvaro.
Thank you very much that you submitted a complaint through our website. I am deeply sorry that you feel that casino is unfair to you. Unfortunately, rules which limit bet size are standard practice in casino industry. Usually casinos limit the bet size to 5€ when playing with bonus money, but sometimes also as some percentage of the deposit.
We hope that in the future maximum bet rule will be technologically enforced by all casinos, but that’s I hope near future. I am very sorry, but from how you describe the situation I think that we can’t help you.
Uvjeti obveznica su obično nepošteni, više ih u životu ne planiram prihvatiti. Ustvari, nisam to želio i nisu mi dozvolili da to otkažem. Nisam je koristio i na kraju su mi ukrali sav novac koji sam zaradio. Čini mi se oružana pljačka.
The conditions of the bonds are usually unfair, I do not plan to accept any more in my life. In fact, I didn't want it and they didn't let me cancel it. I didn't use it, and in the end they stole all the money I had earned. It seems to me an armed robbery.
Las condiciones de los bonos suelen ser injustas, yo no pienso aceptar ninguno mas en mi vida. De hecho este no lo queria y no me dejaron cancelarlo. No lo use, y al final me robaron todo el dinero que habia ganado. Me parece un robo a mano armada.
Zdravo Alvaro.
Duboko mi je žao što ste imali tako loše iskustvo u ovoj kockarnici. Htio bih pitati: Imate li neki transkript zaslona ili transkript za chat gdje tražite od kazina da ukloni bonus? Kontaktirat ću ih i pokušati ih uvjeriti da vam plate. Bilo koji dokazi s vaše strane bili bi više nego korisni.
Hello Alvaro.
I am deeply sorry that you had such a bad experience in this casino. I would like to ask: Do you have some screenshot or chat transcript where you are asking casino to remove the bonus? I will contact them and try to convince them to pay you. Any evidence from your side would be more than helpful.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Želimo zamoliti Enzo Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao "neriješen".
We would like to ask the Enzo Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Obično ne odgovaraju, imaju pomalo nesrećnu službu za korisnike. Sačekaćemo da vidimo.
They do not usually respond, they have a somewhat unfortunate customer service. We will wait to see.
No suelen responder, tienen un servicio de atencion al cliente algo lamentable. Esperaremos a ver.
Žao mi je Alvaro. Bojim se da smo sada prisiljeni zatvoriti žalbu. Obećali su mi da će istražiti slučaj, ali ne vidim nikakav odgovor ni ovdje ni preko Skajpa.
Budući da od kazina nismo dobili nikakav odgovor u vezi s problemom, primorani smo zatvoriti žalbu kao "neriješenu".
Casino može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu u bilo kojem trenutku.
I am sorry Alvaro I am afraid we are forced to close the complaint now. They promised me that they investigate the case, but I see no response here or over Skype.
Since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we are forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
The casino can reopen this complaint anytime.
Ponovno smo otvorili ovu žalbu prema zahtjevu kockarnice. Želimo ovom slučaju dati još jednu priliku da se riješe i pomognemo obojici uključenih strana da dođu do zadovoljavajućeg zaključka.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
Zdravo Alvaro.
Da, pitali su me preko Skypea da ponovno otvorim žalbu. Oni rade na vašoj žalbi, ali ovih su dana prije Božića svi jako zauzeti, pa je to puno vremena. Jako mi je žao zbog toga, ali nadam se da će se uskoro javiti.
Hello Alvaro.
Yes, they asked me through Skype to reopen the complaint. They are working on your complaint, but these days before Christmas everybody is very busy, so it is very time-consuming. I am very sorry about that but I hope they will answer soon.
Ako je to slučaj, isto bi im bilo dobro dati još vremena. Istina je da sam bio vrlo razočaran stavom kockarnice, ali zamolba da oni otvore slučaj je dala neku nadu.
If so, the same would be good to give them more time. The truth is that I was very disappointed with the attitude of the casino but asking them to open the case gave me some hope.
Si es asi, lo mismo sería bueno darles algo más de plazo. La verdad es que estaba muy defraudado con la actitud del casino pero al pedir ellos que se abriera el caso me dio algo de esperanza.
Želimo zamoliti Enzo Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao "neriješen".
We would like to ask the Enzo Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Pozdrav Alvaro,
Enzo Casino provjerava vaše žalbe zajedno s Casino Guruom, a mi ćemo vam uskoro poslati odgovor na e-mail.
Strašno nam je žao što ovo doživljavate u našem kazinu i privatno ćemo razgovarati s vama o tim problemima.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Enzo Casino tim
Hello Alvaro,
Enzo Casino is verifying your complaints together with Casino Guru and we will get back to you with a reply on the e-mail soon.
We are terribly sorry you are experiencing this on our casino and we will talk to you in private regarding these problems.
Best Regards,
Enzo Casino's Team
Hvala na odgovoru. Kad dobijem odgovor, podijelit ću ga sa Casino Guru-om kako bi ga mogli objaviti i znati kako je sve to na kraju bilo. Mislim da je to fer.
Thanks for answering. When I receive the answer, I will share it with Casino Guru so they can publish it and know how all this has been in the end. I think that it is fair.
Gracias por responder. Cuando reciba la respuesta, la compartiré con Casino Gurú para que la publiquen y se sepa como ha quedado todo esto al final. creo que es lo justo.
Kako bih pokazao spremnost da postignem rješenje, upisao sam još jedan depozit u Enzo kasinu. Nadam se da je sve popravljeno. Sretan božić.
To show my willingness to reach a solution I have made another deposit at Enzo casino. I hope everything is fixed. Merry Christmas.
Para mostrar mi buena disposición a llegar a una solución he realizado otro depósito en Enzo casino. Espero que todo se arregle. Feliz Navidad.
Dragi Casino Guru
Dana 25. decembra 2019. objavili smo odgovor na tu žalbu, međutim, vidimo da nije objavljena niti je primljen bilo kakav komentar.
Srdačni pozdravi
Enzo Casino
Dear Casino Guru
On the 25th of December 2019, we have posted our response to this complaint, however, we see that it was not published nor any comment received.
Kind regards
Enzo Casino
25. decembra objavljeno je da ćete mi se obratiti privatnim putem putem e-pošte. Danas me niko iz Enza nije kontaktirao. Moja e-pošta s kojom imam Enzo račun je nadam se da ćete me kontaktirati što je prije moguće.
On December 25 it was published that you would contact me by email in private. Today, no one from Enzo has contacted me. My email with which I have the Enzo account is I hope you contact me as soon as possible.
El 25 de diciembre se publicó que me contactariais por email en privado. A día de hoy nadie de Enzo ha contactado conmigo. Mi email con el que tengo la cuenta de Enzo es Espero que contacten conmigo lo antes posible.
Dragi Enzo Casino.
Kao što sam vam rekao na Skypeu. Možete li odgovoriti još jednom igraču. Istražujemo problem koji ste mi spomenuli, ali nismo našli nikakav problem. Možete odgovoriti ovdje. Ili u slučaju da još uvijek ne možete odgovoriti ovdje, direktno pišite igraču.
Dear Enzo Casino.
As I told you on Skype. Could you please reply one more time to the player. We investigate the issue you mentioned to me, but we didn't find any problem. You can answer here. Or in case you still can't respond here, write to the player directly.
Dobio sam odgovor iz kockarnice u kojem mi kažu da nakon što sam kladio više od 33% svog prihoda moj dobitak se povlači i nemam pravo na ništa.
Mogu zatvoriti slučaj. Veoma sam zahvalna na podršci koju mi je pružila stranica Guru casino. Vrlo je koristan za one koji se osjećaju prevarenim od stranica sumnjive reputacije. Ugled koji se zarađuje ručno u slučajevima poput mojih i mnogih drugih.
Učim lekciju i neću više igrati u Enzu i najvjerovatnije u bilo kojem drugom internetskom kazinu. Igram da se zabavim i da ne imam ovakva neprijatna iskustva.
I have received a response from the casino where they tell me that since I made bets of more than 33% of my income, my winnings are withdrawn and I am not entitled to anything.
In summary:
They can close the case. I am very grateful for the support that the Guru casino page has given me. It is very useful for those who feel cheated by pages of doubtful reputation. Reputation that is earned by hand with cases like mine and many others.
I learn the lesson and I will not play again in Enzo and most likely in any other online casino. I play to have fun and not to have this kind of unpleasant experiences.
He recibido respuesta del casino donde me dicen que como hice apuestas de mas del 33% de mi ingreso, me retiran mis ganancias y no tengo derecho a nada.
En resumen:
Pueden cerrar el caso. Agradezco mucho el apoyo que me ha dado la pagina casino Guru. Es muy util para los que nos sentimos estafados por paginas de dudosa reputación. Reputacion que se ganan a pulso con casos como el mio y muchos otros.
yo por mi parte aprendo la leccion y no volvere a jugar en Enzo y muy probablemente en ningun otro casino online. Yo juego para divertirme y no para tener este tipo de desagradables experiencias.
Un saludo
Casino nam je poslao ovaj odgovor e-poštom:
Dragi Alvaro
Istražili smo vaše probleme i evo rezultata.
Možemo potvrditi da je izvor vaše sporne zarade sljedeći:
18. listopada 2019. u 10:19:26 (casino vrijeme) uplatili ste depozit u iznosu od 100 eura i primili automatski bonus za polog u iznosu od 150 evra i započeli svoju igru. Nakon više od sat vremena igranja u kockarnici, ušao je u Live Chat i zatražio uklanjanje bonusa. Operater ga je obavijestio da je njegov zahtjev potvrdio menadžer, međutim on je odbijen. Bonus se ne može eliminirati otkad ste počeli igrati i napravili brojne uloge.
Uz to, agent ga je obavijestio da ne može izvršiti nijednu okladu koja je jednaka ili veća od 30% njegovog depozita na kocki i da je pročitao odredbe i uvjete.
Odredbe i uvjeti za kockarnice jasno govore da:
Casino zadržava pravo zadržati bilo kakvo povlačenje ili oduzeti sve dobitke i bonuse za neregularnu igru. "Nepravilna igra" može uključivati, ali nije ograničena na:
Njegova igra je revidirana, a pokazuje da je u igara Baccarat, Blackjack i Dream Catcher napravio 64 oklade preko limita, u rasponu od 30 do 100 €. Te oklade su napravljene nakon što vam je podrška u Casino Live Chat izričito obavijestila da ne smijete postavljati oklade jednake ili veće od 30% vašeg depozita.
To je razlog zašto vam je zarada otkazana.
Imajte na umu da ne možemo isplatiti vašu zaradu jer ste prekršili odredbe i uslove kockarnice.
Ako se ne slažete sa odlukom kockarnice, možete se obratiti našem regulatornom tijelu.
Za sva pitanja slobodno odgovorite na ovaj email.
Srdačan pozdrav
Enzo Casino
Dragi Alvaro
Istražili smo vašu zabrinutost i evo rezultata.
Možemo potvrditi da je izvor vaših spornih dobitaka sljedeći:
18. listopada 2019. u 10:19:26 (casino vrijeme) uplatili ste depozit u iznosu od 100 eura i primili ste bonus za automatski depozit u iznosu od 150 evra i započeli ste svoj gameplay. Nakon više od sat vremena igranja u kockarnici, došli ste u Live Chat i zatražili uklanjanje bonusa. Operater vas je obavijestio da je vaš zahtjev potvrdio direktor, međutim, odbijen je. Bonus se ne može ukloniti s obzirom na to da ste počeli igrati i ulagati brojne uloge.
Nadalje, agent vas je obavijestio da ne možete učiniti nijednu okladu jednaku ili preko 30% vašeg depozita u igri i čitati uvjete i odredbe.
Uvjeti casina jasno govore da:
Vaša igra je revidirana, i pokazuje da ste napravili 64 oklade preko limita u rasponu od 30 do 100 € za igre Baccarat, Blackjack i Catcher. Te oklade su obavljene nakon što vas je podrška Casino Live Chat izričito obavijestila da ne smijete iznositi oklade jednake ili preko 30% vašeg depozita.
To je razlog zašto su vam dobici poništeni.
Imajte na umu da vam ne možemo preporučiti isplatu zarade jer ste prekršili odredbe i uslove kasina.
Ako se ne slažete sa odlukom o kockarnici, možete se obratiti našem regulatornom tijelu.
Za sva pitanja slobodno odgovorite na ovaj e-mail.
Srdačni pozdravi
Enzo Casino
Detalji o ulaznicama
ID ulaznice: SAU-860-72366
Odjel: Podrška za kazino Enzo
Iz ovog e-maila je jasno da je Alvaro prekršio T&C bonusa. Alvaro nam je jako žao, ali kazino Enzo imao je pravo oduzeti vam dobitak. Ako se ikad odlučite igrati u nekom kasinu, toplo preporučam da pročitate naše edukativne materijale o tome kako djeluju bonusi.
The casino sent us this reply by email:
Dear Alvaro
We have investigated your concerns and here is the result.
We can confirm that the source of your disputed earnings is as follows:
On October 18, 2019 at 10:19:26 AM (casino time) you made a deposit of € 100 and received an automatic deposit bonus of € 150 and started your game. After more than an hour of playing in the casino, he entered the Live Chat and requested the elimination of the bonus. The operator had informed him that his request was verified by a manager, however it was denied. The bonus cannot be eliminated since you had started playing and made numerous bets.
In addition, the agent informed him that he cannot make any bet equal to or greater than 30% of his deposit at stake and that he read the terms and conditions.
The casino terms and conditions clearly state that:
The Casino reserves the right to withhold any withdrawal or confiscate all winnings and bonuses for irregular play. "Irregular play" may include, but is not limited to:
His game was audited, and shows that he made 64 bets over the limit ranging from € 30 to € 100 in the Baccarat, Blackjack and Dream Catcher games. These bets were made after Live Chat casino support explicitly informed you that you are not allowed to place bets equal to or greater than 30% of your deposit.
This is the reason why your earnings were canceled.
Please note that we cannot pay your winnings since you have breached the casino's terms and conditions.
If you disagree with the casino's decision, you can contact our regulatory authority.
For any questions, feel free to reply to this email.
Best regards
Enzo Casino
Dear Alvaro
We have investigated your concerns and here is the outcome.
We can confirm that the source of your contested winnings are as follows:
On 18 October 2019 at 10:19:26 AM (casino time) you made a deposit of € 100 and you received an automatic deposit bonus of € 150 and you commenced your gameplay. After more than an hour of playing at the casino, you came to the Live Chat and requested for the bonus to be removed. The operator had informed you that your request was verified by a Manager, however, it was denied. The bonus cannot be removed as you have started to play and made numerous bets.
Further, the agent informed you that you cannot make any bets equal or over the 30% of your deposit in play and to read the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions of the casino clearly state that:
Your gameplay was audited, and it shows that you made 64 bets over the limit ranging from € 30 to € 100 on the games of Baccarat, Blackjack, and Dream Catcher. These bets were made after the Live Chat casino support had explicitly informed you that you are not allowed to make bets equal or over 30% of your deposit.
This is the reason why your winnings were voided.
Please be advised that we cannot recommend paying your winnings as you have broken the terms and conditions of the casino.
If you do not agree with the casino decision, you can contact our regulating authority.
For any questions, please feel free to reply to this email.
Kind regards
Enzo Casino
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SAU-860-72366
Department: Enzo Casino Support
From this email is it clear that Alvaro breached the T & Cs of the bonus. We are very sorry Alvaro, but the Enzo casino had the right to confiscate your winnings. If you ever decide to play in some casino, I strongly recommend reading our educational materials about how bonuses work.
The casino sent us this reply by email:
Estimado Alvaro
Hemos investigado sus inquietudes y aquí está el resultado.
Podemos confirmar que la fuente de sus ganancias en disputa es la siguiente:
El 18 de octubre de 2019 a las 10:19:26 AM (hora del casino) usted hizo un depósito de € 100 y recibió un bono de depósito automático de € 150 y comenzó su juego. Después de más de una hora de jugar en el casino, ingresó al Chat en vivo y solicitó la eliminación del bono. El operador le había informado que su solicitud fue verificada por un gerente, sin embargo fue denegada. El bono no se puede eliminar ya que usted habia comenzado a jugar y habia realizado numerosas apuestas.
Además, el agente le informó que no puede hacer ninguna apuesta igual o superior al 30% de su depósito en juego y que lea los términos y condiciones.
Los términos y condiciones del casino establecen claramente que:
El Casino se reserva el derecho de retener cualquier retiro o confiscar todas las ganancias y bonificaciones por juego irregular. «Juego irregular» puede incluir, pero no se limita a:
Su juego fue auditado, y muestra que hizo 64 apuestas por encima del límite que van desde € 30 a € 100 en los juegos de Baccarat, Blackjack y Dream Catcher. Estas apuestas se realizaron después de que el soporte del casino Live Chat le informara explícitamente que no se le permite hacer apuestas iguales o superiores al 30% de su depósito.
Esta es la razón por la cual sus ganancias fueron anuladas.
Tenga en cuenta que no podemos pagarle sus ganancias ya que ha incumplido los términos y condiciones del casino.
Si no está de acuerdo con la decisión del casino, puede comunicarse con nuestra autoridad reguladora.
Para cualquier pregunta, no dude en responder a este correo electrónico.
Saludos cordiales
Enzo Casino
Dear Alvaro
We have investigated your concerns and here is the outcome.
We can confirm that the source of your contested winnings are as follows:
On 18 October 2019 at 10:19:26 AM (casino time) you made a deposit of €100 and you received an automatic deposit bonus of €150 and you commenced your gameplay. After more than an hour of playing at the casino, you came to the Live Chat and requested for the bonus to be removed. The operator had informed you that your request was verified by a Manager, however, it was denied. The bonus cannot be removed as you have started to play and made numerous bets.
Further, the agent informed you that you cannot make any bets equal or over the 30% of your deposit in play and to read the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions of the casino clearly state that:
Your gameplay was audited, and it shows that you made 64 bets over the limit ranging from €30 to €100 on the games of Baccarat, Blackjack, and Dream Catcher. These bets were made after the Live Chat casino support had explicitly informed you that you are not allowed to make bets equal or over 30% of your deposit.
This is the reason why your winnings were voided.
Please be advised that we cannot recommend paying your winnings as you have broken the terms and conditions of the casino.
If you do not agree with the casino decision, you can contact our regulating authority.
For any questions, please feel free to reply to this email.
Kind regards
Enzo Casino
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SAU-860-72366
Department: Enzo Casino Support
From this email is it clear that Alvaro breached the T&Cs of the bonus. We are very sorry Alvaro ,but the Enzo casino had the right to confiscate your winnings. If you ever decide to play in some casino, I strongly recommend reading our educational materials about how bonuses work.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
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